Type II unprojection
Stavros Argyrios Papadakis
J. Algebraic Geom. 15 (2006), 399-414
Published electronically:
February 27, 2006
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Abstract: Answering a question of M. Reid, we define and prove the Gorensteiness of the type II unprojection.
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- Winfried Bruns and Udo Vetter, Determinantal rings, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1327, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988. MR 953963
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- Alessio Corti and Miles Reid, Weighted Grassmannians, Algebraic geometry, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2002, pp. 141–163. MR 1954062
[CPR]CPR Corti A., Pukhlikov A. and Reid M., Birationally rigid Fano hypersurfaces, in Explicit birational geometry of 3-folds, A. Corti and M. Reid (eds.), CUP 2000, 175–258
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- Stavros Argyrios Papadakis, Kustin-Miller unprojection with complexes, J. Algebraic Geom. 13 (2004), no. 2, 249–268. MR 2047698, DOI https://doi.org/10.1090/S1056-3911-03-00350-3
[P2]P2 Papadakis S., The relations of type II unprojection, work in progress
[P3]P3 Papadakis S., Remarks on type III unprojection, math.AG/0501535, to appear in Commun. in Algebra, 11 pp.
- Stavros Argyrios Papadakis and Miles Reid, Kustin-Miller unprojection without complexes, J. Algebraic Geom. 13 (2004), no. 3, 563–577. MR 2047681, DOI https://doi.org/10.1090/S1056-3911-04-00343-1
[R]R Reid M., Examples of type IV unprojection, math.AG/0108037, 16 pp.
[Ki]Ki Reid M., Graded Rings and Birational Geometry, in Proc. of algebraic symposium (Kinosaki, Oct 2000), K. Ohno (Ed.) 1–72, available from www.maths. warwick.ac.uk/ miles/3folds
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[ABR]ABR Altınok S., Brown G. and Reid M., Fano 3-folds, $K3$ surfaces and graded rings, in Topology and geometry: commemorating SISTAG, Contemp. Math., 314, AMS 2002, 25–53
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[Ca]Ca Catanese F., Commutative algebra methods and equations of regular surfaces, in Algebraic geometry, Bucharest 1982, Lecture Notes in Math. 1056, Springer 1984, 68–111
[CR]CR Corti A. and Reid M., Weighted Grassmannians, in Algebraic geometry, A volume in memory of Paolo Francia, M. Beltrametti et al. (eds.), de Gruyter 2002, 141–163
[CPR]CPR Corti A., Pukhlikov A. and Reid M., Birationally rigid Fano hypersurfaces, in Explicit birational geometry of 3-folds, A. Corti and M. Reid (eds.), CUP 2000, 175–258
[KM]KM Kustin A. and Miller M., Constructing big Gorenstein ideals from small ones. J. Algebra 85 (1983), 303–322
[P]P Papadakis S., Kustin–Miller unprojection with complexes, J. Algebraic Geometry 13 (2004), 249-268
[P2]P2 Papadakis S., The relations of type II unprojection, work in progress
[P3]P3 Papadakis S., Remarks on type III unprojection, math.AG/0501535, to appear in Commun. in Algebra, 11 pp.
[PR]PR Papadakis S. and Reid M., Kustin–Miller unprojection without complexes, J. Algebraic Geometry 13 (2004), 563–577
[R]R Reid M., Examples of type IV unprojection, math.AG/0108037, 16 pp.
[Ki]Ki Reid M., Graded Rings and Birational Geometry, in Proc. of algebraic symposium (Kinosaki, Oct 2000), K. Ohno (Ed.) 1–72, available from www.maths. warwick.ac.uk/ miles/3folds
Additional Information
Stavros Argyrios Papadakis
Mathematik und Informatik, Geb. 27, Universitaet des Saarlandes, D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Address at time of publication:
Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, Knossos Avenue, GR-71409 Heraklion, Greece
Received by editor(s):
August 10, 2004
Received by editor(s) in revised form:
July 2, 2005
Published electronically:
February 27, 2006