AMS Development Committee Charge

General Description

  • Committee is a standing committee of the ECBT
  • Number of members is six: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fifth-year elected Trustee, Chair of the Board and the Executive Director. The fifth-year elected Trustee of the Board will serve as Chair.
  • All members serve ex officio

Principal Activities

Represent the Council and Board of Trustees in early discussions with potential donors about establishing new prizes and awards; recommend to the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees priorities for funding in planned development initiatives; and recommend to the Board of Trustees whether to accept gifts offered to the Society.

Other Activities

The committee is encouraged to include other members of the ECBT in its discussions.

Miscellaneous Information

This committee has been designated at LEVEL B.

Note to the Chair

Committee chairs should be informed, at the beginning of each fiscal period, of the budget of their committees and cautioned to remain within the budget. Such items as travel reimbursement, accommodations, and meals for guests of any kind fall within these budgets.

For the purpose of archiving the committee activities, the Secretary maintains a central file system for archiving committee records. Committee Chairs are asked to submit committee records on yearly basis. Chairs can submit material at their discretion, and some materials that they may wish to provide are meeting minutes, agenda, and emails. Confidential material should be noted, so that it can be handled in a confidential manner.


  • November, 2011 ECBT Minutes, Item 2E1.1: Committee was approved.
  • May, 2012 ECBT Minutes, Item 2E.4.2: Committee charge was approved.
  • May, 2012 ECBT Minutes, Item 2E.4.2: AMS gift acceptance policies were approved.
  • November, 2012 ECBT Minutes, Item 2E3.1: The fifth-year BT member was added to the committee.
  • May, 2015 ECBT Minutes, Item 2E9.1: The fifth-year BT member is to serve as chair of the committee.
  • May, 2016 ECBT Minutes, Item 2E5.3: Committee charge revised to reflect changes made in AMS Gift Acceptance Policies (see May 2016 ECBT Executive Session Minutes, Item 3E.1), committee was designated as Level B.

Past Members

A list of current and past committee members is available here: