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Grid Homology for Knots and Links
Peter S. Ozsváth, András I. Stipsicz, and Zoltán Szabó
Publication Year: 2015
ISBN-10: 1-4704-1737-5
ISBN-13: 978-1-4704-1737-6
This page is maintained by the authors.
Contact information:
Peter OzsvathPrinceton University
Department of Math
1106 Fine Hall
Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544
Email: Peter Ozsvath
A. Stipsicz
MTA Renyi Intezet
Realtanoda utca 13-15
Budapest, H-1053, Hungary
Email: Andras Stipsicz
Zoltan Szabo
Princeton University
Department of Mathematics
Fine Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544
Email: Zoltan Szabo