Fractional differentiation and Lipschitz spaces on local fields
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- by C. W. Onneweer
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 258 (1980), 155-165
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In this paper we continue our study of differentiation on a local field K. We define strong derivatives of fractional order $\alpha > 0$ for functions in ${L_r}(\textbf {K})$, $1 \leqslant r < \infty$. After establishing a number of basic properties for such derivatives we prove that the spaces of Bessel potentials on K are equal to the spaces of strongly ${L_r}(\textbf {K})$-differentiable functions of order $\alpha > 0$ when $1 \leqslant r \leqslant 2$. We then focus our attention on the relationship between these spaces and the generalized Lipschitz spaces over K. Among others, we prove an inclusion theorem similar to a wellknown result of Taibleson for such spaces over ${\textbf {R}^n}$.References
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Bibliographic Information
- © Copyright 1980 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 258 (1980), 155-165
- MSC: Primary 43A70; Secondary 26A33
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 554325