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Integrable Systems and Random Matrices: In Honor of Percy Deift
About this Title
Jinho Baik, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Luen-Chau Li, Kenneth D. T.-R. McLaughlin and Carlos Tomei, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2008; Volume 458
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-4240-9 (print); 978-0-8218-8137-8 (online)
MathSciNet review: 2424215
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Carlos Tomei – Percy Deift at integer times [MR 2411897]
- Andreas Henrici and Thomas Kappeler – Birkhoff normal form for the periodic Toda lattice [MR 2411898]
- Harold Widom – Asymptotics of a class of operator determinants with application to the cylindrical Toda equations [MR 2411899]
- V. Yu. Novokshenov – Connection formulas for the third Painlevé transcendent in the complex plane [MR 2411900]
- A. S. Fokas – Nonlinear Fourier transforms and integrability in multidimensions [MR 2411901]
- Tamara Grava and Christian Klein – Numerical study of a multiscale expansion of Korteweg-de Vries and Camassa-Holm equation [MR 2411902]
- Anne Boutet de Monvel and Dmitry Shepelsky – Long-time asymptotics of the Camassa-Holm equation on the line [MR 2411903]
- Alexander Tovbis, Stephanos Venakides and Xin Zhou – Semiclassical focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the pure radiation case: Riemann-Hilbert problem approach [MR 2411904]
- Spyridon Kamvissis – From stationary phase to steepest descent [MR 2411905]
- Peter D. Miller – Riemann-Hilbert problems with lots of discrete spectrum [MR 2411906]
- T. Kriecherbauer, A. B. J. Kuijlaars, K. D. T.-R. McLaughlin and P. D. Miller – Locating the zeros of partial sums of $e^z$ with Riemann-Hilbert methods [MR 2411907]
- Jeffrey S. Geronimo and Plamen Iliev – Two variable deformations of the Chebyshev measure [MR 2411908]
- A. Its and I. Krasovsky – Hankel determinant and orthogonal polynomials for the Gaussian weight with a jump [MR 2411909]
- L. Pastur – Orthogonal polynomials, Jacobi matrices and random matrices [MR 2411910]
- Tom Claeys and Arno B. J. Kuijlaars – Universality in unitary random matrix ensembles when the soft edge meets the hard edge [MR 2411911]
- D. S. Lubinsky – A new approach to universality limits at the edge of the spectrum [MR 2411912]
- P. J. Forrester – On the gap probability generating function at the spectrum edge in the case of orthogonal symmetry [MR 2411913]
- Mark Adler and Pierre van Moerbeke – An interpolation between Airy and Pearcey processes [MR 2411914]
- Patrik L. Ferrari – The universal $\textrm {Airy}_1$ and $\textrm {Airy}_2$ processes in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process [MR 2411915]
- Kurt Johansson – On some special directed last-passage percolation models [MR 2411916]
- Eitan Bachmat – Discrete spacetime and its applications [MR 2411917]
- F. Colomo and A. G. Pronko – The Arctic Circle revisited [MR 2411918]
- Dimitri Gioev – Moduli of continuity and average decay of Fourier transforms: two-sided estimates [MR 2411919]
- Rainer Hempel – Eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators in gaps of the essential spectrum—an overview [MR 2411920]
- Jonathan C. Mattingly and Toufic M. Suidan – Transition measures for the stochastic Burgers equation [MR 2411921]
- Percy Deift – Some open problems in random matrix theory and the theory of integrable systems [MR 2411922]