AMS News & Outreach

News, feature stories, posters, and other free resources about the beauty of mathematics and the mathematical community.

News from the AMS

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Feature Stories

More Feature Stories

Spotlight on: Mathematical Moments

Dr. Abiy Tasissa discusses Earth Mover's Distance

Interviews and posters about the applications of mathematics in the modern world.

Pictured: A diagram showing subatomic particles decaying in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) particle detector at CERN. Credit: Image@CERN.


Stories from the mathematical community

Math Voices

Essays and columns from mathematicians

AMS Posters

Free posters celebrating people and properties of mathematics


Mathematics and Music

Explore the connections between mathematics and music

Mathematics and Music

Mathematical Imagery

Stunning works of art depicting mathematics

Mathematical Imagery

Mathematical Moments

Posters and interviews highlighting ways math appears in the world.

Mathematical Moments

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