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Real Analysis
Frank Morgan
Publication Year: 2005
ISBN-10: 0-8218-3670-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-3670-5

This page is maintained by the author.

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Instructors: To obtain some solutions not included in the back of the text, email the author with a link to your departmental webpage with your name on it.

ERRATA (October 6, 2005)

Please send me more!

Preface, line 5: "and that a function with a positive derivative can decrease?"

Page 48, line 1, inside the braces after "min": "/2" should apply to the whole delta, not just the subscript.

Page 71, 16.1. Replace "[a,b]" with "an open interval containing [a,b]".

Page 99, (2). Inside the integrals for An and Bn, insert "f(x)".

Page 100, line 4. "Theorem 24.1"

Page 101, Figure 22.1. The graph at height 0 should extend leftward to -pi instead of just to -3.

Page 103. Delete 2 from denominator in equations for An and Bn (but not A0).

Page 115, line 2. Replace "R" with "r".

Page 135, Exercise 5. Insert "a multiple of" before "arclength".

Thanks to Art Benjamin, Bob Burckel, Diana Davis.

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