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a Białynicki-Birula Decomposition?

Alberto Franceschini

Communicated by Notices Associate Editor Han-Bom Moon

An introductory example

Consider the complex projective line with nonhomogeneous coordinates, , and consider the natural action of the multiplicative group given by

We have that

We call the sink and the source of the action. Such action provides a decomposition of into the affine spaces and . Using the homeomorphism between the projective line and the sphere , we can draw the action as in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

The -action on , pictured as the sphere . The action flows from the north to the south pole.

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This is an example of Białynicki-Birula decomposition. There are some similarities with Morse theory. In that case, one can study the topology of a manifold via its decomposition provided by the critical points of a function on . Analogously, we will study a (smooth) algebraic variety via the cell decomposition provided by fixed points of a -action.

The Białynicki-Birula theory

To keep our feet on the ground, we will stick to a very basic set-up (cf. 1) even though the theory has been developed more generally (cf. for instance 5). So, will be a complex nonsingular projective variety endowed with a (nontrivial) -action:

We consider the decomposition of , the fixed locus of the action, into connected components:

where denotes the set of connected components. Since is nonsingular, by a theorem of Iversen (cf. 4) each connected component is also nonsingular, hence irreducible.

One can always extend a -action on a nonsingular projective variety to an algebraic morphism (cf. 8), which means that for there exist the limiting points to and and they are fixed points of for the -action. Notice that the limiting point to is just the limiting point to for the opposite action, that is

For a given , we define its Białynicki-Birula cells (BB-cells for short) to be the two subsets

where will be intended as a shortcut for stating a result both for the and for the decomposition. Essentially, the BB-cells of a fixed point component consist of all the points of that converge to as the parameter of the action goes to or to .

Theorem (Białynicki-Birula, 1973).

Let be a complex nonsingular projective variety endowed with a (nontrivial) -action. Consider the induced and decompositions. Then the following hold:


and the BB-cells are locally closed subsets of for any .


The natural maps

are algebraic: they are locally trivial bundles in the Zariski topology, and the fibers are affine spaces of rank .


There are homology decompositions

As a consequence of the theorem, among the fixed point components there exist unique such that are dense subsets of . We call and respectively the sink and the source of the action, following the notation of the introductory example.

An example of Grassmannian

Let and be -dimensional vector spaces. Consider the -action on given by

Let . Then has a naturally defined -action such that and are maximal invariant linear subspaces.

Consider the induced action on , the Grassmannian of -planes in . The fixed points of the induced action are the -planes in that are -invariant for the action above. Indeed, if is a -invariant -plane, then we can write

where are the eigenspaces on which acts. One can prove that the sink and the source of the induced action on are isolated points, representing the subspaces and , respectively.

For explicit computations, suppose that . Then , a smooth quadric hypersurface in the projective space of dimension . One can prove that the action on is the restriction of the action on given by

Then the fixed locus of the action on is

and the homology groups of can be computed using homology of points and of . The fixed point component appear as the intersection of the quadric with generated by . Notice that the decompositions of the Grassmannian given by BB-cells are particular cases of Schubert decomposition.

Furthermore, consider the action on given, in nonhomogeneous coordinates, by

There are four fixed points for such action

as pictured in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

A schematic picture of the -action on . The action flows from left to right as moves from to .

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Then, by the homology decomposition of the Białynicki-Birula theorem,

With this decomposition of the homology groups of , one can explicitly compute the decomposition of the homology groups of .

The associated birational map via GIT

A birational map between algebraic varieties is a rational map such that there are open subsets (for ) such that the restriction is an isomorphism.

An explicit remark in 7 says that, given a -action on a nonsingular projective variety , we can associate a birational map among projective varieties.

Given a finite-dimensional vector space , the projective space is the space of lines through the origin of , that is a point of is an orbit for the -action on given by

This example leads to the definition of geometric quotient: a space whose points represent -orbits of another space, see 6 for a rigorous introduction.

In the context of the Białynicki-Birula decomposition, we consider the subsets . They are dense because are dense and are closed subsets of . These sets contain all the orbits that flow to . The quotients of these sets by the action are denoted

By a theorem of Białynicki-Birula and Święcicka, see 2, the spaces are geometric quotients. In particular, they are quasi-projective varieties. Every point of (resp. ) represents an orbit of the action flowing to the sink (resp. from the source ). Then we can identify such an orbit with its tangent direction at the sink or the source of the orbit.

It remains to describe the birational map between the geometric quotients . We consider the intersection : It contains all the -orbits that flow from the source to the sink of the action. Then we obtain a natural birational map

which is just the identity on the intersection . The quotient of this map by the -action,

is the birational map we are looking for. Notice that, since there could be orbits that flow from the source to a fixed point component different from the sink, the map is not an isomorphism in general.

Geometrically, given a -orbit that flows from the source to the sink, associates to its tangent direction at the source and its tangent direction at the sink. Figure 3 gives a schematic picture of the situation.

Figure 3.

A picture of the -action on . The action flows from left to right as goes from to . We draw an orbit flowing from the source to the sink, its tangent directions at the source and the sink, and the two geometric quotients .

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Torus actions and matrix inversion

In this section, we will go further on the example of being the Grassmannian , where is a -dimensional vector space.

The tangent space of the Grassmannian at the point representing is

As we stated before, the sink and the source of the -action are isolated points in the Grassmannian. Then and are affine spaces, and there are -equivariantly isomorphisms

with the tangent spaces of at and . Then the geometric quotients are isomorphic to projective spaces, , and the induced birational map is

If we fix bases, then is the space of matrices. Then one can show that is the projectivization of the inversion map of matrices. Moreover, if , then is one of the special quadro-quadric Cremona transformations classified in 3.


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Figures 1–3 and author photo are courtesy of Alberto Franceschini.