Supplementary Book Materials
Listed by year
Sort the table below by clicking on a column head. You may also use the search box to search for a title, author/editor, series, published year.
Authors/Editors | Title | Publication Year | Series | |
Michael L. Lapidus | An Invitation to Fractal Geometry: Fractal Dimensions, Self-Similarity, and Fractal Curves | 2024 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, volume 247 | |
Fritz Gesztesy, Roger Nichols, and Maxim Zinchenko | Sturm-Liouville Operators, Their Spectral Theory, and Some Applications | 2024 | Colloquium Publications, volume 67 | |
Michael Kapovich and Pranab Sardar | Trees of Hyperbolic Spaces | 2024 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, volume 279 | |
Bennett Chow and Yutze Chow | Lectures on Differential Geometry | 2024 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, volume 245 | |
Alissa S. Crans and Glen T. Whitney, Editors | The Mathematical Playground: People and Problems from 31 Years of Math Horizons | 2024 | Problem Books, volume 38 | |
J. M. Landsberg | Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: A Mathematical Perspective | 2024 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, volume 241 | |
Elizabeth A. Donovan, Lucas A. Hoots, Lesley W. Wiglesworth, Editors | Teaching Mathematics Through Cross-Curricular Projects | 2024 | Classroom Resource Materials, volume 72 | |
Carrie Diaz Eaton, Allison Henrich, Steven Klee, Jennifer Townsend | Navigating the Math Major: Charting Your Course | 2024 | Classroom Resource Materials, volume 73 | |
Rebecca Rapoport and Dean Chung | Your Daily Epsilon of Math Wall Calendar 2025 | 2024 | ||
Thomas Q. Sibley | Exploring Discrete Geometry | 2024 | Anneli Lax New Mathematical Library , volume 56 | |
Jane Hawkins | The Mathematics of Cellular Automata | 2024 | Student Mathematical Library, volume 108 | |
Hang Xue, Editor | Automorphic Forms Beyond $\mathrm{GL}_2$: Lectures from the 2022 Arizona Winter School | 2024 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, volume 279 | |
Horste R. Thieme | Discrete-Time Dynamics of Structured Populations and Homogeneous Order-Preserving Operators | 2024 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, volume 281 | |
Thorsten Theobald | Real Algebraic Geometry and Optimization | 2024 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, volume 241 | |
Jayadev S. Athreya and Howard Masur | Translation Surfaces | 2024 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, volume 242 | |
John M. Lee | Introduction to Complex Manifolds | 2024 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, volume 244 | |
Johannes A. Buchmann | Introduction to Quantum Algorithms | 2024 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, volume 64 | |
Yoshiyuki Kotani | Tasty Japanese Morsels in Recreational Mathematics | 2024 | Spectrum, vol. 105 | |
Yitzhak Katznelson and Yonatan Katznelson | An Introduction to Real Analysis | 2024 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 65 | |
Stephanie Alexander, Vitali Kapovitch, and Anton Petrunin | Alexandrov Geometry: Foundations/a> | 2024 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 236 | |
Sinai Robins | Fourier Analysis on Polytopes and the Geometry of Numbers: Part I: A Friendly Introduction | 2024 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 107 | |
Tadashi Ochiai | Iwasawa Theory and Its Perspective, Volume 2 | 2024 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 280 | |
Delaram Kahrobaei, Ramón Flores, Marialaura Noce, Maggie E. Habeeb, and Christopher Battarbee | Applications of Group Theory in Cryptography: Post-quantum Group-based Cryptography | 2024 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 278 | |
Nam Q. Le | Analysis of Monge--Ampére Equations | 2024 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 240 | |
J.M. Cushing | Matrix Models for Population, Disease, and Evolutionary Dynamics | 2024 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 106 | |
K. Cieliebak, Y. Eliashberg, N. Mishachev | Introduction to the $h$-Principle, Second Edition | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 239 | |
Nicolas Bergeron, Pierre Charollois, and Luis E. Garcia | Cocycles de groupe pour GLn et arrangements d’hyperplans | 2023 | CRM Monographs Series, Vol. 39 | |
Andrea Ferretti | Commutative Algebra | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 233 | |
Andrea Ferretti | Homological Methods in Commutative Algebra | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 234 | |
Julio González-Díaz, Ignacio García-Jurado, and M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro | An Introductory Course on Mathematical Game Theory: Second Edition | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 238 | |
Willi Freeden and M. Zuhair Nashed | Regularization and Sampling Induced Recovery Methodology | 2023 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 274 | |
Alekos Vidras and Alain Yger | Multidimensional Residue Theory and Applications | 2023 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 275 | |
Michael Levitin, Dan Mangoubi, and Iosif Polterovich | Topics in Spectral Geometry | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 237 | |
George Metcalfe, Francesco Paoli, and Constantine Tsinakis | Residuated Structures in Algebra and Logic | 2023 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 277 | |
Balázs Bárány, Károly Simon, and Boris Solomyak | Self-similar and Self-affine Sets and Measures | 2023 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 276 | |
Mikhail B. Skopenkov and Alexey A. Zaslavsky | Mathematics via Problems: Part 3: Combinatorics | 2023 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, Vol. 29 | |
Kenneth R. Davidson and Matthew Satriano | Integer and Polynomial Algebra | 2023 | Mathematical World, Vol. 31 | |
Janet Heine Barnett, David K. Ruch, Nicholas A. Scoville, Editors | Teaching and Learning with Primary Source Projects: Real Analysis, Topology, and Complex Variables | 2023 | Classroom Resource Materials, Vol. 71 | |
Paul Larson | Extensions of the Axiom of Determinacy | 2023 | University Lecture Series, Vol. 78 | |
David Mumford | Numbers and the World: Essays on Math and Beyond | 2023 | ||
Bennett Chow | Ricci Solitons in Low Dimensions | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 235 | |
Scott A. Taylor | Introduction to Mathematics: Number, Space, and Structure | 2023 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 62 | |
Rebecca Garcia, Pamela E. Harris, Dandrielle Lewis, and Shanise Walker, Editors | Aspiring and Inspiring: Tenure and Leadership in Academic Mathematics | 2023 | ||
Hyman Bass, with the assistance of Jason Brasel | The Mathematical Neighborhoods of School Mathematics | 2023 | ||
Bettina Richmond and Tom Richmond | A Discrete Transition to Advanced Mathematics, Second Edition | 2023 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 63 | |
Barbara Kaltenbacher and William Rundell | Inverse Problems for Fractional Partial Differential Equations | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 230 | |
Ricardo A. Sáenz | Introduction to Harmonic Analysis | 2023 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 105 | |
David Pengelley | Number Theory Through the Eyes of Sophie Germain: An Inquiry Course | 2023 | Classroom Resource Materials, Vol. 70 | |
Harry Dym | Linear Algebra in Action, Third Edition | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 232 | |
M. Ram Murty and Kaneenika Sinha | An Introduction to the Circle Method | 2023 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 104 | |
Rebecca Rapoport and Dean Chung | Your Daily Epsilon of Math Wall Calendar 2024 | 2023 | ||
Lorenzo Sadun | The Six Pillars of Calculus: Biology Edition | 2023 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, Vol. 60 | |
Lorenzo Sadun | The Six Pillars of Calculus: Business Edition | 2023 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, Vol. 56 | |
Prapanpong Pongsriiam | Analytic Number Theory for Beginners, Second Edition | 2023 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 103 | |
Giancarlo Travaglini | Numbers and Figures: Six Math Conversations Starting from Scratch | 2023 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 102 | |
A. B. Sossinsky | Knots, Links and Their Invariants: An Elementary Course in Contemporary Knot Theory | 2023 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 101 | |
Tadashi Ochiai | Iwasawa Theory and Its Perspective, Volume 1 | 2023 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 272 | |
Luís Barreira and Yakov Pesin | Introduction to Smooth Ergodic Theory: Second Edition | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 231 | |
Gennadiy Feldman | Characterization of Probability Distributions on Locally Compact Abelian Groups | 2023 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 273 | |
Persi Diaconis and Jason Fulman | The Mathematics of Shuffling Cards | 2023 | ||
Alex Kasman | Glimpses of Soliton Theory: The Algebra and Geometry of Nonlinear PDEs, Second Edition | 2023 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 100 | |
Giovanni Leoni | A First Course in Fractional Sobolev Spaces | 2023 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 229 | |
Bennett Chow | Introduction to Proof Through Number Theory | 2023 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, Vol. 61 | |
Claudi Alsina and Rogert B. Nelsen | A Panoply of Polygons | 2023 | Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, vol. 58 | |
Decio Levi, Pavel Winternitz, and Ravil I. Yamilov | Continuous Symmetries and Integrability of Discrete Equations | 2023 | CRM Monographs Series, vol. 38 | |
Allen Hatcher | Topology of Numbers | 2022 | ||
Ralph S. Freese, Ralph N. McKenzie, George F. McNulty, and Walter F. Taylor | Algebras, Lattices, Varieties: Volume II | 2022 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 268 | |
Ralph S. Freese, Ralph N. McKenzie, George F. McNulty, and Walter F. Taylor | Algebras, Lattices, Varieties: Volume III | 2022 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 269 | |
Kannan Soundararajan | Finite Fields, with Applications to Combinatorics | 2022 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 99 | |
David A. Cox, with contributions by Roger Lipsett | Primes of the Form x2 + ny2: Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication. Third Edition with Solutions | 2022 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, Vol. 387 | |
Sebastian M. Cioabă and Werner Linde | A Bridge to Advanced Mathematics: From Natural to Complex Numbers | 2022 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, Vol. 58 | |
Oscar Gonzalez | Topics in Applied Mathematics and Modeling: Concise Theory with Case Studies | 2022 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, Vol. 59 | |
Ben Krause | Discrete Analogues in Harmonic Analysis: Bourgain, Stein, and Beyond | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 224 | |
William M. Goldman | Geometric Structures on Manifolds | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 227 | |
Henk Bruin | Topological and Ergodic Theory of Symbolic Dynamics | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 228 | |
Milivoje Lukic | A First Course in Spectral Theory | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 226 | |
Gregory F. Lawler | Random Explorations | 2022 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 98 | |
Lydia S. Novozhilova and Robert D. Dolan | Exploring Mathematics with CAS Assistance: Topics in Geometry, Algebra, Univariate Calculus, and Probability | 2022 | Classroom Resource Materials, Vol. 69 | |
Meighan I. Dillon | Linear Algebra: Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations | 2022 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, Vol.57 | |
Michael Artin | Algebraic Geometry: Notes on a Course | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 222 | |
Volodymyr Nekrashevych | Groups and Topological Dynamics | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 223 | |
Jacob Bedrossian and Vlad Vicol | The Mathematical Analysis of the Incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations: An Introduction | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 225 | |
Hideto Asashiba | Categories and Representation Theory: With A Focus on 2-Categorical Covering Theory | 2022 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 271 | |
Gregory V. Bard | Sage for Undergraduates: Second Edition, Compatible with Python 3 | 2022 | ||
Shai Simonson | Looking for Math in All the Wrong Places: Math in Real Life | 2022 | Spectrum, Vol. 104 | |
Shai Simonson | Rediscovering Mathematics | 2011 | Classroom Resource Materials, Vol. 61 | |
Colin Adams | The Tiling Book: An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Tilings | 2022 | ||
David Damanik and Jake Fillman | One-Dimensional Ergodic Schrödinger Operators: I. General Theory | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 221 | |
David E. Zitarelli with Della Dumbaugh and Stephen F. Kennedy | A History of Mathematics in the United States and Canada: Volume 2: 1900--1941 | 2022 | Spectrum, Vol. 103 | |
Colin Adams | Lost in the Math Museum: A Survival Story | 2022 | Anneli Lax New Mathematical Library, Vol. 55 | |
Leslie Hogben, Jephian C.-H. Lin, and Bryan L. Shader |
Inverse Problems and Zero Forcing for Graphs | 2022 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 270 | |
Rebecca Rapoport and Dean Chung | Mathematics 2023: Your Daily Epsilon of Math: 12-Month Calendar---January 2023 through December 2023 | 2022 | ||
Kate Juschenko |
Amenability of Discrete Groups by Examples | 2022 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 266 | |
Ryota Matsuura | A Friendly Introduction to Abstract Algebra | 2022 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, Vol. 72 | |
Anthony Bonato | An Invitation to Pursuit-Evasion Games and Graph Theory | 2022 | Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 97 | |
Isaac Goldbring | Ultrafilters Throughout Mathematics | 2022 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 220 | |
Dragana S. Cvetkovic Ilic | Completion Problems on Operator Matrices | 2022 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 267 | |
John K. Osoinach, Jr | Discovering Abstract Algebra | 2021 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 67 | |
Dana C. Ernst | An Introduction to Proof via Inquiry-Based Learning | 2022 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 73 | |
Hilário Alencar, Walcy Santos, and Gregório Silva Neto | Differential Geometry of Plane Curves | 2022 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 96 | |
Alice Peters and Mark Saul | A Festival of Mathematics: A Sourcebook | 2022 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 28 | |
Rustum Choksi | Partial Differential Equations: A First Course | 2022 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 54 | |
Della Dumbaugh and Deanna Haunsperger | Count Me In: Community and Belonging in Mathematics | 2022 | Classroom Resource Materials, vol. 68 | |
Joseph H. Silverman | Abstract Algebra: An Integrated Approach | 2022 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, Vol. 55 | |
Benjamin B. Kennedy | Welcome to Real Analysis: Continuity and Calculus, Distance and Dynamics | 2022 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, Vol. 70 | |
William Johnston | The Calculus of Complex Functions | 2022 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, Vol. 71 | |
Ryan Hayward | Hex: A Playful Introduction | 2022 | Anneli Lax New Mathematical Library, Vol. 54 | |
Yukio Matsumoto | An Introduction to Morse Theory | 2001 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 208 | |
Nabil H. Mustafa | Sampling in Combinatorial and Geometric Set Systems | 2022 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 265 | |
Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz. Edited by Luchezar L. Avramov, Benjamin Briggs, Srikanth B. Iyengar, and Janina C. Letz | Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules and Tate Cohomology | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 262 | |
Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Apostolos Giannopoulos, and Vitali D. Milman | Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Part II | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 261 | |
Harriet Pollatsek | Lie Groups: A Problem-Oriented Introduction via Matrix Groups | 2009 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, Vol. 13 | |
David M. Clark and Xiao Xiao | The Number Line through Guided Inquiry | 2021 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, Vol. 69 | |
B. Setheruman | Proofs and Idea: A Prelude to Advanced Mathematics | 2021 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, Vol. 68 | |
Vugar E. Ismailov | Ridge Functions and Applications in Neural Networks | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 263 | |
J. Scott Carter and Seiichi Kamada | Diagrammatic Algebra | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 264 | |
Burkard Polster and Marty Ross | Putting Two and Two Together: Selections from the Mathologer Files | 2021 | ||
Michael Joswig | Essentials of Tropical Combinatorics | 2021 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 219 | |
Marcelo Viana and José Espinar | Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Theory and Practice | 2021 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 212 | |
Lindsay N. Childs, Cornelius Greither, Kevin P. Keating, Alan Koch, Timothy Kohl, Paul J. Truman, and Robert G. Underwood | Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 260 | |
Brian Osserman | A Concise Introduction to Algebraic Varieties | 2021 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 216 | |
Louis-Pierre Arguin | A First Course in Stochastic Calculus | 2021 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, Vol. 53 | |
Gizem Karaali and Lily S. Khadjavi | Mathematics for Social Justice: Focusing on Quantitative Reasoning and Statistics | 2021 | Classroom Resource Materials, Vol. 66 | |
Imre Bárány | Combinatorial Convexity | 2021 | University Lecture Series, vol. 77 | |
Riccardo Benedetti | Lectures on Differential Topology | 2021 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 218 | |
William Heinzer, Christel Rotthaus, and Sylvia Wiegand | PIntegral Domains Inside Noetherian Power Series Rings: Constructions and Examples | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 259 | |
Tadao Kitazawa, Andy Liu, and George Sicherman | Arithmetical, Geometrical and Combinatorial Puzzles from Japan | 2021 | Spectrum, vol. 102 | |
Michael E. Taylor | Introduction to Differential Equations: Second Edition | 2022 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 52 | |
Mathilde Gerbelli-Gauthier, Pamela E. Harris, Michael A. Hill, Dagan Karp, and Emily Riehl, Editors | A Conversation on Professional Norms in Mathematics | 2021 | ||
Steven Klee, Kolya Malkin, and Julia Pevtsova | Math Out Loud: An Oral Olympiad Handbook | 2021 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 27 | |
Pramod N. Achar | Perverse Sheaves and Applications to Representation Theory | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 258 | |
Marius Crainic, Rui Loja Fernandes, and Ioan Marcut | Lectures on Poisson Geometry | 2021 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 217 | |
Tai-Ping Liu | Shock Waves | 2021 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 215 | |
Alexey A. Zaslavsky and Mikhail B. Skopenkov | Mathematics via Problems: Part 2: Geometry | 2021 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 26 | |
Pamela E. Harris, Alicia Prieto-Langarica,Vanessa Rivera Quioñes, Luis Sordo Vieira, Rosaura Uscanga, and Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez, Editors | Testimonios: Stories of Latinx and Hispanic Mathematicians | 2021 | Classroom Resource Materials, vol. 67 | |
Ioannis Karatzas and Constantinos Kardaras | Portfolio Theory and Arbitrage: A Course in Mathematical Finance | 2021 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.. 214 | |
Juha Kinnunen, Juha Lehrbäck, and Antti Vähäkangas | Maximal Function Methods for Sobolev Spaces | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 257 | |
Hung Vinh Tran | Hamilton--Jacobi Equations: Theory and Applications | 2021 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 213 | |
Jörg Bewersdorff | Galois Theory for Beginners: A Historical Perspective, Second Edition | 2021 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 95 | |
Michio Jimbo, Tetsuji Miwa, and Fedor Smirnov | Local Operators in Integrable Models I | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 256 | |
Robert Messer | Linear Algebra: Gateway to Mathematics, Second Edition | 2021 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 66 | |
Alexandre Boritchev and Sergei Kuksin | One-Dimensional Turbulence and the Stochastic Burgers Equation | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 255 | |
Karim Belabas and Henri Cohen | Numerical Algorithms for Number Theory: Using Pari/GP | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 254 | |
Robert R. Bruner and John Rognes | The Adams Spectral Sequence for Topological Modular Forms | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 253 | |
David J. Covert | The Finite Field Distance Problem | 2021 | The Carus Mathematical Monographs, vol. 37 | |
Thomas Q. Sibley | Thinking Algebraically: An Introduction to Abstract Algebra | 2021 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 65 | |
Jean-Marie De Koninck and Nicolas Doyon |
The Life of Primes in 37 Episodes | 2021 | ||
Craig A. Stephenson |
Periodic Orbits: F. R. Moulton's Quest for a New Lunar Theory | 2021 | History of Mathematics, vol. 45 | |
Mindy Capaldi, Editor | Teaching Mathematics Through Games | 2021 | Classroom Resource Materials, vol. 65 | |
Frank Swetz | The Impact and Legacy of The Ladies' Diary (1704--1840): A Women's Declaration | 2021 | Spectrum, vol. 101 | |
Wendy Smith, Matthew Voigt, April Ström, David C. Webb, and W. Gary Martin | Transformational Change Efforts: Student Engagement in Mathematics through an Institutional Network for Active Learning | 2021 | ||
Philippe Zaouati | Perelman's Refusal: A Novel | 2021 | ||
Keith Kendig | A Gateway to Number Theory: Applying the Power of Algebraic Curves | 2021 | Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, vol. 57 | |
Viktor Prasolov and Yuri Solovyev | Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals | 1997 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 170 | |
James R. King | Geometry Transformed: Euclidean Plane Geometry Based on Rigid Motions | 2021 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 51 | |
Julie Deserti | The Cremona Group and Its Subgroups | 2021 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 252 | |
Mario Garcia-Fernandez and Jeffrey Streets | Generalized Ricci Flow | 2021 | University Lecture Series, vol. 76 | |
James Bisgard | Analysis and Linear Algebra: The Singular Value Decomposition and Applications | 2021 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 94 | |
Arkadiy Skopenkov | Mathematics via Problems: Part 1: Algebra | 2021 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 25 | |
Ethan D.Bolker and Maura B. Mast | Common Sense Mathematics, Second Edition | 2021 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 63 | |
David Hoff | Linear and Quasilinear Parabolic Systems: Sobolev Space Theory | 2020 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 251 | |
Bachir Bekka and Pierre de la Harpe | Unitary Representations of Groups, Duals, and Characters | 2020 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 250 | |
Iva Stavrov | Curvature of Space and Time, with an Introduction to Geometric Analysis | 2020 | Student Mathematical Library. vol. 93 | |
Dan Sloughter | Calculus From Approximation to Theory | 2020 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, no. 64 | |
Kiran S. Kedlaya, Daniel M. Kane, Jonathan M. Kane, Evan M. O'Dorney | Fitting The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 2001--2016: Problems, Solutions, and Commentary | 2020 | Problem Books, no. 37 | |
Eli Aljadeff, Antonio Giambruno, Claudio Procesi, Amitai Regev | Rings with Polynomial Identities and Finite Dimensional Representations of Algebras | 2020 | Colloquium Publications, no. 66 | |
Charles Fefferman and Arie Israel | Fitting Smooth Functions to Data | 2020 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 135 | |
Carl G. Wagner | A First Course in Enumerative Combinatorics | 2020 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 49 | |
Vicente Muñoz, Ángel González-Prieto, and Juan Ángel Rojo | Geometry and Topology of Manifolds: Surfaces and Beyond | 2020 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 208 | |
June Barrow-Green, Jeremy Gray, Robin Wilson | The History of Mathematics: A Source-Based Approach, Volume 2 | 2021 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 61 | |
Diana Davis | Illustrating Mathematics | 2020 | ||
Bruce E. Sagan | Combinatorics: The Art of Counting | 2020 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 210 | |
Warren P. Johnson | An Introduction to $q$-analysis | 2020 | ||
Róbert Freud and Edit Gyarmati | Number Theory | 2020 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 48 | |
Jesssica S. Purcell | Hyperbolic Number Theory | 2020 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 209 | |
Hung-Hsi Wu |
Rational Numbers to Linear Equations |
2020 |
Hung-Hsi Wu | Algebra and Geometry | 2020 | ||
Hung-Hsi Wu | Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Beyond | 2020 | ||
Roger Plymen | The Great Prime Number Race | 2020 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 92 | |
Stephen H. Saperstone and Max A. Saperstone | Interacting with Ordinary Differential Equations | 2020 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 62 | |
Daniel J. Velleman and Stan Wagon | Bicycle or Unicycle? A Collection of Intriguing Mathematical Puzzles | 2020 | Problem Books, vol. 36 | |
Michael E. Taylor | Introduction to Analysis in One Variable | 2020 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 47 | |
Alicia Dickenstein and Juan Sabia | Matemax: English + Spanish Edition | 2020 | ||
Michael E. Taylor | Introduction to Analysis in Several Variables: Advanced Calculus | 2020 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 46 | |
Ralph Abraham and Jerrold E. Marsden | Foundations of Mechanics | 2008 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 364.H | |
Colin C. Adams | Riot at the Calc Exam and Other Mathematically Bent Stories | 2009 | ||
Colin C. Adams | The Knot Book: An Elementary Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Knots | 2004 | ||
Nikolai M. Adrianov, Fedor Pakovich, and Alexander K. Zvonkin | Davenport--Zannier Polynomials and Dessins d'Enfants | 2020 | Mathematics Surveys and Monographs, vol. 249 | |
Marcelo Aguiar and Swapneel Mahajan | Coxeter Groups and Hopf Algebras | 2006 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol. 23 | |
Marcelo Aguiar and Swapneel Mahajan | Monoidal Functors, Species and Hopf Algebras | 2010 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 29 | |
Marcelo Aguiar and Swapneel Mahajan | Topics in Hyperplane Arrangements | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monograph, vol. 226 | |
Ilka Agricola and Thomas Friedrich | Global Analysis: Differential Forms in Analysis, Geometry and Physics | 2002 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 52 | |
Ilka Agricola and Thomas Friedrich | Elementary Geometry | 2008 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 43 | |
Lars V. Ahlfors | Conformal Invariants | 2010 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 371.H | |
Lars Ahlfors, with additional chapters by: C.J. Earle and I. Kra, M. Shishikura, and J.H. Hubbard | Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings | 2006 | University Lecture Series, vol. 38 | |
Martin Aigner | Discrete Mathematics | 2007 | ||
Martin Aigner and Ehrhard Behrends | Mathematics Everywhere | 2010 | ||
Michael Aizenman and Simone Warzel | Random Operators: Disorder Effects on Quantum Spectra and Dynamics | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 168 | |
S. Albeverio, F. Gesztesy, R. Høegh-Krohn, and H. Holden (with an appendix by Pavel Exner) | Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics: Second Edition | 2005 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 350.H | |
Semyon Alesker | Introduction to the Theory of Valuations | 2018 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no.126 | |
Daniel S. Alexander, Felice Iavernaro, and Alessandro Rosa | Early Days in Complex Dynamics: A history of complex dynamics in one variable during 1906-1942 | 2011 | History of Mathematics, vol. 38 | |
Serge Alinhac and Patrick Gérard | Pseudo-differential Operators and the Nash-Moser Theorem | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 82 | |
Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Rabee Tourky | Cones and Duality | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 84 | |
John M. Alongi and Gail S. Nelson | Recurrence and Topology | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 85 | |
Claudi Alsina and Rogert B. Nelsen | A Cornucopia of Quadrilaterals | 2020 | Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, vol. 55 | |
Claudia Alsina and Roger B. Nelson | Charming Proofs: A Journey into Elegant Mathematics | 2010 | Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, vol. 42 | |
Montserrat Alsina and Pilar Bayer | Quaternion Orders, Quadratic Forms, and Shimura Curves | 2004 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 22 | |
Tuna Altinel, Alexandre V. Borovik, and Gregory Cherlin | Simple Groups of Finite Morley Rank | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 145 | |
Simon Altmann and Eduardo L. Ortiz | Mathematics and Social Utopias in France: Olinde Rodrigues and His Times | 2005 | History of Mathematics, vol. 28 | |
Paolo Aluffi | Algebra: Chapter 0 | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 104 | |
Alex Amenta and Pascal Auscher | Elliptic Boundary Value Problems with Fractional Regularity Data: The First Order Approach | 2018 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 37 | |
Habib Ammari, Hyeonbae Kang, and Hyundae Lee | Layer Potential Techniques in Spectral Analysis | 2009 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 153 | |
Habib Ammari, Brian Fitzpatrick, Hyeonbae Kang, Matias Ruiz, Sanghyueon Yu, and Hai Zhang | Mathematical and Computational Methods in Photonics and Phononics | 2018 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 235 | |
Kirsti Andersen | Optical Illusions in Rome: A Mathematical Travel Guide | 2019 | Spectrum, vol. 99 | |
Titu Andreescu and Mark Saul | Algebraic Inequalities: New Vistas | 2016 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 19 | |
Fuensanta Andreu-Vaillo, José M. Mazón, Julio D. Rossi, and J. Julián Toledo-Melero | Nonlocal Diffusion Problems | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 165 | |
Ben Andrews, Bennett Chow, Christine Guenther, and Mat Langford | Extrinsic Geometric Flows | 2020 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 206 | |
V. I. Arnold | Experimental Mathematics | 2015 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 16 | |
V. I. Arnold | Mathematical Understanding of Nature: Essays on Amazing Physical Phenomena and Their Understanding by Mathematicians | 2014 | ||
James Arthur | The Endoscopic Classification of Representations | 2013 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 61 | |
Emil Artin and John Tate | Class Field Theory | 2009 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 366.H | |
Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Apostolos A. Giannopoulos, and V. D. Milman | Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Part I | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 202 | |
Andreas Arvanitoyeorgos | An Introduction to Lie Groups and the Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces | 2003 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 22 | |
Michael Aschbacher and Stephen D. Smith | The Classification of Quasithin Groups: I. Structure of Strongly Quasithin $mathcal{K}$-groups | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 111 | |
Michael Aschbacher, Richard Lyons, Stephen S. Smith and Ronald Solomon | The Classification of Finite Simple Groups: Groups of Characteristic 2 Type | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 172 | |
Michael Aschbacher and Stephen S. Smith | The Classification of Quasithin Groups: II. Main Theorems: The Classification of Simple QTKE-groups | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 112 | |
Guillaume Aubrun and Stanislaw Szarek | Alice and Bob Meet Banach: The Interface of Asymptotic Geometry Analysis and Quantum Information Theory | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 223 | |
Dave Auckly, Bob Klein, Amanda Serenevy, and Tatiana Shubin | Inspiring Mathematics: Lessons from the Navajo Nation Math Circles | 2019 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 24 | |
Michèle Audin | Hamiltonian Systems and Their Integrability | 2008 | SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs, vol. 15 | |
Antonio Auffinger, Michael Damron, and Jack Hanson | 50 Years of First-Passage Percolation | 2017 | University Lecture Series, vol. 68 | |
Jinho Baik, Percy Deift, Toufic Suidan | Combinatoric and Random Matrix Theory | 2016 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 172 | |
Matthew Baker and Robert Rumely | Potential Theory and Dynamics on the Berkovich Projective Line | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs , vol. 159 | |
John T. Baldwin | Categoricity | 2009 | University Lecture Series, vol. 50 | |
Gregory V. Bard | Sage for Undergraduates | 2015 | ||
William Barker and Roger Howe | Continuous Symmetry: From Euclid to Klein | 2007 | ||
Elisabetta Barletta, Sorin Dragomir, and Drishan L. Duggal | Foliations in Cauchy-Riemann Geometry | 2007 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 140 | |
Julie Barnes and Jessica M. Libertini | Tactile Learning Activities in Mathematics: A Recipe Book for the Undergraduate Classroom | 2018 | Classroom Resource Materials, vol. 54 | |
Luis Barreira and Yakov Pesin | Introduction to Smooth Ergotic Theory | 2013 | Gradudate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 148 | |
Luis Barreira and Claudia Valls | Ordinary Differential Equations:Qualitative Theory | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 137 | |
June Barrow-Green, Jeremy Gray, and Robin Wilson | The History of Mathematics: A Source-Based Approach. Volume 1 | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 45 | |
Robert G. Bartle | A Modern Theory of Integration | 2001 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.32 | |
Steve Batterson | Stephen Smale: The Mathematician Who Broke the Dimension Barrier | 2000 | ||
Michael Bean | Probability: The Science of Uncertainty with Applications to Investments, Insurance and Engineering | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 6 | |
József Beck | Inevitable Randomness in Discrete Mathematics | 2009 | University Lecture Series, vol. 49 | |
Matthias Beck and Raman Sanyal | Combinatorial Reciprocity Theorems: An Invitation to Enumerative Geometric Combinatorics | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 195 | |
Ehrhard Behrends | Five-Minute Mathematics | 2008 | ||
Ehrhard Behrends | The Math Behind the Magic | 2019 | ||
Alexander Beilinson and Vladimir Drinfeld | Chiral Algebras | 2004 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 51 | |
Jason P. Bell, Dragos Ghioca, and Thomas J. Tucker | The Dynamical Mordell--Lang Conjecture | 2016 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 210 | |
Alexandra Bellow, Carlos E. Kenig, and Paul Malliavin | Selected Papers of Alberto P. Calderón with Commentary | 2008 | Collected Works, vol. 21 | |
Robert L. Benedetto | Dynamics in One Non-Archimedean Variable | 2019 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 198 | |
David J. Benson and Stephen D. Smith | Classifying Spaces of Sporadic Groups | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 147 | |
A. Bensoussan, J.-L. Lions, and G. Papanicolaou | Asymptotic Analysis for Periodic Structures | 2011 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 374.H | |
Sterling K. Berberian | Measure and Integration | 2011 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 241.H | |
J. L. Berggren and R. S. D. Thomas | Euclid's Phaenomena: A Translation and Study of a Hellenistic Treatise in Spherical Astronomy | 2006 | History of Mathematics, vol. 29 | |
William P. Berlinghoff and Fernando Q. Gouvêa | Math through the Ages: A Gentle History for Teachers and Others Expanded Second Edition | 2015 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 32 | |
Grégory Berhuy and Frédérique Oggier | An Introduction to Central Simple Algebras and Their Applications to Wireless Communication | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 191 | |
Gregory Berkolaiko and Peter Kuchment | Introduction to Quantum Graphs | 2012 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 186 | |
Bruce C. Berndt | Number Theory in the Spirit of Ramanujan | 2006 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 34 | |
Jean Berstel, Aaron Lauve, Christophe Reutenauer, and Franco V. Saliola | Combintorics on Words | 2008 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 27 | |
Jörg Bewersdorff | Galois Theory for Beginners: A Historical Perspective | 2006 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 35 | |
Allan Bickle | Fundamentals of Graph Theory | 2020 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 43 | |
Lydia Bieri and Nina Zipser | Extensions of the Stability Theorem of the Minkowski Space in General Relativity | 2009 | AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 45 | |
Robert Bieri and Ralph Strebel | On Groups of PL-homeomorphisms of the Real Line | 2016 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 215 | |
Ernst Binz and Sonja Pod | The Geometry of Heisenberg Groups: With Applications in Signal Theory, Optics, Quantization, and Field Quantization | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 151 | |
Olivier Biquard | Asymptotically Symmetric Einstein Metrics | 2006 | SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs, vol. 13 | |
Pavel Bleher and Karl Liechty | Random Matrices and the Six-Vertex Model | 2014 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 32 | |
Alexander I. Bobenko and Yuri B. Suris | Discrete Differential Geometry: Integrable Structure | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 98 | |
Vladimir I. Bogachev | Weak Convergence of Measures | 2018 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 234 | |
Vladimir I. Bogachev, Nicolai V. Krylov, Michael Röckner, and S. V. Shaposhnikov | Fokker--Planck--Kolmogorov Equations | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 207 | |
Vladimir I. Bogachev | Differentiable Measures and the Malliavin Calculus | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 164 | |
Przemyslaw Bogacki | Linear Algebra: Concepts and Applications | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 47 | |
Ethan D. Bolker and Maura B. Mast | Common Sense Mathematics | 2016 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 33 | |
Francis Bonahon | Low-Dimensional Geometry: From Euclidean Surfaces to Hyperbolic Knots | 2009 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 49 | |
Anthony Bonato | A Course on the Web Graph | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 89 | |
Anthony Bonato and Richard J. Nowakowski | The Game of Cops and Robbers on Graphs | 2011 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 61 | |
Anthony Bonato | Limitless Minds | 2018 | ||
Mario Bonk and Daniel Meyer | Expanding Thurston Maps | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 225 | |
Armand Borel | Introduction to Arithmetic Groups | 2019 | University Lecture Series, vol. 73 | |
Matheus C. Bortolan, Alexandre N. Carvalho and José A. Langa | Attractors Under Autonomous and Non-autonomous Perturbations | 2020 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 246 | |
Nabil Boussaid and Andrew Comech | Nonlinear Dirac Equation: Spectral Stability of Solitary Waves | 2019 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 244 | |
Helmut Brass and Knut Petras | Quadrature Theory | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 178 | |
Silouanos Brazitikos, Apostolos Giannopoulos, Petros Valettas, and Beatrice-Helen Vritsiou | Geometry of Isotropic Convex Bodies | 2014 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 196 | |
Simon Brendle | Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 111 | |
Holger Brenner, Jürgen Herzog, and Orlando Villamayor | Three Lectures on Commutative Algebra | 2008 | University Lecture Series, vol. 42 | |
Alberto Bressan | Lecture Notes on Functional Analysis | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 143 | |
Mark Bridger | Real Analysis: A Constructive Approach through Interval Arithmetic | 2019 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 38 | |
Kathrin Bringmann, Amanda Folsom, Ken Ono, and Larry Rolen | Harmonic Maass Forms and Mock Modular Forms: Theory and Applications | 2017 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 64 | |
Ezra Brown and Richard K. Guy | The Unity of Combinatorics | 2020 | Carus Mathematical Monographs, vol. 36 | |
Nathanial P. Brown and Narutaka Ozawa | $ extrm{C}^*$-Algebras and Finite-Dimensional Approximations | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 88 | |
Robert R. Bruner and J. P. C. Greenlees | Connective Real K-Theory of Finite Groups | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 169 | |
Victor M. Buchstaber and Taras E. Panov | Toric Topology | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 204 | |
Xavier Buff, Jérôme Fehrenbach, Pierre Lochak, Leila Schneps, and Pierre Vogel | Moduli Spaces of Curves, Mapping Class Groups and Field Theory | 2003 | SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs, vol. 9 | |
Oliver Buhler | A Brief Introduction to Classical, Statistical, and Quantum Mechanics | 2006 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 13 | |
Theo Bühler and Dietmar A. Salamon | Functional Analysis | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 191 | |
Alexandru Buium | Foundations of Arithmetic Differential Geometry | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 222 | |
Alexandru Buium | Arithmetic Differential Equations | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 118 | |
Anna Burago | Mathematical Circle Diaries, Year 1: Complete Cirriculum for Grades 5 to 7 | 2012 | Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 11 | |
Anna Burago | Mathematical Circle Diaries, Year 2: Complete Cirriculum for Grades 5 to 8 | 2018 | Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 20 | |
Owen Byer, Deirdre Smeltzer, and Kenneth Wantz | Journey into Discrete Mathematics | 2018 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 41 | |
Luis Caffarelli and Sandro Salsa | A Geometric Approach to Free Boundary Problems | 2005 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.68 Bryden Cais | |
Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Peter Scholze, and Jared Weinstein | Perfectoid Spaces: Lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School | 2019 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.242 | |
Ovidiu Calin, Der-Chen Chang, and Peter Greiner | Geometric Analysis on the Heisenberg Group and Its Generalizations | 2007 | AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol.40 | |
Duff Campbell | An Open Door to Number Theory | 2018 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 39 | |
Alberto Candel and Lawrence Conlon | Foliations II | 2003 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.60 | |
James W. Cannon | Non-Euclidean Geometry and Curvature: Two-Dimensional Spaces, Volume 3 | 2017 | ||
James W. Cannon | Geometry of Lengths, Areas, and Volumes: Two-Dimensional Spaces, Volume 1 | 2017 | ||
Andreas Čap and Jan Slovák | Parabolic Geometries I: Background and General Theory | 2009 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.154 | |
Luca Capogna, Carlos E. Kenig, and Loredana Lanzani | Harmonic Measure: Geometric and Analytic Points of View | 2005 | University Lecture Series, vol. 35 | |
James Carlson, Arthur Jaffe, and Andrew Wiles | The Millennium Prize Problems | 2006 | ||
Maureen T. Carroll and Elyn Rykken | Geometry: The Line and the Circle | 2018 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 44 | |
Thierry Cazenave | Semilinear Schrödinger Equations | 2003 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 10 | |
Joan Cerdà | Linear Functional Analysis | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 116 | |
Ching-Li Chai, Brian Conrad, and Frans Oort | Complex Multiplication and Lifting Problems | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol. 195 | |
Éric Charpentier, Étienne Ghys, and Annick Lesne | The Scientific Legacy of Poincaré | 2010 | History of Mathematics, vol. 36 | |
G.A. Chechkin, A.L. Piatnitski, and A.S. Shamaev | Homogenization: Methods and Applications | 2007 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 234 | |
Jeff Cheeger and David G. Ebin | Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry | 2008 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 365.H | |
Evan Chen | Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiads | 2016 | Problem Books, vol. 27 | |
Xia Chen | Random Walk Intersections | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 157 | |
Ward Cheney and Will Light | A Course in Approximation Theory | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 101 | |
Ward Cheney and David Kincaid | Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 2 | |
Raymond Cheng, Javad Mashreghi and William T. Ross | Function Theory and $\ell^p$ Spaces | 2020 | University Lecture Series, vol. 75 | |
Nikolai Chernov and Roberto Markarian | Chaotic Billiards | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.127 | |
Pascal Cherrier and Albert Milani | Linear and Quasi-linear Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.135 | |
Stephen Childress | An Introduction to Theoretical Fluid Mechanics | 2006 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 13 | |
Bennett Chow, Peng Lu, and Lei Ni | Hamilton's Ricci Flow | 2006 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.77 | |
Bennett Chow, Sun-Chin Chu, David Glickenstein, Christine Guenther, James Isenberg, Tom Ivey, Dan Knopf, Peng Lu, Feng Luo, and Lei Ni | The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications: Part I: Geometric Aspects | 2007 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.135 | |
Bennett Chow, Sun-Chin Chu, David Glickenstein, Christine Guenther, James Isenberg, Tom Ivey, Dan Knopf, Peng Lu, Feng Luo, and Lei Ni | The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications: Part II: Analytic Aspects | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.144 | |
Bennett Chow, Sun-Chin Chu, David Glickenstein, Christine Guenther, James Isenberg, Tom Ivey, Dan Knopf, Peng Lu, Feng Luo, and Lei Ni | The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications: Part III: Geometric-Analytic Aspects | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.163 | |
Bennett Chow, Sun-Chin Chu, David Glickenstein, Christine Guenther, James Isenberg, Tom Ivey, Dan Knopf, Peng Lu, Feng Luo, and Lei Ni | The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications: Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.206 | |
Fan Chung and Linyuan Lu | Complex Graphs and Networks | 2006 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no.107 | |
Bennett Chow and Dan Knopf | The Ricci Flow: An Introduction | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.110 | |
Kai Cieliebak and Yakov Eliashberg | From Stein to Weinstein and Back: Symplectic Geometry and Affine Complex Manifolds | 2012 | Colloquium Publications, vol.59 | |
Joseph A. Cima. Alex Matheson, and William T. Ross | The Cauchy Transform | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.125 | |
Joseph A. Cima and William T. Ross | The Backward Shift on the Hardy Space | 2000 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.79 | |
David Clark | Euclidean Geometry: A Guided Inquiry Approach | 2012 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 9 | |
Adam Clay and Dale Rolfsen | Ordered Groups and Topology | 2016 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.176 | |
Jeanne Clelland | From Frenet to Cartan: The Method of Mixing Frames | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.178 | |
C. Herbert Clemens | Two-Dimensional Geometries: A Problem-Solving Approach | 2019 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol.34 | |
Vaughn Climenhaga and Anatole Katok | From Groups to Geometry and Back | 2017 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.81 | |
James W. Cogdell, Henry H. Kim, and M. Ram Murty | Lectures on Automorphic $L$-functions | 2004 | Field Institute Monographs, vol. 20 | |
Henri Cohen and Fredrik Stromberg | Modular Forms | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 179 | |
Tobias Holck Colding and William P. Minicozzi II | A Course in Minimal Surfaces | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.121 | |
Fritz Colonius and Wolfgang Kliemann | Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.158 | |
Complex Systems Modelling Group | Modelling in Healthcare | 2010 | ||
Alain Connes and Matilde Marcolli | Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields, and Motives | 2007 | Colloquium Publications, vol.55 | |
John B. Conway | A Course in Abstract Analysis | 2013 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 141 | |
John B. Conway | Mathematical Connections: A Capstone Course | 2010 | ||
Mariana Cook | Mathematicians: An Outer View of the Inner World | 2018 | ||
Roger Cooke | It's About Time: Elementary Mathematical Aspects of Relativity | 2017 | ||
Octav Cornea, Gregory Lupton, John Oprea, and Daniel Tanre | Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category | 2003 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.103 | |
James L. Cornette and Ralph A. Ackerman | Calculus for the Life Sciences; A Modelling Approach | 2015 | AMS/MAA Textbooks | |
Scott Corry and David Perkinson | Divisors and Sandpiles | 2018 | ||
Kevin Costello | Renormalization and Effective Field Theory | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.170 | |
Al Cuoco, Kevin Waterman, Bowen Karins, Elena Kaczorowski, and Michelle Manes | Linear Algebra and Geometry | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 46 | |
David A. Cox | Applications of Polynomial Systems | 2020 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 134 | |
David A. Cox, John B. Little, and Henry K. Schenck | Toric Varieties | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.124 | |
David A. Cox and Sheldon Katz | Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry | 1999 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.68 | |
Margaret Cozzens and Steven J. Miller | The Mathematics of Encryption | 2013 | Mathematical World, vol. 29 | |
Teresa Crespo and Zbigniew Hajto | Algebraic Groups and Differential Galois Theory | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.122 | |
Clifton Cunningham and Monica Nevins | Ottawa Lectures on Admissible Representations of Reductive $p$-adic Groups | 2009 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol.26 | |
Charles W. Curtis | Pioneers of Representation Theory: Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer | 1999 | History of Mathematics, vol. 15 | |
Mel Currie | Mathematics: Rhyme and Reason | 2018 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 22 | |
Steven Dale Cutskoky | Introduction to Algebraic Geometry | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.188 | |
Steven Dale Cutskoky | Resolution of Singularities | 2004 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.63 | |
Ulrich Daepp, Pamela Gorkin, Andrew Shaffer, and Karl Voss | Finding Ellipses: What Blaschke Products, Poncelet's Theorem, and the Numerical Range Know about Each Other | 2018 | Carus Mathematical Monographs, vol 34 | |
John P. D'Angelo | An Introduction to Complex Analysis and Geometry | 2010 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol 12 | |
Henri Darmon | Rational Points on Modular Elliptic Curves | 2003 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 101 | |
Robert J. Daverman | Decompositions of Manifolds | 2007 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 362.H | |
Tushar Das, David Simmons, and Mariusz Urbanski | Geometry and Dynamics in Gromov Hyperbolic Metric Spaces | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 218 | |
Robert J. Daverman and Gerard A. Venema | Embeddings in Manifolds | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 106 | |
Philip J. Davis | Unity and Disunity and Other Mathematical Essays | 2015 | ||
Olivier Debarre | Complex Tori and Abelian Varieties | 2005 | SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs, vol. 11 | |
Corrado De Concini and Claudio Procesi | The Invariant Theory of Matrices | 2017 | University Lecture Series, vol. 99 | |
Richard Dedekind and Heinrich Weber | Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable | 2012 | History of Mathematics, vol. 39 | |
Patrick Dehornoy, with Ivan Dynnikov, Dale Rolfsen, and Bert Wiest | Ordering Braids | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 148 | |
Percy Deift and Dimitri Gioev | Random Matrix Theory: Invariant Ensembles and Universality | 2009 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 18 | |
Jean-Marie De Koninck | 1001 Problems in Classical Number Theory | 2007 | ||
Jean-Marie De Koninck | Those Fascinating Numbers | 2009 | ||
Jean-Marie De Koninck and Florian Luca | Analytic Number Theory | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 134 | |
Warwick de Launey and Dane Flannery | Algebraic Design Theory | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 175 | |
B. N. Delone | The St. Petersburg School of Number Theory | 2005 | History of Mathematics, vol. 26 | |
Sergei S. Demidov and Boris V. Levshin | The Case of Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Luzin | 2016 | History of Mathematics, vol. 43 | |
Bangming Deng, Jie Du, Brian Parshall, and Jianpan Wang | Finite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Groups | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 150 | |
Frank den Hollander | Large Deviations | 2000 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol. 14.S | |
Harm Derksen and Jerzy Weyman | An Introduction to Quiver Representations | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 184 | |
Matt DeVos and Deborah A. Kent | Game Theory: A Playful Introduction | 2017 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 80 | |
Harold G. Diamond and Wen-Bin Zhang (Cheung Man Ping) | Beurling Generalized Numbers | 2012 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 213 | |
Joe Diestel, Jan H. Fourie, and Johan Swart | The Metric Theory of Tensor Products: Grothendieck's Résumé Revisited | 2008 | ||
Joe Diestel and Angela Spalsbury | The Joys of Haar Measure | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 150 | |
Seán Dineen | Probability Theory in Finance: A Mathematical Guide to the Black-Scholes Formula, Second Edition | 2013 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 70.R | |
Pandelis Dodos and Vassilis Kanellopoulos | Ramsey Theory for Product Spaces | 2016 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 212 | |
Sergey Dorichenko | A Moscow Math Circle: Week-by-week Problem Sets | 2012 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 8 | |
Michael Dorff, Allison Henrich, and Lara Pudwell | A Mathematician's Practical Guide to Mentoring Undergraduate Research | 2019 | Classroom Resource Materials, vol. 63 | |
Christopher L. Douglas, John Francis, Andre G. Henriques, and Michael A. Hill | Topological Modular Forms | 2014 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 201 | |
Cornelia Drutu and MIchael Kapovich | Geometric Group Theory | 2018 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 63 | |
Steven Dunbar | Mathematical Modeling in Economics and Finance: Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Differential Equations | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 49 | |
Javier Duoandikoetxea | Fourier Analysis | 2001 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 29 | |
Peter Duren | Invitation to Classical Analysis | 2012 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 17 | |
Peter Duren and Alexander Schuster | Bergman Spaces | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 100 | |
S.V. Duzhin and B.D. Chebotarevsky | Transformation Groups for Beginners | 2004 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 25 | |
William G. Dwyer, Philip S. Hirschhorn, Daniel M. Kan, and Jeffrey H. Smith | Homotopy Limit Functors on Model Categories and Homotopical Categories | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 113 | |
Semyon Dyatlov and Maciej Zworski | Mathematical Theory of Scattering Resonances | 2019 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 200 | |
Harry Dym | Linear Algebra in Action, Second Edition | 2013 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 78 | |
E. B. Dynkin | Superdiffusions and Positive Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations | 2004 | University Lecture Series, vol. 34 | |
Weinan E, Tiejun Li, Eric Vanden-Eijnden | Applied Stochastic Analysis | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.199 | |
Wolfgang Ebeling | Functions of Several Complex Variables and Their Singularities | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.83 | |
Harold M. Edwards | Higher Arithmetic | 2008 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.45 | |
Messoud Efendiev | Attractors for Degenerate Parabolic Type Equations | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.192 | |
Ido Efrat | Valuations, Orderings and Milnor $K$-Theory | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.124 | |
Costas Efthimiou | Introduction to Functional Equations: Theory and problem-solving strategies for mathematical competitions and beyond | 2011 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol.6 | |
Yuli Eidelman, Vitali Milman, and Antonis Tsolomitis | Functional Analysis: An Introduction | 2004 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 66 | |
Alberto Elduque and Mikhail Kochetov | Gradings on Simple Lie Algebras | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 189 | |
Mohamed Elhamdadi and Sam Nelson | Quandles: An Introduction to the Algebra of Knots | 2015 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 74 | |
Richard Elman, Nikita Karpenko and Alexander Merkurjev | The Algebraic and Geometric Theory of Quadratic Forms | 2008 | Colloquium Publications vol. 56 | |
Viviana Ene and Jürgen Herzog | Gröbner Bases in Commutative Algebra | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.130 | |
László Erdös and Horng-Tzer Yau | A Dynamical Approach to Random Matrix Theory | 2017 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol.28 | |
Gregory Eskin | Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics vol.123 | |
Pierpaolo Esposito, Nassif Ghoussoub, and Yujin Guo | Mathematical Analysis of Partial Differential Equaitons Modeling Electrostatic MEMS | 2010 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol.20 | |
Pavel I. Etingof, Shlomo Gelaki, Dmitri A. Nikshych, Victor Ostrik | Tensor Categories | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 205 | |
Pavel Etingof, Oleg Golberg, Sebastian Hensel, Tiankai Liu, Alex Schwendner, Dmitry Vaintrob, and Elena Yudovina | Introduction to Representation Theory | 2011 | Student Mathematical Library vol. 59 | |
Lawrence C. Evans | An Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations | 2013 | ||
Lawrence C. Evans | Partial Differential Equations: Second Edition | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics vol.19.R | |
Graham Everest, Alf van der Poorten, Igor Shparlinski, and Thomas Ward | Recurrence Sequences | 2003 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.104 | |
Ruy Exel | Partial Dynamical Systems, Fell Bundles and Applications | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.224 | |
Pierre Eymard and Jean-Pierre Lafon | The Number $pi$ | 2004 | ||
L.D. Faddeev and O.A. Yakubovskii | Lectures on Quantum Mechanics for Mathematics Students | 2009 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.47 | |
Carl Faith | Rings and Things and a Fine Array of Twentieth Century Associative Algebra: Second Edition | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 65.R | |
Barbara Fantechi, Lothar G"ottsche, Luc Illusie, Steven L. Kleiman, Nitin Nitsure, Angelo Vistoli | Fundamental Algebraic Geometry: Grothendieck's FGA Explained | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.123 | |
Michael Farber | Topology of Closed One-Forms | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 108 | |
John Faulkner | The Role of Nonassociative Algebra in Projective Geometry | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 159 | |
Roman Fedorov, Alexei Belov, Alexander Kovaldzhi, and Ivan Yashchenko | Moscow Mathematical Olympiads, 2000-2005 | 2011 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 7 | |
Roman Fedorov, Alexei Belov, Alexander Kovaldzhi, and Ivan Yashchenko | Moscow Mathematical Olympiads, 1993-1999 | 2011 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 4 | |
Jin Feng and Thomas G. Kurtz | Large Deviations for Stochastic Processes | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 131 | |
Antonio Fernández López | Jordan Structures in Lie Algebras | 2019 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 240 | |
Felix Finster | The Principle of the Fermionic Projector | 2006 | AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 35 | |
Patrick Fitzpatrick | Advanced Calculus | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 5 | |
Erica Flapan | Knots, Molecules, and the Universe: An Introduction to Topology | 2015 | ||
Daniel Flath | Introduction to Number Theory | 2018 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 384.H | |
Leopold Flatto | Poncelet's Theorem | 2009 | ||
Athanassios S. Fokas, Alexander R. Its, Andrei A. Kapaev, and Victor Yu. Novokshenov | Painlev'e Transcendents: The Reimann-Hilbert Approach | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 128 | |
Gerald B. Folland | Fourier Analysis and its Applications | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 4 | |
Gerald B. Folland | Quantum Field Theory: A Tourist Guide for Mathematicians | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 149 | |
A. T. Fomenko and Augustin Tuzhilin | Elements of the Geometry and Topology of Minimal Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Space | 1991, reprinted in 2005 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 93.S | |
Timothy J. Ford | Separable Algebras | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 183 | |
Peter Frankl and Norihide Tokushige | Extremal Problems for Finite Sets | 2018 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 86 | |
John Franks | A (Terse) Introduction to Lebesgue Integration | 2009 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 48 | |
Edward Frenkel and David Ben-Zvi | Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 88.R | |
Benoit Fresse | Homotopy of Operads and Grothendieck-Teichmüller Groups | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 217 | |
John Friedlander and Henryk Iwaniec | Opera de Cribro | 2010 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 57 | |
Avner Friedman | Mathematical Biology | 2018 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 127 | |
Kurt O. Friedrichs | Mathematical Methods of Electromagnetic Theory | 2014 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 25 | |
Roberto Frigerio | Bounded Cohomology of Discrete Groups | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Mongraphs, vol. 25 | |
B. Fristedt, N. Jain, and N. Krylov | Filtering and Prediction: A Primer | 2007 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.38 | |
Dmitry Fuchs and Serge Tabachnikov | Mathematical Omnibus: Thirty Lectures on Classic Mathematics | 2007 | ||
Kenji Fukaya, Yong-Geun Oh, Hiroshi Ohta, and Kaoru Ono | Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory: Anomaly and Obstruction | 2009 | AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 46 | |
Hillel Furstenberg | Ergodic Theory and Fractal Geometry | 2014 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 120 | |
Mikio Furuta | Index Theorem. 1 | 2007 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.235 | |
Lisl Gaal | A Mathematical Gallery | 2017 | ||
Dennis Gaitsgory and Nikita Rozenblyum | A Study in Derived Algebraic Geometry, Volumes I and II | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 221 | |
Stephan Ramon Garcia and Steven J. Miller | 100 Years of Math Milestones: The Pi Mu Epsilon Centennial Collection | 2019 | ||
Julia Garibaldi, Alex Iosevich, and Steven Senger | The ErdH os Distance Problem | 2011 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.56 | |
Thomas Garrity, Richard Belshoff, Lynette Boos, Ryan Brown, Carl Lienert, David Murphy, Junalyn Navarra-Madsen, Pedro Poitevin, Shawn Robinson, Brian Snyder, Caryn Werner | Algebraic Geometry | 2012 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.66 | |
Edward Gaughan | Introduction to Analysis | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 1 | |
Frederick W. Gehring and Kari Hag | The Ubiquitous Quasidisk | 2012 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 184 | |
Frederick W. Gehring, Gaven J. Martin, and Bruce P. Palka | An Introduction to the Theory of Higher-Dimenstional Quasiconformal Mappings | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 216 | |
Michael Gekhtman, Michael Shapiro, and Alek Vainshtein | Cluster Algebra and Poisson Geometry | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 167 | |
I. M. Gelfand and G. E. Shilov | Generalized Functions, Volume 1 | 1964 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 377.H | |
I. M. Gelfand and G. E. Shilov | Generalized Functions, Volume 2 | 1968 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 378.H | |
I. M. Gelfand and G. E. Shilov | Generalized Functions, Volume 3 | 1967 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 379.H | |
I. M. Gelfand and G. E. Shilov | Generalized Functions, Volume 4 | 1964 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 380.H | |
I. M. Gelfand, M. I. Graev and N. Ya. Vilenkin | Generalized Functions, Volume 5 | 1966 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 381.H | |
I. M. Gelfand, M. I. Graev and I. I. Pyatetskii-Shapiro | Generalized Functions, Volume 6 | 1969 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 382.H | |
Barbara Gellai | The Intrinsic Nature of Things: The Life and Science of Cornelius Lanczos | 2010 | ||
Larry J. Gerstein | Basic Quadratic Forms | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 90 | |
Saugata Ghosh | Skew-Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrix Theory | 2009 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 28 | |
Nassif Ghoussoub and Amir Moradifam | Functional Inequalities: New Perspectives and New Applications | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 187 | |
Antonio Giambruno and Mikhail Zaicev | Polynomial Identities and Asymptotic Methods | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 122 | |
Rick Gillman and David Housman | Models of Conflict and Cooperation | 2009 | ||
Laura Givental, Maria Nemirovskaya, and Ilya Zakharevich | Math Circle by the Bay: Topices for Grades 1-5 | 2018 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 21 | |
Eli Glasner | Ergodic Theory via Joining | 2003 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 101 | |
Gilles Godefroy | The Adventure of Numbers | 2004 | Mathematical World, vol 21 | |
Anatoly A, Goldberg and Iossif V. Ostrovskii | Value Distribution of Meromorphic Functions | 2008 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 236 | |
Oded Goldreich | A Primer on Pseudorandom Generators | 2010 | University Lecture Series, vol. 55 | |
Julio González-Díaz, Ignacio García-Jurado, and M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro | An Introductory Course on Mathematical Game Theory | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 115 | |
Sue Goodman | Beginning Topology | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 10 | |
Victor Goodman and Joseph Stampfli | The Mathematics of Finance: Modeling and Hedging | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 7 | |
Judith R. Goodstein | The Volterra Chronicles: The Life and Times of an Extraordinary Mathematician 1860-1940 | 2007 | History of Mathematics, vol. 31 | |
Judith R. Goodstein | Einstein's Italian Mathematicians: Ricci, Levi-Civita, and the Birth of General Relativity | 2018 | ||
Sergey Gorchinskiy and Constantin Shramov | Unramified Brauer Group and Its Applications | 2018 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 246 | |
Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon | The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups, Number 6: Part IV: The Special Odd Case | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 40 | |
Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon | The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups, Number 5 | 2002 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 40 | |
Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon | The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups, Number 4: Part II, Chapters 1-4: Uniqueness Theorems | 1999 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 40 | |
Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon | The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups, Number 3 | 1998 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 40 | |
Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon | The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups, Number 2 | 1996 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 40 | |
Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon | The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups, Number 1 | 1994 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 40 | |
Andrew Granville | Number Theory Revealed: A Masterclass | 2019 | ||
Andrew Granville | Number Theory Revealed: An Introduction | 2019 | ||
Jeremy J. Gray and Karen Hunger Parshall | Episodes in the History of Modern Algebra (1800-1950) | 2007 | History of Mathematics, vol. 32 | |
Judy Green and Jeanne LaDuke | Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: The Pre-1940 PhD's | 2008 | History of Mathematics, vol. 34 | |
Mark Green, Phillip Griffiths, Matta Kerr | Hodge Theory, Complex Theory, and Representation Theory | 2013 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 118 | |
Frederick P. Greenleaf and Sophie Marques | Linear Algebra I | 2019 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 29 | |
Frederick P. Greenleaf and Sophie Marques | Linear Algebra II | 2020 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 30 | |
Alexander Grigor'yan | Introduction to Analysis on Graphs | 2018 | University Lecture Series, vol. 71 | |
Charles M. Grinstead, William P. Peterson, and J. Laurie Snell | Probability Tales | 2011 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 57 | |
Mark Gross | Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry | 2011 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 114 | |
Branko Grünbaum | Configurations of Points and Lines | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 103 | |
Pierre Colmez, Jean-Pierre Serre: | Grothendieck-Serre Correspondence: Bilingual Edition | 2003 | ||
Victor Guillemin and Alan Pollack | Differential Topology | 2010 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 370.H | |
Victor Guillemin and Reyer Sjamaar | Convexity Properties of Hamiltonian Group Actions | 2004 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 26 | |
Alice Guionnet | Asymptotics of Random Matrices and Related Models: The Uses of Dyson-Schwinger Equations | 2019 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 130 | |
Robert C. Gunning and Hugo Rossi | Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables | 2009 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 368.H | |
Larry Guth | Polynomial Methods in Combinatorics | 2016 | University Lecture Series, vol. 64 | |
Markus Haase | Functional Analysis: An Elementary Introduction | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 156 | |
Jacques Hadamard | Lessons in Geometry. I. Plane Geometry | 2009 | ||
James Haglund | The $q,t$-Catalan Numbers and the Space of Diagonal Harmonics: With an Appendix on the Combinatorics of Macdonald Polynomials | 2008 | University Lecture Series, vol. 41 | |
Deguang Han, Keri Kornelson, David Larson, and Eric Weber | Frames for Undergraduates | 2007 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.40 | |
Qing Han | Nonlinear Elliptic Equations of the Second Order | 2016 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.171 | |
Qing Han | A Basic Course in Partial Differential Equations | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.120 | |
Qing Han and Fanghua Lin | Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Second Edition | 2011 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 1.R | |
Qing Han and Jia-Xing Hong | Isometric Embedding of Riemannian Manifolds in Euclidean Spaces | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 130 | |
Sariel Har-Peled | Geometric Approximation Algorithms | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 173 | |
Charlotte Hardouin, Jacques Sauloy, and Michael Singer | Galois Theories of Linear Difference Equations: An Introduction | 2016 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 211 | |
Robert Hardt | Six Themes on Variation | 2004 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.26 | |
Stuart P. Hastings and J. Bryce McLeod | Classical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations: With Applications to Boundary Value Problems | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.129 | |
Deanna Haunsperger and Robert Thompson | 101 Careers in Mathematics, Fourth Edition | 2019 | Classroom Resource Materials, vol. 64 | |
Michiel Hazewinkel | Formal Groups and Applications | 2012 | AMS Chelsea Publications, vol. 375.H | |
Michiel Hazewinkel, Nadiya Gubareni, and V. V. Kirichenko | Algebras, Rings and Modules: Lie Algebras and Hopf Algebras | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 168 | |
István Heckenberger and Hans-Jürgen Schneider | Hopf Algebras and Root Systems | 2020 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 247 | |
A. Ya. Helemskii | Quantum Functional Analysis: Non-Coordinate Approach | 2010 | University Lecture Series, vol.56 | |
A. Ya. Helemskii | Lectures and Exercises on Functional Analysis | 2006 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.233 | |
Sigurdur Helgason | Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces | 1984 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.34 | |
Sigurdur Helgason | Geometric Analysis on Symmetric Spaces: Second Edition | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.39 | |
Sigurdur Helgason | Groups and Geometric Analysis | 2001 [AMS Edition] | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 83 | |
John Hempel | 3-Manifolds | 2004 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 349.H | |
Samuel Herrmann, Peter Imkeller, Ilya Pavlyukevich, and Dierk Peithmann | Stochastic Resonance | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 194 | |
Patricia Hersh, Thomas Lam, Pavlo Pylyavskyy, and Victor Reiner | The Mathematical Legacy of Richard P. Stanley | 2016 | ||
Reuben Hersh | Experiencing Mathematics: What do we do, when we do mathematics? | 2014 | ||
Reuben Hersh | Peter Lax, Mathematician | 2014 | ||
Ted Hill | Pushing Limits: From West Point to Berkeley and Beyond | 2017 | ||
Martin Hils and François Loeser | A First Journey through Logic | 2019 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 89 | |
Jonathan K. Hodge and Richard E. Klima | The Mathematics of Voting and Elections: A Hands-On Approach, Second Edition | 2018 | Mathematical World, vol. 30 | |
Jonathan K. Hodge and Richard E. Klima | The Mathematics of Voting and Elections: A Hands-On Approach | 2005 | Mathematical World, vol. 22 | |
Christopher Hollings | Mathematics Across the Iron Curtain: A History of the Algebraic Theory of Semigroups | 2014 | History of Mathematics, vol. 41 | |
Christopher Hollings and Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze | Meeting Under the Integral Sign?: The Oslo Congress of Mathematicians on the Eve of the Second World War | 2020 | History of Mathematics, vol. 44 | |
Frank C. Hoppensteadt | Quasi-Static State Analysis of Differential, Difference, Integral, and Gradient Systems | 2010 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 21 | |
Frank C. Hoppensteadt | Mathematical Methods for Analysis of a Complext Disease | 2011 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 22 | |
Kentaro Hori, Sheldon Katz, Albrecht Klemm, Rahul Pandharipande, Richard Thomas, Cumrun Vafa, Ravi Vakil, and Eric Zaslow | Mirror Symmetry | 2003 | Clay Mathematics Monograph, vol. 1 | |
Fritz Hörmann | The Geometric and Arithmetic Volume of Shimura Varieties of Orthogonal Type | 2014 | CRM Monographs Series, vol. 35 | |
Hossein Hosseini Giv | Mathematical Analysis and Its Inherent Nature | 2016 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 25 | |
Bernard Host and Bryna Kra | Nilpotent Structures in Ergodic Theory | 2018 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 236 | |
Xiang-dong Hou | Lectures on Finite Fields | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 190 | |
J. Ben Hough, Manjunath Krishnapur, Yuval Peres, and Balint Virag | Zeros of Gaussian Analytic Functions and Determinantal Point Processes | 2009 | University Lecture Series, vol. 51 | |
Paul Howard and Jean E. Rubin | Consequences of the Axiom of Choice | 1998 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 59 | |
Tim Hsu | Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, and Function Spaces: A Second Course in Analysis | 2020 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 59 | |
Klaus Hulek | Elementary Algebraic Geometry | 2003 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 20 | |
James E. Humphreys | Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category $mathscr {O}$ | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 94 | |
James E. Humphreys | Conjugacy Classes in Semisimple Algebraic Groups | 1995 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 43 | |
Benjamin Hutz | An Experimental Introduction to Number Theory | 2018 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol.31 | |
Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour | Diffeology | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 195 | |
Reinhard Illner, C. Sean Bohun, Samantha McCollum, and Thea van Roode | Mathematical Modelling: A Case Studies Approach | 2005 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.27 | |
Yulij Ilyashenko and Sergei Yakovenko | Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.86 | |
Alex Iosevich | A View from the Top | 2007 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.39 | |
I. Martin Isaacs | Characters of Solvable Groups | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 189 | |
I. Martin Isaacs | Algebra: A Graduate Course | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 100 | |
I. Martin Isaacs | Character Theory of Finite Groups | 2006 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol.359.H | |
I. Martin Isaacs | Finite Group Theory | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.92 | |
I. Martin Isaacs | Geometry for College Students | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 8 | |
Jose M. Isidro | Jordan Triple Systems in Complex and Functional Analysis | 2019 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 243 | |
Thomas A. Ivey and J.M. Landsberg | Cartan for Beginners: Differential Geometry via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems, Second Edition | 2016 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.175 | |
Thomas A. Ivey and J.M. Landsberg | Cartan for Beginners: Differential Geometry via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems | 2003 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.61 | |
Srikanth Iyengar, Graham J. Leuschke, Anton Leykin, Claudia Miller, Ezra Miller, Anurag K. Singh, and Uli Walther | Twenty-Four Hours of Local Cohomology | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.87 | |
Henryk Iwaniec and Emmanuel Kowalski | Analytic Number Theory | 2004 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 53 | |
Henryk Iwaniec | Lectures on the Riemann Zeta Function | 2014 | University Lecture Series, vol. 62 | |
Jörg Jahnel | Brauer Groups, Tamagawa Measures, and Rational Points on Algebraic Varieties | 2014 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 198 | |
Hans Niels Jahnke | A History of Analysis | 2003 | History of Mathematics, vol.24 | |
Gary R. Jensen | Arithmetic for Teachers | 2003 | ||
Lizhen Ji | Arithmetic Groups and Their Generalizations: What, Why, and How | 2008 | AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol.43 | |
Shelly M. Jones | Women Who Count: Honoring African American Women Mathematicians | 2019 | ||
Palle E.T. Jorgensen | Harmonic Analysis | 2018 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no.128 | |
Lars Kadison | New Examples of Frobenius Extensions | 1999 | ||
Dmitry S. Kaliuzhnyi-Verbovetskyi and Victor Vinnikov | Foundations of Free Noncommutative Function Theory | 2014 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 199 | |
Dan Kalman, Sacha Forgoston and Albert Goetz | Elementary Mathematical Models: An Accessible Development without Calculus, Second Edition | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 50 | |
Eberhard Kaniuth and Anthony To-Ming Lau | Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact Groups | 2018 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs , vol. 231 | |
Vladimir Kanovei | Borel Equivalence Relations | 2008 | University Lecture Series, vol. 44 | |
Ida Kantor, Jiri Matousek, and Robert Samal | Mathematics++ | 2015 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 75 | |
Gizem Karaali and Lily S. Khadjavi | Mathematics for Social Justice: Resources for the College Classroom | 2019 | Classroom Resource Materials, Vol. 60 | |
Anna Karlin and Yuval Peres | Game Theory, Alive | 2017 | ||
Ioannis Karatzas | Lectures on the Mathematics of Finance | 1997 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 8 | |
Alex Kasman | Glimpses of Soliton Theory: The Algebra and Geometry of Nonlinear PDEs | 2010 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 54 | |
Yitzhak Katznelson and Yonatan R. Katznelson | A (Terse) Introduction to Linear Algebra | 2007 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 44 | |
Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, and Takeshi Saito | Number Theory 2: Introduction to Class Field Theory | 2011 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 240 | |
Svetlana Katok, Alexei Sossinsky, and Serge Tabachnikov | MASS Selecta. Teaching and Learning Advanced Undergraduate Mathematics, | 2003 | ||
Svetlana Katok | $p$-adic Analysis Compared with Real | 2007 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 37 | |
Anatole Katok and Vaughn Climenhaga | Lectures on Surfaces: (Almost) Everything You Wanted to Know about Them | 2008 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 46 | |
Mikhail G. Katz | Systolic Geometry and Topology | 2007 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol. 137 | |
Sheldon Katz | Enumerative Geometry and String Theory | 2006 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 32 | |
Matthew Katz and Jan Reimann | An Introduction to Ramsey Theory: Fast Functions, Infinity, and Metamathematics | 2018 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 87 | |
Takahiro Kawai and Yoshitsugu Takei | Algebraic Analysis of Singular Perturbation | 2005 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.227 | |
Alexander S. Kechris | Global Aspects of Ergodic Group Actions | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.160 | |
Linda Keen, Irwin Kra, and Rubi E. Rodrigues | Lipman Bers, a Life in Mathematics | 2015 | ||
Keith Kendig | Never a Dull Moment: Hassler Witney, Mathematics Pioneer | 2018 | Spectrum, vol. 93 | |
Carlos Kenig | Lectures on the Energy Critical Nonlinear Wave Equation | 2015 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 122 | |
Katsuei Kenmotsu | Surfaces of Mean Curvature | 2003 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.221 | |
Patricia Kenschaft | Change is Possible: Stories of Women and Minorities in Mathematics | 2005 | ||
S. V. Kerov | Asymptotic Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group and its Applications in Analysis | 2003 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.219 | |
Dmitry Khavinson and Erik Lundberg | Linear Holomorphic Partial Differential Equations and Classical Potential Theory | 2018 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 232 | |
Boris A. Khesin and Serge L. Tabachnikov | Arnold: Swimming Against the Tide | 2014 | ||
Davar Khoshnevisan | Probability | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 80 | |
Davar Khoshnevisan | Analysis of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | 2014 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 119 | |
Thomas Kilkelly | The ARML Power Contest | 2014 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, no. 15 | |
Alexander Kirillov, Jr. | Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties | 2016 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 174 | |
A.A. Kirillov | Lectures on the Orbit Method | 2004 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 64 | |
Peter E. Kloeden and Martin Rasmussen | Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 176 | |
Andrew Knightly and Charles Li | Traces of Hecke Operators | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 133 | |
Roger Knobel | An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Waves | 2000 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 3 | |
Marvin I. Knopp | Modular Functions in Analytic Number Theory | 1993 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 377.H | |
Donald E. Knuth | Stable Marriage and Its Relation to Other Combinatorial Problems | 1997 | CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes, vol. 10 | |
Alexander Koldobsky | Fourier Analysis in Convex Geometry | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 116 | |
Alexander Koldobsky and Vladyslav Yaskin | The Interface between Convex Geometry and Harmonic Analysis | 2008 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 108 | |
Akira Kono and Dai Tamaki | Generalized Cohomology | 2006 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.230 | |
Philip Korman | Lectures on Differential Equations | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 54 | |
T. W. Körner | A Companion to Analysis: A Second First and First Second Course in Analysis | 2003 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 62 | |
Mark Kot | A First Course in the Calculus of Variations | 2014 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 72 | |
Alexander Korostelev and Olga Korosteleva | Mathematical Statistics: Asymptotic Minimax Theory | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 119 | |
Dimitris Koukoulopoulos | The Distribution of Prime Numbers | 2019 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 203 | |
Dmitry N. Kozlov | Organized Collapse: An Introduction to Discrete Morse Theory | 2020 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 207 | |
Steven G. Krantz | A Primer of Mathematical Writing: Being a Disquisition on Having Your Ideas Recorded, Typeset, Published, Read, and Appreciated | 2017 | ||
Steven G. Krantz | A Mathematician's Survival Guide: Graduate School and Early Career Development | 2003 | ||
Steven G. Krantz | Mathematical Publishing: A Guidebook | 2005 | ||
Steven G. Krantz | The Survival of a Mathematician: From Tenure-Track to Emeritus | 2009 | ||
Steven G. Krantz and Robert Greene | Function Theory of One Complex Variable, Third Edition | 2006 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 40.R | |
Matthias Kreck | Differential Algebraic Topology | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 110 | |
Gershon Kresin and Vladimir Maz'ya | Maximum Principles and Sharp Constants for Solutions of Elliptic and Parabolic Systems | 2012 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 183 | |
N.V. Krylov | Lectures on Elliptic and Parabolic Equations in Sobolev Spaces | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 96 | |
N.V. Krylov | Sobolev and Viscosity Solutions for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 233 | |
Wolfgang Kühnel | Differential Geometry: Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds, Second Edition | 2006 | ||
Ernst Kunz, David A. Cox, and Alicia Dickenstein | Residues and Duality for Projective Algebraic Varieties | 2008 | University Lecture Series, vol. 47 | |
Jean-Pierre Labesse and Jean-Loup Waldspurger | La Formule des Traces Tordue d'après le Friday Morning Seminar | 2013 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 31 | |
L. Lafforgue | Chirurgie des grassmanniennes | 2003 | CRM Monograph Series, vol.19 | |
Douglas J. LaFountain and William W. Menasco | Braid Foliations in Low-Dimensional Topology | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 185 | |
Jeffrey C. Lagarias | The Ultimate Challenge: The $3x+1$ Problem | 2010 | ||
Tamara Lakins | The Tools of Mathematical Reasoning | 2016 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 26 | |
T. Y. Lam | Introduction to Quadratic Forms over Fields | 2005 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 67 | |
Evelyn Lamb | AMS Page a Day Calendar | 2019 | ||
Bruce M. Landman and Aaron Robertson | Ramsey Theory on the Integers, Second Edition | 2014 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 73 | |
Bruce M. Landman and Aaron Robertson | Ramsey Theory on the Integers | 2003 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 24 | |
J.M. Landsberg | Tensors: Geometry and Applications | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 128 | |
J.M. Landsberg | Tensors Asymptotic Geometry and Developments 2016--2018 | 2019 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 132 | |
David Lannes | The Water Waves Problem | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 188 | |
Charles Lanski | Concepts in Abstract Algebra | 2005 | Brooks/Cole: Cengage Learning, vol. 14 | |
Michel L. Lapidus | In Search of the Riemann Zeros: Strings, Fractals Membranes and Noncommutative Spacetimes | 2008 | ||
Paul B. Larson and Jindrich Zapletal | Geometric Set Theory | 2020 | Mathematics Surveys and Monographs, vol. 248 | |
Paul B. Larson | The Stationary Tower: Notes on a Course by W. Hugh Woodin | 2004 | University Lecture Series, vol. 32 | |
Gregory F. Lawler | Conformally Invariant Processes in the Plane | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 114 | |
Gregory F. Lawler | Random Walk and the Heat Equation | 2010 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 55 | |
Peter D. Lax and Lawrence Zalcman | Complex Proofs of Real Theorems | 2011 | University Lecture Series, vol. 58 | |
Arne Ledet | Brauer Type Embedding Problems | 2005 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol. 21 | |
Dan A. Lee | Geometric Relativity | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 201 | |
Jeffrey M. Lee | Manifolds and Differential Geometry | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 107 | |
John M. Lee | Axiomatic Geometry | 2013 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 21 | |
Kyung Bai Lee and Frank Raymond | Seifert Fiberings | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 166 | |
J. L. Lehman | Quadratic Number Theory: An Invitation to Algebraic Methods in the Higher Arithmetic | 2019 | Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, vol. 52 | |
Olli Lehto | Lars Ahlfors --- At the Summit of Mathematics | 2015 | ||
Giovanni Leoni | A First Course in Sobolev Spaces | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 105 | |
Giovanni Leoni | A First Course in Sobolev Spaces, Second Edition | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 181 | |
Emmanuel Lesigne | Heads or Tails: An Introduction to Limit Theorems in Probability | 2005 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 28 | |
David A. Levin and Yuval Peres, with contributions from Elizabeth L. Wilmer | Markov Chains and Mixing Times, Second Edition | 2017 | ||
David A. Levin, Yuval Peres, and Elizabeth L. Wilmer | Markov Chains and Mixing Times | 2009 | ||
Mark Levi | Classical Mechanics with Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control: An Intuitive Introduction | 2014 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 69 | |
Graham J. Leuschke and Roger A.. Wiegand | Cohen-Macaulay Representations | 2012 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 181 | |
Lawrence S. Levy and J. Chris Robson | Hereditary Neotherian Prime Rings and Idealizers | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 174 | |
Wen-Ching Winnie Li | Zeta and $L$-functions in Number Theory and Combinatorics | 2019 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no.129 | |
Elliott H. Lieb and Michael Loss | Analysis: Second Edition | 2001 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.14 | |
Martin W. Liebeck and Gary M. Seitz | Unipotent and Nilpotent Classes in Simple Algebraic Groups and Lie Algebras | 2012 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 180 | |
Thomas M. Liggett | Continuous Time Markov Processes | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.113 | |
Huaxin Lin | From the Basic Homotopy Lemma to the Classification of $C^*$ Algebras | 2017 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol 29 | |
Thomas L. Lindstrom | Spaces: An Introduction to Real Analysis | 2017 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, no. 124 | |
Yu. N. Lin'kov | Lectures in Mathematical Statistics: Parts 1 and 2 | 2005 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.229 | |
Martin Lorenz | A Tour of Representation Theory | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.193 | |
László Lovász | Large Networks and Graph Limits | 2012 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 60 | |
László Lovász | Combinatorial Problems and Exercises: Second Edition | 2007 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 361.H | |
László Lovász | Matching Theory | 2009 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 367.H | |
Álvaro Lozano-Robledo | Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms, and Their L-functions | 2011 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 58 | |
Álvaro Lozano-Robledo | Number Theory and Geometry: An Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry | 2019 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 35 | |
Tian Ma and Shouhing Wang | Geometric Theory of Incompressible Flows with Applications to Fluid Dynamics | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 119 | |
Barbara D. MacCluer, Paul S. Bourdon, and Thomas L. Kriete | Differential Equations: Techniques, Theory, and Applications | 2019 | ||
John M. Mackay and Jeremy T. Tyson | Conformal Dimension: Theory and Application | 2010 | University Lecture Series, vol. 54 | |
Dana Mackenzie | What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, Volume 9 | 2013 | What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 9 | |
Dana Mackenzie | What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, Volume 8 | 2011 | What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 8 | |
Dana Mackenzie | What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, Volume 7 | 2009 | What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 7 | |
Dana Mackenzie and Barry Cipra | What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, Volume 6 | 2007 | What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 6 | |
Diane Maclagan and Bernd Sturmfels | Introduction to Tropical Geometry | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.161 | |
G. G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V. M. Tikhomirov | Convex Analysis: Theory and Applications | 2003 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 222 | |
Kazem Mahdavi and Deborah Koslover | Advances in Quantum Computation | 2009 | Contemporary Mathematics vol. 482 | |
Andrew J. Majda, Rafail V. Abramov, and Marcus J. Grote | Information Theory and Stochastics for Multiscale Nonlinear Systems | 2005 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 25 | |
V. M. Manuilov and E. V. Troitsky | Hilbert $C^*$-Modules | 2005 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 226 | |
Vladimir A. Marchenko | Sturm Liouville Operators and Applications: Revised Edition | 2011 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 373.H | |
Vladimir Marchenko and Victor Slavin | Inverse Problems in the Theory of Small Oscillations | 2018 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 247 | |
Matilde Marcolli | Arithmetic Noncommutative Geometry | 2005 | University Lecture Series vol. 33 | |
Martin Markl | Deformation Theory of Algebras and Their Diagrams | 2012 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 116 > | |
Murray Marshall | Positive Polynomials and Sums of Squares | 2008 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 146 | |
Jiri Matousek | Thirty-three Miniatures | 2010 | Student Mathematical Library , vol. 53 | |
J.P. May and J. Sigurdsson | Parameterized Homotopy Theory | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 132 | |
Vladimir Maz'ya and Jürgen Rossmann | Elliptic Equations in Polyhedral Domains | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 162 | |
Vladimir Maz'ya and Gunther Schmidt | Approximate Approximations | 2007 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 141 | |
Carlo Mazza, Vladimir Voevodsky, and Charles Weibel | Lecture Notes on Motivic Cohomology | 2006 | Clay Mathematics Monographs, vol. 2> | |
Dusa McDuff and Dietmar Salamon | $J$-holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology, Second Edition | 2012 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 52.R | |
Henry P. McKean | Stochastic Integrals | 2005 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 353.H | |
Ralph N. McKenzie, George F. McNulty, and Walter F. Taylor | Algebras, Lattices, Varieties | 1987 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 383.H | |
William H. Meeks and Joaquin Perez | A Survey on Classical Minimal Surface Theory | 2012 | University Lecture Series, vol. 60 | |
Eckart Menzler-Trott | Logic's Lost Genius: The Life of Gerhard Gentzen | 2007 | History of Mathematics, vol. 33 | |
Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | An Introduction to Game-Theoretic Modelling: Second Edition | 2001 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 11 | |
Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | A Primer on the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory | 2009 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 50 | |
Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | An Introduction to Game-Theoretic Modelling: Third Edition | 2019 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 37 | |
Christian Meyer | Modular Calabi-Yau Threefolds | 2005 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol. 22 | |
Peter W. Michor | Topics in Differential Geometry | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 93 | |
Peter D. Miller | Applied Asymptotic Analysis | 2006 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 75 | |
Steven J. Miller | Mathematics of Optimization: How to do Things Faster | 2017 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 30 | |
Koryo Miura, Toshikazu Kawasaki, Tomohiro Tachi, Ryuhei Uehara, Robert J. Lang, Patsy Wang-Iverson | Origami${}^6$ | 2015 | ||
Pavel Mnev | Quantum Field Theory: Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism and Its Applications | 2019 | University Lecture Series, vol. 72 | |
Alexander Molev | Yangians and Classical Lie Algebras | 2007 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 143 | |
Alexander Molev | Sugawara Operators for Classical Lie Algebras | 2018 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 229 | |
Victor H. Moll | Numbers and Functions | 2012 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 65 | |
Hugh L. Montgomery | Early Fourier Analysis | 2014 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 22 | |
Sebastián Montiel and Antonio Ros | Curves and Surfaces: Second Edition | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 69.R | |
Emily H. Moore and Harriet S. Pollatsek | Difference Sets: Connecting Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry | 2013 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 67 | |
John Douglas Moore | Introduction to Global Analysis | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 187 | |
Fabien Morel | Homotopy Theory of Schemes | 2006 | SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs, vol. 12 | |
John W. Morgan and Gang Tian | The Geometrization Conjecture | 2014 | Clay Mathematics Monographs, vol. 5 John W. Morgan | |
Kenji Fukaya, Dominic Joyce, Dusa McDuff, and Mohammad Farajzadeh Tehrani | Virtual Fundamental Cycles in Symplectic Topology | 2019 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 237 | |
Carlos Julio Moreno | Advanced Analytic Number Theory: L-Functions | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 115 | |
David C. Morgan, Denise M. Halverson, Spencer P. Magleby, Terri C. Bateman, Larry L. Howell | Y Origami?: Explorations in Folding | 2017 | ||
Hitoshi Moriyoshi and Toshikaze Natsume | Operator Algebras and Geometry | 2008 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 237 | |
Carlos Julio Moreno | Advanced Analytic Number Theory: L-Functions | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 115 | |
Frank Morgan | Real Analysis | 2005 | ||
Frank Morgan | Real Analysis and Applications: Including Fourier Series and the Calculus of Variations | 2005 | ||
John W. Morgan and Frederick Tsz-Ho Fong | Ricci Flow and Geometrization of 3-Manifolds | 2010 | University Lecture Series, vol. 53 | |
John Morgan and Gang Tian | Ricci Flow and the Poincar'e Conjecture | 2007 | Clay Mathematics Monograph, vol. 3 | |
Atsushi Moriwaki | Arakelov Geometry | 2014 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 244 | |
James Morrow and Kunihiko Kodaira | Complex Manifolds | 2006 | ||
Yiannis N. Moschovakis | Descriptive Set Theory: Second Edition | 2009 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 155 | |
Gary L. Mullen and Carl Mummert | Finite Fields and Applications | 2007 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.41 | |
Jacob P. Murre, Jan Nagel, and Chris A. M. Peters | Lectures on the Theory of Pure Motives | 2013 | University Lecture Series, vol. 61 | |
M. Ram Murty and Brandon Fodden | Hilbert's Tenth Problem: An Introduction to Logic, Number Theory, and Computability | 2019 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 88 | |
Ian M. Musson | Lie Superalgebras and Enveloping Algebras | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 131 | |
Alexei G. Myasnikov, Vladimir Shpilrain, and Alexander V. Ushakov | Non-commutative Cryptography and Complexity of Group-theoretic Problems | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 177 | |
David Nacin | Math-Infused Sudoku: Puzzle Variants at All Levels of Difficulty | 2019 | ||
Nikolai Nadirashvili, Vladimir Tkachev, and Serge Vladuts | Nonlinear Elliptic Equations and Nonassociative Algebras | 2014 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 200 | |
S.R. Nagpaul and S.K. Jain | Topics in Applied Abstract Algebra | 2005 | Brooks/Cole: Cengage Learning, vol. 15 | |
Volodymyr Nekrashevych | Self-Similar Groups | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 117 | |
Roger Nelsen | Nuggets of Number Theory: A Visual Approach | 2018 | Classroom Resource Materials, vol. 55 | |
Gail S. Nelson | A User-Friendly Introduction to Lebesque Measure and Integration | 2015 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 78 | |
John Neu | Singular Perturbation in the Physical Sciences | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 167 | |
Mara D. Neusel | Invariant Theory | 2007 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 36 | |
Mara D. Neusel and Larry Smith | Invariant Theory of Finite Groups | 2002 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 94 | |
Zbigniew Nitecki | Calculus in 3D: Geometry, Vectors, and Multivariate Calculus | 2018 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 40 | |
Dmitry Nogin, Michael A. Tsfasman, and Serge Vladuts | Algebraic Geometry Codes: Advanced Chapters | 2019 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 238 | |
Junjiro Noguchi | Introduction to Complex Analysis | 1998 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs vol.168 | |
Virginia W. Noonburg | Differential Equations: From Calculus to Dynamical Systems, Second Edition | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 43 | |
Masatoshi Noumi | Painlev'e Equations through Symmetry | 2004 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs vol.223 | |
I. Ya. Novikov, V. Yu. Protasov, and M. A. Skopina | Wavelet Theory | 2011 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 239 | |
S.P. Novikov and I.A. Taimanov | Modern Geometric Structures and Fields | 2006 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 71 | |
David Nualart | Malliavin Calculus and Its Applications | 2009 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 110 | |
Alexander Olevskii and Alexander Ulanovskii | Functions with Disconnected Spectrum: Sampling, Interpolation, Translates | 2016 | University Lecture Series, vol. 65 | |
Martin Olsson | Algebraic Spaces and Stacks | 2016 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 62 | |
Ken Ono | The Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coefficients of Modular Forms and $q$-series | 2003 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 102 | |
Steve Oudot | Persistence Theory: From Quiver Representations to Data Analysis | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 209 | |
Sergei Ovchinnikov | Number Systems: An Introduction to Algebra and Analysis | 2015 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 23 | |
Marius Overhold | A Course in Analytic Number Theory | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 160 | |
Peter S. Ozsváth, András I. Stipsicz, and Zoltán Szabót | Grid Homology for Knots and Links | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 208 | |
Authors Janos Pach and Micha Sharir | Combinatorial Geometry and its Algorithm Applications: The Alcala Lectures | 2009 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 152 | |
Victor M. Buchstaber and Taras E. Panov | Toric Topology | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 204 | |
K. R. Parthasarathy | Probability Measures on Metric Spaces | 2005 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 352.H | |
Donald S. Passman | A Course in Ring Theory | 2004 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 348.H | |
Leonid Pastur and Maria Shcherbina | Eigenvalue Distribution of Large Random Matrices | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 171 | |
Sylvie Paycha | Regularised Integrals, Sums and Traces: An Analytic Point of View | 2012 | University Lecture Series vol. 59 | |
Jerome K. Percus | Mathematical Models in Developmental Biology | 2012 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 23 | |
Jerome K. Percus and Stephen Childress | Mathematical Methods in Immunology | 2015 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 26 | |
Kanishka Perera, Ravi P. Agarwal, and Donal O'Regan | Morse Theoretic Aspects of $p$-Laplacian Type Operators | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 161 | |
María Cristina Pereyra and Lesley A. Ward | Harmonic Analysis: From Fourier to Wavelets | 2012 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 63 | |
Vladimir Pestov | Dynamics of Infinite-dimensional Groups: The Ramsey-Dvoretzky-Milman Phenomenon | 2006 | University Lecture Series vol. 40 | |
Arshak Petrosyan, Henrik Shahgholian, and Nina N. Uraltseva | Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle-Type Problems | 2012 | Gradudate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 136 | |
Miodrag S. Petkovic | Famous Puzzles of Great Mathematicians | 2009 | ||
Mark Pinsky | Partial Differential Equations and Boundary-Value Problems with Applications: Third Edition | 2011 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 15 | |
Mark Pinsky | Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Wavelets | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 102 | |
Robert Plato | Concise Numerical Mathematics | 2003 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 57 | |
Thane Plambeck and Tomas Rokicki | Barrycades and Septoku: Papers in Honor of Martin Gardner and Tom Rodgers | 2020 | Spectrum, vol. 100 | |
J.M. Plotkin | Hausdorff on Ordered Sets | 2005 | History of Mathematics, vol. 25 | |
Henri Poincaré | Papers on Topology | 2010 | History of Mathematics, vol. 37 | |
A. Polishchuk and L. Positselski | Quadratic Algebras | 2005 | University Lecture Series vol. 37 | |
Paul Pollack | A Conversational Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory | 2017 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 84 | |
Paul Pollack | Not Always Buried Deep: A Second Course in Elementary Number Theory | 2009 | ||
Burkhard Polster | The Shoelace Book | 2006 | Mathematical World, vol. 24 | |
Burkhard Polster and Marty Ross | A Dingo Ate My Math Book | 2017 | ||
Leonid Polterovich and Daniel Rosen | Function Theory on Symplectic Manifolds | 2014 | CRM Monographs Series, vol. 34 | |
Leonid Polterovich, Daniel Rosen, Karina Samvelyan, and Jun Zhang | Topological Persistence in Geometry and Analysis | 2020 | University Lecture Series, vol. 74 | |
Alexei Poltoratski | Toeplitz Approach to Problems of the Uncertainty Principle | 2015 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 121 | |
Bjorn Poonen | Rational Points on Varieties | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 186 | |
Philippe Poulin | Leçons d'analyse classique: Exposition d'un cours fait par Paul Koosis à l'Universitê McGill, Montreal | 2015 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 36 | |
V. V. Prasolov | Elements of Homology Theory | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 81 | |
Randall Pruim | Foundations and Applications of Statistics: An Introduction Using R | 2011 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 13 | |
Randall Pruim | Foundations and Applications of Statistics: An Introduction Using R, Second Edition | 2018 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 28 | |
Aleksandr Pukhlikov | Birationally Rigid Varieties | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 190 | |
Zhenbo Qin | Hilbert Schemes of Points and Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras | 2018 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 228 | |
Iain Raeburn | Graph Algebras | 2005 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 103 | |
Firas Rassoul-Agha and Timo Seppalainen | A Course on Large Deviations with an Introduction to Gibbs Measures | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 162 | |
Jeffrey Rauch | Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Optics | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 133 | |
Mikl'os R'edei | John von Neumann: Selected Letters | 2005 | History of Mathematics, vol. 27 | |
Lasse Gillen-Rempe and Rebecca Waldecker | Primality Testing for Beginners | 2014 | Student Mathematical Library, vol 70 | |
Bettina Richmond and Tom Richmond | A Discrete Transition to Advanced Mathematics | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 3 | |
Carl R. Riehm | Introduction to Orthogonal, Symplectic and Unitary Representations of Finite Groups | 2011 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol. 28 | |
Elaine McKinnon Riehm and Frances Hoffman | Turburlent Times in Mathematics: The Life of J. C. Fields and the History of the Fields Medal | 2011 | ||
R. Clark Robinson | An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: Continuous and Discrete, Second Edition | 2012 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 19 | |
John Roe | Winding Around: The Winding Number in Topology, Geometry, and Analysis | 2015 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 76 | |
Dale Rolfsen | Knots and Links | 2003 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 346.H | |
Michael Rosen | Exposition by Emil Artin: A Selection | 2006 | History of Mathematics, vol.30 | |
William T. Ross and Harold S. Shapiro | Generalized Analytic Continuation | 2002 | University Lecture Series, vol. 25 | |
Joseph J. Rotman | Advanced Modern Algebra: Second Edition | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 114 | |
Joseph J. Rotman | Advanced Modern Algebra: Third Edition, Part 1 | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 165 | |
Joseph J. Rotman | Advanced Modern Algebra: Third Edition, Part 2 | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 180 | |
Louis Halle Rowen | Graduate Algebra: Commutative View | 2006 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 73 | |
Louis Halle Rowen | Graduate Algebra: A Noncommutative View | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 91 | |
Gilles Royer | An Initiation to Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities | 2007 | SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs, vol. 14 | |
Natasha Rozhkovskaya | Math Circles for Elementary School Students | 2014 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Libra, vol. 13 | |
Sylvie Ruette | Chaos on the Interval | 2017 | University Lecture Series, vol. 67 | |
Robert Rumely | Capacity Theory with Local Rationality | 2013 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 193 | |
J. M. M. Rutten, Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, and David Parker | Mathematical Techniques for Analyzing Concurrent and Probabilistic Systems | 2004 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 23 | |
Donald G. Saari | Collisions, Rings, and Other Newtonian $N$-Body Problems | 2005 | ||
Lorenzo Sadun | Applied Linear Algebra: The Decoupling Principle, Second Edition | 2008 | ||
Lorenzo Sadun | Topology of Tiling Spaces | 2008 | University Lecture Series, vol. 46 | |
Takeshi Saito | Fermat's Last Theorem: The Proof | 2014 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 245 | |
Takeshi Saito | Fermat's Last Theorem: Basic Tools | 2013 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 243 | |
Judith D. Sally and Paul J. Sally, Jr. | Integers, Fractions and Arithmetic: A Guide for Teachers | 2012 | Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 10 | |
Judith D. Sally and Paul J. Sally, Jr. | Geometry: A Guide for Teachers | 2011 | Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 3 | |
Judith D. Sally and Paul J. Sally, Jr. | Roots to Research: A Vertical Development of Mathematical Problems | 2007 | ||
Paul J. Sally, Jr. | Tools of the Trade: Introduction to Advanced Mathematics | 2008 | ||
Donald Sarason | Complex Function Theory: Second Edition | 2007 | ||
Mark Saul | Hadamard's Plane Geometry | 2010 | ||
Jacques Sauloy | Differential Galois Theory through Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence: An Elementary Introduction | 2016 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 177 | |
Eric T. Sawyer | Function Theory: Interpolation and Corona Problems | 2009 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol. 25 | |
Wilhelm Schlag | A Course in Complex Analysis and Riemann Surfaces | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 154 | |
Dana Schlomiuk, Andrei A. Bolibrukh, Sergei Yakovenko, Vadim Kaloshin, and Alexandru Buium | On Finiteness in Differential Equations and Diophantine Geometry | 2005 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 24 | |
Guido Schneider and Hannes Uecker | Nonlinear PDEs: A Dynamical Systems Approach | 2017 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 182 | |
Jennifer Schultens | Introduction to 3-Manifolds | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 151 | |
Achill Schürmann | Computational Geometry of Positive Definite Quadratic Forms | 2008 | University Lecture Series, vol. 48 | |
Christof Schütte and Marco Sarich | Metastability and Markov State Models in Molecular Dynamics | 2013 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 24 | |
Richard Evan Schwartz | Life on the Infinite Farm | 2018 | ||
Richard Evan Schwartz | The Projective Heat Map | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 219 | |
Richard Evan Schwartz | Gallery of the Infinite | 2016 | ||
Richard Evan Schwartz | Really Big Numbers | 2014 | ||
Richard Evan Schwartz | The Octogonal PETs | 2014 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 197 | |
Richard Evan Schwartz | Mostly Surfaces | 2011 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 60 | |
Alexandru Scorpan | The Wild World of 4-Manifolds | 2005 | ||
Nicholas A. Scoville | Discrete Morse Theory | 2019 | Student Mathematical Library Series, vol. 90 | |
Kristian Seip | Interpolation and Sampling in Spaces of Analytic Functions | 2004 | University Lecture Series, vol. 33 | |
Mark R. Sepanski | Algebra | 2010 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 11 | |
Jacques Sesiano | An Introduction to the History of Algebra: Solving Equations from Mesopotamian Times to the Renaissance | 2009 | Mathematical World, vol. 27 | |
Freydoon Shahidi | Eisenstein Series and Automorphic $L$-Functions | 2010 | Colloquium Publications, vol. 58 | |
Shahriar Shahriari | Approximately Calculus | 2006 | ||
Shahriar Shahriari | Algebra in Action | 2017 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 27 | |
Helene Shapiro | Linear Algebra and Matrices: Topics for a Second Course: | 2015 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 24 | |
Joel H. Shapiro | Volterra Adventures | 2018 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 85 | |
Thomas R. Shemanske | Modern Cryptography and Elliptic Curves: A Beginner's Guide | 2017 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.83 | |
A. Shen, V. A. Uspensky, and N. Vereshchagin | Kolmogorov Complexity and Algorithmic Randomness | 2017 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 220 | |
Koji Shiga and Toshikazu Sunada | A Mathematical Gift, III: The interplay between topology, functions, geometry, and algebra | 2005 | Mathematical World, vol. 23 | |
Goro Shimura | Arithmetic and Analytic Theories of Quadratic Forms and Clifford Groups | 2004 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.109 | |
Mikhail Shubin | Invitation to Partial Differential Equations | 2020 | Graduate Study in Mathematics, vol.205 | |
Aaron N. Siegel | Combinatorial Game Theory | 2013 | Graduate Study in Mathematics, vol.146 | |
C.E. Silva | Invitation to Ergodic Theory | 2007 | Student Mathematical Library, vol.42 | |
Cesar E. Silva | Invitation to Real Analysis | 2019 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol.36 | |
Joseph H. Silverman | Moduli Spaces and Arithmetic Dynamics | 2012 | CRM Monograph Series, vol.30 | |
Barry Simon | A Comprehensive Course in Analysis | 2015 | ||
Barry Simon | Functional Integration and Quantum Physics: Second Edition | 2005 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 351.H | |
Barry Simon | Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle: Part 1: Classical Theory; Part 2: Spectral Theory | 2004 | Colloquium Publications vol. 54 | |
Barry Simon | Trace Ideals and Their Applications | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.120 | |
Andrew Simoson | Exploring Continued Fractions: From the Integers to Solar Eclipses | 2019 | Dolciani Mathematical Expressions, vol.53 | |
William M. Singer | Steenrod Squares in Spectral Sequences | 2006 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.129 | |
Hal L. Smith and Horst R. Thieme | Dynamical Systems and Population Persistence | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 118 | |
Stephen D. Smith | Subgroup Complexes | 2011 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 179 | |
Stephen D. Smith | Applying the Classification of Finite Simple Groups | 2018 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 230 | |
Ronald Solomon | Abstract Algebra | 2009 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 9 | |
A. S. Sossinsky | Geometries | 2012 | Student Mathematical Library vol. 64 | |
Frank Sottile | Real Solutions to Equations from Geometry | 2011 | University Lecture Series, vol. 57 | |
Jared Speck | Shock Formation in Small-Data Solutions to 3D Quasilinear Wave Equations | 2016 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 214 | |
Joel Spencer | Asymptopia | 2014 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 71 | |
Jeremy P. Spinrad | Efficient Graph Representations | 2003 | Field Institute Monographs, vol. 19 | |
Zvezdelina Stankova and Tom Rike | A Decade of the Berkeley Math Circle: The American Experience, Volume II | 2015 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 14 | |
Zvezdelina Stankova and Tom Rike | A Decade of the Berkeley Math Circle: The American Experience, Volume I | 2008 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 1 | |
Richard P. Stanley | Conversational Problem Solving | 2020 | ||
Michael Starbird and Francis Su | Topology Through Inquiry | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 58 | |
William Stein | Modular Forms, a Computational Approach | 2007 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 79 | |
Robert Steinberg | Lectures on Chevalley Groups | 2016 | University Lecture Series, vol. 66 | |
Jeffrey Strom | Modern Classical Homotopy Theory | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 127> | |
Karl R. Stromberg | An Introduction to Classical Real Analysis | 2015 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 376,H | |
Daniel Stroock | Mathematics of Probability | 2013 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 149> | |
Martin Stynes and David Stynes | Convection-Diffusion Problems: An Introduction to Their Analysis and Numerical Solution | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 196 | |
Seth Sullivant | Algebraic Statistics | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 194 | |
Gabor Szekelyhidi | An Introduction to Extremal Kähler Metrics | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 152 | |
Anna Kepes Szemeredi | Art in the Life of Mathematicians | 2015 | ||
George G. Szpiro | A Mathematical Medley: Fifty Easy Pieces on Mathematics | 2010 | ||
Serge Tabachnikov | Geometry and Billiards | 2005 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 30 | |
Goncalo Tabuada | Noncommutative Motives | 2015 | University Lecture Series, vol. 63 | |
Leon A. Takhtajan | Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 95 | |
James Tanton | How Round is a Cube?: And Other Curious Mathematical Ponderings | 2019 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 23 | |
Terence Tao | Nonlinear Dispersive Equations: Local and Global Analysis | 2006 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 106 | |
Terence Tao | Structure and Randomness: pages from year one of a mathematical blog | 2008 | ||
Terence Tao | Poincaré's Legacies, Part I: pages from year two of a mathematical blog | 2009 | ||
Terence Tao | Poincaré's Legacies, Part II: pages from year two of a mathematical blog | 2009 | ||
Terence Tao | An Epsilon of Room, I: Real Analysis: pages from year three of a mathematical blog | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 117 | |
Terence Tao | An Epsilon of Room, II: pages from year three of a mathematical blog | 2011 | ||
Terence Tao | An Introduction to Measure Theory | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 126 | |
Terence Tao | Topics in Random Matrix Theory | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 132 | |
Terence Tao | Higher Order Fourier Analysis | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 142 | |
Terence Tao | Compactness and Contradiction | 2013 | ||
Terence Tao | Hilbert's Fifth Problem and Related Topics | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 153 | |
Terence Tao | Expansion in Finite Simple Groups of Lie Type | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 164 | |
Kristopher Tapp | Matrix Groups for Undergraduates, Second Edition | 2016 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 79 | |
Kristopher Tapp | Matrix Groups for Undergraduates | 2005 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 29 | |
Joseph L. Taylor | Complex Variables | 2011 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 16 | |
Joseph L. Taylor | Foundations of Analysis | 2012 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 18 | |
Michael E. Taylor | Linear Algebra | 2020 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 45 | |
Michael E. Taylor | Introduction to Complex Analysis | 2019 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 202 | |
Michael E. Taylor | Introduction to Differential Equations | 2011 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 14 | |
Michael E. Taylor | Measure Theory and Integration | 2006 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 76 | |
Gerald Tenenbaum | Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory, Third Edition | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 163 | |
William J. Terrell | A Passage to Modern Analysis | 2019 | AMS Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 41 | |
Gerald Teschl | Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics: With Applications to Schrödinger Operators | 2009 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 99 | |
Gerald Teschl | Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 140 | |
Gerald Teschl | Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics: With Applications to Schrödinger Operators: Second Edition | 2014 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 157 | |
Christoph Thiele | Wave Packet Analysis | 2006 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 105 | |
Alberto Torchinsky | Problems in Real and Functional Analysis | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 166 | |
Fredi Tröltzsch | Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Methods and Applications | 2010 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 112 | |
Tai-Peng Tsai | Lectures on Navier-Stokes Equations | 2018 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 192 | |
Michael Tsfasman, Serge Vladut, and Dmitry Nogin | Algebraic Geometric Codes: Basic Notions | 2007 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.139 | |
Levent Tunçel | Polyhedral and Semidefinite Programming Methods in Combinatorial Optimization | 2010 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol. 27 | |
Andrei Tyurin | Quantization, Classical and Quantum Field Theory and Theta Functions | 2003 | CRM Monograph Series, vol. 21 | |
Kenji Ueno | Algebraic Geometry 3. Further Study of Schemes | 2003 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.218 | |
Kenji Ueno | Algebraic Geometry 1: From Algebraic Varieties to Schemes | 1999 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.185 | |
Kenji Ueno | Conformal Field Theory with Gauge Symmetry | 2008 | Fields Institute Monographs, vol.24 | |
Kenji Ueno | An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry | 1997 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol.166 | |
David C. Ullrich | Complex Made Simple | 2008 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.97 | |
Authosr: Alejandro Uribe A. and Daniel A. Visscher | Explorations in Analysis, Topology, and Dynamics: An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics | 2020 | Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol.44 | |
Leslie Jane Federer Vaaler, Shinko Kojima Harper, and James W. Daniel | Mathematical Interest Theory, Third Edition | 2019 | AMS/MAA Textbooks, vol. 57 | |
Leonid L. Vaksman | Quantum Bounded Symmeteric Domains | 2010 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 238 | |
Sam Vandervelde | Circle in a Box | 2009 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 2 | |
V.S. Varadarajan | Supersymmetry for Mathematicians: An Introduction | 2004 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 11 | |
V.S. Varadarajan | Euler through Time: A New Look at Old Themes | 2006 | ||
V.S. Varadarajan | Algebra in Ancient and Modern Times | 1998 | Mathematical World, vol. 12 | |
S. R. S. Varadhan | Probability Theory | 2001 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 7 | |
S. R. S. Varadhan | Stochastic Processes | 2007 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 16 | |
S. R. S. Varadhan | Large Deviations | 2007 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 27 | |
Alexander Varchenko | Special Functions, KZ Type Equations, and Representation Theory | 2003 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 98 | |
Dror Varolin | Riemann Surfaces by Way of Complex Analytic Geometry | 2011 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 125 | |
O.N. Vasilenko | Number-Theoretic Algorithms in Cryptography | 2007 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 232 | |
V.A. Vassiliev | Complements of Discriminants of Smooth Maps: Topology and Applications: Revised Edition | 2002 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 98 | |
Andras Vasy | Partial Differential Equations: An Accessible Route through Theory and Applications | 2015 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 169 | |
Santosh S. Vempala | The Random Projection Method | 2004 | DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 65 | |
E. B. Vinberg | A Course in Algebra | 2003 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 56 | |
O. Ya. Viro, O. A. Ivanov, N. Yu. Netsvetaev, and V.M. Kharlamov | Elementary Topology: Problem Book | 2008 | ||
Alexander Volberg | Calderón-Zygmund Capacities and Operators on Nonhomogeneous Spaces | 2003 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 100 | |
A. R. Wadsworth | Problems in Abstract Algebra | 2017 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 82 | |
Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr. | The Joy of Factoring | 2012 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 6 | |
John B. Walsh | Knowing the Odds | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathemaics, vol. 139 | |
Neil A. Watson | Introduction to Heat Potential Theory | 2012 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 182 | |
Aiping Wang and Anton Zettl | Ordinary Differential Operators | 2019 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, no. 245 | |
Zhenghan Wang | Topological Quantum Computation | 2010 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 112 | |
Rebecca Weber | Computability Theory | 2012 | Student Mathematical Library, vol. 62 | |
Charles A. Weibel | The $K$ Book: An Introduction to Algebraic $K$-theory | 2013 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 145 | |
Steven H. Weintraub | Representation Theory of Finite Groups: Algebra and Arithmetic | 2003 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 59 | |
Steven H. Weintraub | Linear Algebra for the Young Mathematician | 2019 | AMS Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 42 | |
Martin H. Weissman | An Illustrated Theory of Numbers | 2017 | ||
Lan Wen | Differentiable Dynamical Systems: An Introduction to Structural Stability and Hyperbolicity | 2016 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 173 | |
Dana P. Williams | Crossed Products of $C^*$ Algebras | 2007 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 134 | |
Dana P. Williams | A Tool Kit for Groupoid $C^*$-Algebras | 2019 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 241 | |
atics of Finance | 2006 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 72 | ||
Daniel T. Wise | From Riches to Raags: 3-Manifolds, Right-Angled Artin Groups, and Cubical Geometry | 2012 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no.117 | |
Sarah J. Witherspoon | Hochschild Cohomology for Algebras | 2019 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 204 | |
Joseph A. Wolf | Spaces of Constant Curvature: Sixth Edition | 2011 | AMS Chelsea Publishing, vol. 372.H> | |
Joseph A. Wolf | Harmonic Analysis on Commutative Spaces | 2007 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 142 | |
Thomas H. Wolff (edited by Izabella Laba and Carol Shubin) | Lectures on Harmonic Analysis | 2003 | University Lecture Series, vol. 29 | |
Scott A. Wolpert | Families of Riemann Surfaces and Weil-Petersson Geometry | 2010 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 113 | |
David Wright | Mathematics and Music | 2009 | ||
Hung-Hsi Wu | Teaching School Mathematics: Algebra | 2016 | ||
Hung-Hsi Wu | Teaching School Mathematics: Pre-Algebra | 2016 | ||
Hung-Hsi Wu | Understanding Numbers in Elementary School Mathematics | 2011 | ||
Carolyn Yackel and sarah-marie belcastro | Figuring Fibers | 2018 | ||
D. R. Yafaev | Mathematical Scattering Theory: Analytic Theory | 2010 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol.158 | |
Ivan Yashchenko | Invitation to a Mathematical Festival | 2013 | Mathematical Circles Library vol.12 | |
Donald Yau | Colored Operads | 2016 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics , vol. 170 | |
Donald Yau and Mark W, Johnson | A Foundation for PROPs, Algebras, and Modules | 2015 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 203 | |
Anne L. Young | Mathematical Ciphers: From Caesar to RSA | 2006 | Mathematical World, vol. 25 | |
Giuseppe Zampieri | Complex Analysis and CR Geometry | 2008 | University Lecture Series, vol. 43 | |
Oscar Zariski, with an appendix by Bernard Teissier | The Moduli Problem for Plane Branches | 2006 | University Lecture Series, vol. 39 | |
Eduard Zehnder | Notes on Dynamical Systems | 2005 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 12 | |
Steve Zelditch | Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a Riemannian Manifold | 2017 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 125 | |
Anton Zettl | Sturm-Liouville Theory | 2005 | Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 121 | |
Xingzhi Zhan | Matrix Theory | 2013 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 147 | |
Ping Zhang | Wigner Measure and Semiclassical Limits of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations | 2008 | Courant Lecture Notes, vol. 17 | |
D. Zhelobenko | Principal Structures and Methods of Representation Theory | 2005 | Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 228 | |
Robert J. Zimmer and Dave Witte Morris | Ergodic Theory, Groups, and Geometry | 2008 | CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, no. 109 | |
David E. Zitarelli | A History of Mathematics in the United States and Canada, Volume 1: 1492-1900 | 2019 | Spectrum, no. 94 | |
Alexander Zvonkin | Math from Three to Seven: The Story of a Mathematical Circle for Preschoolers | 2011 | MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, vol. 5 | |
Maciej Zworski | Semiclassical Analysis | 2012 | Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 138 | |
Authors/ Editors | Title | Publication Year | Series |