AMS International Meetings

The AMS joins a host society from another country once a year to organize these meetings for members of the mathematical community both in the U.S. and abroad.

The scientific program of these meetings includes plenary talks of general interest and focused special sessions featuring current research in specific areas. In addition, these meetings offer new opportunities for broadening research contacts.

Next International Meetings

December 9 - 13, 2024, Auckland, New Zealand
Joint International Meeting of the AMS, the New Zealand Mathematical Society (NZMS), and the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS)

Official Website of Meeting

July 21 - 25, 2025, Miami, FL, USA
Mathematical Congress of the Americas, organized by the Mathematical Council of the Americas

Official Website of Meeting

July 22 - 29, 2026, Philadelphia, PA, USA
International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2026

Official Website of Meeting

December 6 - 10, 2027, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the South African Mathematical Society (SAMS)

AMS International Meetings Calendar

Previous International Meetings

Manual for Special Session Organizers

Contact Us:
Meetings and Conferences Department
Phone: 401-455-4000 worldwide; 800-321-4267, Ext 4149 in the USA and Canada
Fax: 401-455-4004