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AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics

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Volume Title
AMSIP/006 Partial Differential Equations - Harold Levine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
AMSIP/005 Singularities and Complex Geometry - Qi-Keng Lu, Stephen S.-T. Yau and Anatoly S Libgober, Editors
AMSIP/004 Modular Interfaces: Modular Lie Algebras, Quantum Groups, and Lie Superalgebras - Vyjayanthi Chari and Ivan Penkov, Editors
AMSIP/003 Nonlinear Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations - Xia-Xi Ding and Tai-Ping Liu, Editors
AMSIP/002.2 Geometric topology, Part 2: 1993 Georgia international topology conference - William H Kazez, Editor
AMSIP/002.1 Geometric topology, Part 1: 1993 Georgia international topology conference - William H Kazez, Editor