AMS eBook CollectionsOne of the world's most respected mathematical collections, available in digital format for your library or institution
The AMS has maintained one of the world's most respected mathematical book publishing programs for over 100 years. AMS eBook Collections present our book series in digital format, allowing for convenient access throughout your library or institution. Our Collections are DRM-free and offer a number of library-friendly features, making them easy to acquire and convenient for patrons.
The Contemporary Mathematics series is available via current- year subscription.
AMS eBook Collection Releases
Proceedings and Collections
As a learned society, the AMS understands the importance of collections and proceedings to the mathematical literature. In these series, we publish papers from important conferences and workshops, translations of articles, selected works of significant mathematicians, and collections of articles on current topics.
- Advances in Soviet Mathematics
- American Mathematical Society Translations: Series 2
- AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics
- Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) Proceedings & Lecture Notes
- Contemporary Mathematics
- DIMACS: Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
- Fields Institute Communications
- Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics
- Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
The AMS publishes a broad spectrum of monographs, from books and textbooks for undergraduates, to texts for graduate students, to surveys and lecture notes for postdocs and established mathematicians. Such books have been part of our publishing program for over 100 years. AMS monographs maintain the highest standards for scholarship and exposition.
- A Comprehensive Course in Analysis by Barry Simon
- AMS Non-Series Monographs
- AMS Chelsea Publishing
- CBMS Issues in Mathematical Education
- CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics
- Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) Monograph Series
- Colloquium Publications
- Courant Lecture Notes
- Fields Institute Monographs
- Graduate Studies in Mathematics
- History of Mathematics
- IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
- Mathematical Surveys and Monographs
- Mathematical World
- Student Mathematical Library
- Translations of Mathematical Monographs
- University Lecture Series
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
The Memoirs of the AMS series is devoted to the publication of research in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. The Memoirs is designed particularly to publish long papers or groups of cognate papers in book form, and is under the supervision of the Editorial Committee of the AMS journal Transactions of the AMS. All articles submitted to this journal are peer-reviewed.
AMS | MAA Press eBook Collections
New titles published after 2018 are now available in the following series:
- Aneli Lax New Mathematical Library
- The Carus Mathematical Monographs
- Classroom Resource Materials
- Dolciani Mathematics Expositions
- Problem Books
- Spectrum
AMS | MAA Press Archive
The AMS | MAA Press Archive eBook Collection contains MAA Press titles published between 1925 and 2018, many available as eBooks for the first time. This valuable archive contains over 300 titles, ranging from undergraduate textbooks to research monographs.
Purchasers of the collection will receive access to all of the series listed below (see each series for a list of available volumes).
Included Series:
AMS eBook Collections Features
- No DRM
- Site-wide, unlimited simultaneous access
- Archived in CLOCKSS and Portico
- RSS feed available for eBooks subscription products
- Access to electronic version prior to print version for eBooks subscription products
- MARC records, freely available to all
- Perpetual access
- No annual maintenance fee