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Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Online ISSN 1552-4485; Print ISSN 0033-569X



Spin matrix exponentials and transmission matrices

Author: L. Young
Journal: Quart. Appl. Math. 19 (1961), 25-30
MSC: Primary 78.00
MathSciNet review: 119823
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Abstract | References | Similar Articles | Additional Information

Abstract: The three Pauli spin matrices ${\sigma _i}\left ( {i = 1,2,3} \right )$ occur in the mechanical, especially quantum mechanical, theory of rotation in three-dimensional space. The three spin matrix exponentials are here defined as exp $\left ( {{\sigma _i}x} \right )$, where $x$ is the independent variable. Transmission matrices can be expressed in terms of spin matrix exponentials, thereby permitting a more systematic treatment of transmission line circuits.

References [Enhancements On Off] (What's this?)

    Leo Young, Concerning Riblet’s theorem, Trans. IRE MTT-7, 477–478 (1959) R. E. Collin, Theory and design of wide-band multisection quarter-wave transformers, Proc. IRE 43, 179–185 (1955) H. J. Riblet, General synthesis of quarter-wave impedance transformers, Trans. IRE MTT-5, 36–43 (1957) Leo Young, Tables for cascaded homogeneous quarter-wave transformers, Trans. IRE MTT-7, 233–237 (1959); Trans. IRE MTT-8, 243–244 (1960) P. I. Richards, Resistor-transmission-line circuits, Proc. IRE 36, 217–220 (1948)
  • Paul I. Richards, A special class of functions with positive real part in a half-plane, Duke Math. J. 14 (1947), 777–786. MR 22261
  • Leo Young, The quarter-wave transformer prototype circuit, Trans. IRE MTT-8, 483–489 (1960) Leo Young, Optimum quarter-wave transformers Trans. IRE MTT-8, 478–482 (1960) Leo Young, Design of microwave stepped transformers with applications to filters, Doctor of Engineering Dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., April 1959 See almost any book on Quantum Mechanics (e.g. P. A. M. Dirac, The principles of quantum mechanics, Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. p. 149)
  • Herbert Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison-Wesley Press, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., 1951. MR 0043608
  • W. T. Payne, Elementary spinor theory, Amer. J. Phys. 20 (1952), 253–262. MR 47392, DOI
  • H. A. Wheeler, Wheeler monographs, vol. I, Wheeler Laboratories, Great Neck, New York 1953, Monograph No. 4, Geometric relations in circle diagrams of transmission-line impedance G. A. Deschamps, New chart for the solution of transmission-line and polarization problems, Trans. IRE MTT-1, 5–13 (1953), or Electrical Communication 30, 247–254 (1953) E. Folke Bolinder, Note on impedance transformations by the isometric circle method, Trans. IRE MTT-6, 111–112 (1958), where references to some of Bolinder’s earlier papers are given
  • W. T. Payne, Spinor theory of four-terminal networks, J. Math. Physics 32 (1953), 19–33. MR 0055196
  • M. C. Pease, The analysis of broad-band microwave ladder networks, Proc. IRE 38, 180–183 (1950), Appendix G. L. Ragan, Microwave transmission circuits, M. I. T. Rad. Lab. Ser., vol. 9, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York 1948 E. F. Bolinder, Note on the matrix representation of linear two-port networks, Trans. IRE CT-4, 337–9 (1957) Leo Young, Transformation matrices, Trans. IRE CT-5, 147–148 (1958) Leo Young, Inhomogeneous quarter-wave transformers of two sections, Trans. IRE MTT, scheduled for Nov. 1960 The counterpart to Eq. (16) is${\Gamma _1} = {\Gamma _2} = \Gamma$, which arises with symmetrical networks. In this case, the transmission coefficient and reflection coefficient vectors are orthogonal. See Leo Young, A theorem on lossless symmetrical networks, Trans. IRE CT-7, 75 (1960)

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Article copyright: © Copyright 1961 American Mathematical Society