On existence and uniqueness of the solution for stochastic partial differential equations
B. Avelin and L. Viitasaari
Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 104 (2021), 49-60
MSC (2020):
Primary 60H15; Secondary 60G15, 35C15, 35K58, 35S10
Published electronically:
September 24, 2021
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Abstract: In this article we consider existence and uniqueness of the solutions to a large class of stochastic partial differential equations of the form $\partial _t u = L_x u + b(t,u)+\sigma (t,u)\dot {W}$, driven by a Gaussian noise $\dot {W}$, white in time, and with spatial correlations given by a generic covariance $\gamma$. We provide natural conditions under which classical Picard iteration procedure provides a unique solution. We illustrate the applicability of our general result by providing several interesting particular choices for the operator $L_x$ under which our existence and uniqueness results hold. In particular, we show that Dalang condition given in [5] is sufficient in the case of many parabolic and hypoelliptic operators $L_x$.
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B. Avelin
Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, Sweden
MR Author ID:
L. Viitasaari
Department of Information and Service Management, Aalto University School of Business, Finland
Stochastic partial differential equations,
existence and uniqueness,
mild solution,
semilinear parabolic equations,
hypoelliptic equations
Received by editor(s):
April 15, 2021
Published electronically:
September 24, 2021
Additional Notes:
The first author was supported by the Swedish Research Council grant dnr: 2019-04098
Article copyright:
© Copyright 2021
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv