Cube invariance of higher Chow groups with modulus
Hiroyasu Miyazaki
J. Algebraic Geom. 28 (2019), 339-390
Published electronically:
January 24, 2019
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Abstract: The higher Chow groups with modulus generalize both Bloch’s higher Chow groups and the additive higher Chow groups. Our first aim is to formulate and prove a generalization of $\mathbb {A}^1$-homotopy invariance for the higher Chow groups with modulus, called the “cube invariance”. The proof requires a new moving lemma of algebraic cycles. Next, we introduce the obstruction to the $\mathbb {A}^1$-homotopy invariance, called the “nilpotent higher Chow groups”, as analogues of the nilpotent $K$-groups. We prove that the nilpotent higher Chow groups admit module structures over the big Witt ring of the base field. This result implies that the higher Chow groups with modulus with appropriate coefficients satisfy $\mathbb {A}^1$-homotopy invariance. We also prove that $\mathbb {A}^1$-homotopy invariance implies independence from the multiplicity of the modulus divisors.
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- F. Binda and S. Saito, Relative cycles with moduli and regulator maps, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu (2017), 1–61, DOI:10.1017/S1474748017000391.
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- S. Bloch, Some notes on elementary properties of higher Chow groups, including functoriality properties and cubical Chow groups, available on the homepage of S. Bloch at the University of Chicago (preprint).
- Spencer Bloch and Hélène Esnault, The additive dilogarithm, Kazuya Kato’s fiftieth birthday, Doc. Math. Extra Vol. (2003), 131–155. MR 2046597
- Spencer Bloch and Hélène Esnault, An additive version of higher Chow groups, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4) 36 (2003), no. 3, 463–477 (English, with English and French summaries). MR 1977826, DOI
- R. Iwasa and W. Kai, Chern classes with modulus, arXiv:1611.07882 (2016), Nagoya Math. J. (to appear).
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- B. Kahn, S. Saito, and T. Yamazaki, Motives with modulus, arXiv:1511.07124v3 (2018).
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- Amalendu Krishna and Jinhyun Park, Moving lemma for additive higher Chow groups, Algebra Number Theory 6 (2012), no. 2, 293–326. MR 2950155, DOI
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- Amalendu Krishna and Jinhyun Park, A module structure and a vanishing theorem for cycles with modulus, Math. Res. Lett. 24 (2017), no. 4, 1147–1176. MR 3723807, DOI
- Marc Levine, Bloch’s higher Chow groups revisited, Astérisque 226 (1994), 10, 235–320. $K$-theory (Strasbourg, 1992). MR 1317122
- Marc Levine, Smooth motives, Motives and algebraic cycles, Fields Inst. Commun., vol. 56, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009, pp. 175–231. MR 2562459
- Krzysztof Jan Nowak, Flat morphisms between regular varieties, Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 35 (1997), 243–246. MR 1458060
- Kay Rülling, The generalized de Rham-Witt complex over a field is a complex of zero-cycles, J. Algebraic Geom. 16 (2007), no. 1, 109–169. MR 2257322, DOI
- C. A. Weibel, Mayer-Vietoris sequences and module structures on $NK_\ast$, Algebraic $K$-theory, Evanston 1980 (Proc. Conf., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill., 1980) Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 854, Springer, Berlin, 1981, pp. 466–493. MR 618317
Additional Information
Hiroyasu Miyazaki
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG), Sorbonne Université - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 4, place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France – and – RIKEN iTHEMS, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan – and – Department of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo, 153-8914 Japan
Address at time of publication:
RIKEN iTHEMS, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
MR Author ID:
Received by editor(s):
August 11, 2017
Received by editor(s) in revised form:
May 20, 2018, and July 24, 2018
Published electronically:
January 24, 2019
Additional Notes:
This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Grant Number 15J08833) and the Program for Leading Graduate Schools, MEXT, Japan. This work was also supported by RIKEN iTHEMS Program and by Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris.
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© Copyright 2019
University Press, Inc.