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Current Issue

Welcome to the current issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. With support from AMS membership, we are pleased to share the journal with the global mathematical community.

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Combinatorial Hodge Theory

Christopher Eur and Matt Larson

Finding “Hodge theoretic” structures associated to combinatorial objects has led to resolutions of open problems in combinatorics. Here, we give a broad snapshot of these developments in combinatorial Hodge theory.
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Short Stories: The Nearly Perfect Prediction Theorem

Joel David Hamkins

The nearly perfect prediction theorem, a result of Christopher Hardin and Alan Taylor, shows that there is a nearly perfect prediction strategy, predicting the current and immediate future values of every function almost always correctly.
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Taming Uncertainty in a Complex World: The Rise of Uncertainty Quantification—A Tutorial for Beginners

Nan Chen, Stephen Wiggins and Marios Andreou

One of the goals of this paper is to offer new insights into how uncertainty quantification can be applied across different fields, helping to reveal the commonalities and practical advantages of diverse approaches.
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