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Witten Non Abelian Localization for Equivariant K-Theory, and the $[Q,R]=0$ Theorem

About this Title

Paul-Emile Paradan, Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck, CNRS UMR 5149, Université de Montpellier, France and Michèle> Vergne, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, CNRS UMR 7586, Université Paris 7, France

Publication: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Publication Year: 2019; Volume 261, Number 1257
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-3522-6 (print); 978-1-4704-5397-8 (online)
Published electronically: November 5, 2019
Keywords: Dirac operators, Clifford bundle, geometric quantization, non-abelian localization
MSC: Primary 58J20, 53D50, 53C27; Secondary 19K56, 57S15

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Table of Contents


  • Introduction
  • 1. Index Theory
  • 2. $\mathbf {K}$-theoretic localization
  • 3. “Quantization commutes with Reduction” Theorems
  • 4. Branching laws


The purpose of the present memoir is two-fold. First, we obtain a non-abelian localization theorem when M is any even dimensional compact manifold : following an idea of E. Witten, we deform an elliptic symbol associated to a Clifford bundle on M with a vector field associated to a moment map. Second, we use this general approach to reprove the [Q,R] = 0 theorem of Meinrenken-Sjamaar in the Hamiltonian case, and we obtain mild generalizations to almost complex manifolds. This non-abelian localization theorem can be used to obtain a geometric description of the multiplicities of the index of general $spin^c$ Dirac operators.

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