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Fractional Derivatives: Fourier, Elephants, Memory Effects, Viscoelastic Materials, and Anomalous Diffusions

Pablo Raúl Stinga

Communicated by Notices Associate Editor Daniela De Silva

Article cover

In the late 17th century, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibinz created calculus. The concept of instantaneous rate of change of a quantity with respect to another one, that is, the derivative of a function, made a profound impact in science and the society at large. Differential and integral equations are among the most efficient tools in the mathematical description of many (but not all) natural phenomena. Needless to say, calculus is at the core of a lot of the most advanced technological accomplishments of humankind.

Let us consider a function of a single variable that we will denote by to represent time. Leibniz introduced the notation

for derivatives of order of with respect to , with the understanding that the derivative of order is just the identity operator, .

The beginning of fractional calculus can be traced back to the origins of classical calculus itself. On September 30, 1695, Leibniz sent a letter from Hanover to Marquis de l’Hospital in Paris Lei62. Since Leibniz “had some extra space left to write” (see Lei62, p. 301), he shared with l’Hospital some remarks from the analogy of integer powers of derivatives and integrals . Leibniz introduced the symbol to denote a derivative of fractional order . He did not give a formal definition but believed that one could express a derivative of fractional order with an infinite series. He wrote “There is the appearance that one day we will come to some very useful consequences of these paradoxes,” leaving his seminal thoughts for l’Hospital to think about. It seems that l’Hospital did not pursue the matter any further. Leibniz also shared his thoughts with Wallis in 1697, using again the notation .

We may say that fractional calculus was conceived as a question of extension of meaning: given an object defined for integers, what is its extension to non-integers? In fact, we do not need to restrict to fractions only. We could also ask about the meaning of the derivative of orders or of a function. In this sense, we use the words fractional derivative to refer to derivatives of non-integer order.

A few other initial ideas were introduced by Euler (1738) and Lacroix (1820) for fractional derivatives of power functions and by Laplace (1812) for functions representable by a specific integral. In the 1820s, Joseph Fourier was the first one to give a definition that worked for any function (in Fourier’s view, “there is no function , or part of a function, which cannot be expressed by a trigonometric series,” see Fou88, Par. 418, p. 555). The first known application of fractional calculus appeared shortly afterwards when Abel found an integral of fractional order in his solution to the tautochrone problem. Further contributions by many others flourished during the 19th and 20th centuries. The monumental work SKM93 contains a quite detailed historical overview while a brief history of fractional calculus can be read in Ros75, see also Ros77.

Real-world phenomena exhibiting long-range interactions, memory effects, anomalous diffusions, and avalanche-like behaviors are very well described by fractional derivative models. Furthermore, due to their mathematical features, fractional derivatives are becoming central in image processing. Nowadays, fractional calculus is one of the most vibrant areas in mathematics that continues to expand. In fact, much is still to be understood about fractional derivatives from the theoretical and computational points of view.

In this article, we will go back to the widely overlooked historical definition of fractional derivative given by Fourier. We will then show, with modern ideas, how his definition is in fact the so-called Marchaud–Weyl fractional derivative. After describing some of the latest analytical advances in the theory of fractional calculus, we will present three natural applications to processes with memory effects. The first one is population growth. For the second one, we will go back to the ideas of Boltzmann, combine them with engineering experiments, and come up with a model for viscoelastic materials driven by fractional derivatives. The last application is a fractional model based on the anomalous diffusion behavior observed in many natural systems.

The literature on theory and applications of fractional calculus is massive. A Google Scholar search of articles containing the words “fractional derivative” gives 120,000 results, with 52,500 of them published in the past 20 years. It is not the scope of this article to be exhaustive by any means. Therefore, we will only refer to those works that are directly related with the presentation, leaving many interesting references out.

Fourier’s Fractional Derivative

In 1822, Joseph Fourier was finally allowed to publish his 1807 original research in the form of a comprehensive monograph entitled “Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur” Fou88. In this work, he introduced the heat equation . To solve it, he created the technique that is nowadays taught to every undergraduate student in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science: the method of separation of variables. Fourier studied the development of an arbitrary function in trigonometric (cosines and sines) series and integrals, tools that are now known as Fourier series and Fourier transform, respectively. Towards the end of his monograph, Fourier looks at representations of real single-variable functions as

(Here we have modified Fourier’s notation for the variables to make them consistent with the rest of this article.) The expression above presents diverse analytical applications that Fourier reveals. The derivative of integer order of with respect to can be computed as

Observe that the derivative operator acts only on the cosine in the right hand side. Similarly, one can represent the integral of with respect to with a formula involving the integration in of the cosine function. In Fou88, Par. 422, Fourier points out that, since , we have

Immediately after this equation, he defines fractional derivatives and integrals: “The number , that enters in the second member, will be regarded as any positive or negative quantity. We shall not insist on these applications to the general analysis,” see Fou88, p. 562. Perhaps because of this last comment, some have regarded Fourier’s definition as belonging to the prehistory of fractional calculus, see SKM93, p. xxvii. However, Fourier’s definitions of fractional derivatives and integrals are the first ones given for a general function, not just for power functions as Euler and Lacroix did.

The integral representation of given above is nothing but the Fourier transform inversion formula. Indeed, by applying the trigonometric identity for the cosine of a difference of two angles and Euler’s formula , Fourier’s formula reads

where the Fourier transform of is given by

Obviously, Fourier had a clear understanding of the complex form of his transform (see, for instance, Fou88, Par. 420), but he worked mostly with the cosine formulation. Now, Fourier established that

In other words, differentiation becomes an algebraic operation: derivatives of integer order are just multiplication of the Fourier transform by the homogeneous complex monomial . Following Fourier, the number can now be regarded as any positive or negative quantity. Thus, Fourier’s fractional derivative of of order is defined by

which is the same as saying that

Similarly, the fractional integral of order is

It is obvious from the definitions above that the composition formula , the Fundamental Theorem of Fractional Calculus , and the consistency limits , and, in general, all hold.

Although this seems to work just fine as a good definition of fractional differentiation, we are now faced with many questions. For which functions is well-defined? How do we perform the inverse Fourier transform to actually compute for specific functions ? Does look like a limit of an incremental quotient, similar to the classical derivative? For which classes of does the Fundamental Theorem of Fractional Calculus hold? In which sense are the consistency limits valid? But, even before all of that: what is the meaning of the fractional power for the purely imaginary complex number ? For example, , so which root should we choose? We can begin to answer these questions by introducing a powerful tool: the method of semigroups.

The Method of Semigroups for Fractional Derivatives

The definitions of fractional derivative and fractional integral given by Fourier can be realized as the positive and negative fractional powers of the derivative operator, respectively. Indeed, we do this just by extension of meaning: in the Fourier side, the derivative is multiplication by , the integer power of the derivative operator corresponds to , so the fractional power of the derivative is given as multiplication by .

The method of semigroups is a very general tool to precisely define, characterize, analyze, and use fractional powers of linear operators in concrete problems. In fact, it can be applied to operators such as the Laplacian Sti19, the heat operator ST17, the Laplace–Beltrami operator in a Riemannian manifold, the discrete Laplacian, the discrete derivative, the wave operator, and many others. It has also been used in numerical and computational implementation of fractional operators with finite differences and finite elements methods. The theory was first established in ST10 for operators on Hilbert spaces, and then extended in GMS13 to operators on Banach spaces. We will not describe the whole theory here nor list all of its applications (to see how it works for the case of the fractional Laplacian and find more references, we refer to Sti19). Instead, we will show how the methodology can unpack Fourier’s definition of fractional derivatives and start answering some of the questions left open at the end of the previous section. The following discussion is based on BMRST16, where the reader can find all the proofs.

From now on, we will just focus on the case . If we want to analyze higher order fractional derivatives, say, of order or then, as we can write and , we only need to study the operators and .

Let us next recall three important properties of the Fourier transform. We have already seen two of them: the Fourier inversion formula in 1 and the relation between the Fourier transform and derivatives of order in 2. The third one is that the Fourier transform of a translation of corresponds to modulation of by a complex exponential. Indeed, if the translation operator acts on as , then . Clearly, we have and . These properties imply that the family of operators is a semigroup, known as the semigroup of left translations. We call it “left” because, for , looks at the values of to the left of . The restriction to will be apparent soon.

The key to the semigroup method for fractional derivatives lies in two important integral identities involving the Gamma function . By using the Cauchy integral theorem and the unique continuation theorem of complex analysis, it is proved in BMRST16, Corollary 2.2 that, for any and ,

In particular, this formula implies that on the left-hand side is chosen from the principal branch of the multi-valued complex function , and this answers the question of which power we should select. If we multiply both sides of this identity by , the left-hand side becomes , while in the integrand on the right-hand side we get , which is the Fourier transform of (note that ). Hence, after inverting back from the Fourier side and making a simple change of variables, we find the pointwise formula

One impressive aspect of the method of semigroups becomes evident: we have found the pointwise formula for without directly computing the inverse Fourier transform of (which should be performed in the sense of tempered distributions because is not a bounded Fourier multiplier).

The fractional derivative 3 involves a sort of fractional incremental quotient in which is compared with through the interaction kernel . The kernel becomes singular when . This gives an idea that must have some regularity at in order to have a well-defined fractional derivative.

Now, to compute we need to know the values of for all . In other words, is a nonlocal operator. Nonlocal also means that if has compact support then, in general, has noncompact support. This is not the case for the computation of the classical derivative in which it is enough to know for values infinitesimally close to . Furthermore, the support of is always contained in the support of . Because of this, we say that classical differential operators are local operators.

Another aspect of 3 is that is one-sided in the sense that we need the values of for , that is, from the past. We should remember that the classical derivative has a hidden two-sided structure. Indeed, in calculus, we first introduce the derivatives from the left and from the right by taking left- and right-sided limits of incremental quotients, respectively. In the very special situation in which both limits coincide, we call that common limit the derivative. The difference between left and right derivatives is very well understood in numerical analysis because of the different properties between the explicit/forward and the implicit/backwards Euler methods.

As a matter of fact, BMRST16 shows that is the fractional power of the left derivative operator . Here is the (negative of the) infinitesimal generator of the left translation semigroup , , namely,

Thus, if is differentiable, then . One can also obtain the fractional derivative that looks into the future by taking the fractional power of , the derivative from the right, which is the infinitesimal generator of the right translation semigroup, see BMRST16.

The pointwise formula for the fractional integral can be found in a similar way, starting with the other important Gamma function integral formula

Parallel as before, it follows that

which is the negative fractional power of the left derivative operator . For these details, see BMRST16.

The left-sided fractional derivative 3, which from now on will be denoted by , is known as the Marchaud–Weyl fractional derivative. André Marchaud found this formula in his 1927 PhD dissertation Mar27. His derivation, though, followed completely different motivations and arguments. Indeed, Marchaud wanted to extend the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative (which we will not discuss here) to unbounded intervals. Instead, our approach is based on Fourier’s original definition Fou88 and semigroups as in BMRST16. On the other hand, the fractional integral 4, which will be denoted by , is known as the Weyl fractional integral. It was introduced by Hermann Weyl in his 1917 paper Wey17. Weyl used Fourier series and even found the formula 3 for the inverse of . Again, 4 looks at the values of in the past and, like the classical integration operator, is nonlocal.

Since these fractional operators consider the values of in the past, it seems reasonable to use 3 or 4 to account for memory effects. In probability language, non-Markovian processes are those in which the evolution of a system depends not only on the present but also on the past history. As we will see, this intuition amounts for effective models for population growth, for viscoelastic materials response in mechanics and bioengineering, and for anomalous diffusions in physics, fluid mechanics and biology. But before considering these applications, let us outline some elements of the recently developed analytical theory of (left-sided) fractional derivatives and integrals. The theory for right-sided fractional calculus can be established without any problems in an analogous way.

Theory of Left-sided Fractional Derivatives

It is easy to check that if is, say, bounded at , and Hölder continuous of order at from the left, for some , then is well-defined. More generally, if for with appropriate decay at , then and . Thus, at the scale of Hölder spaces, and behave as differentiation and integration of fractional order , respectively.

Clearly, the fractional derivative of a constant is zero: on . By using the definition of the Beta function, it can be seen that, for any ,

We can also see the influence of the past by modifying the previous function on . Indeed, if we define for and (instead of ) for , then

With a simple change of variables one can also check that, for any ,

From here, we can deduce the fractional derivatives of sine and cosine. In all these examples, when we obtain the left derivative of the functions.

However, some paradoxes arise in the limit as . Obviously, we cannot recover the constant function from the limit . More surprisingly, in the limit as in 5 we get back, but that is not the case of 6, in which for we obtain . This is a consequence of the nonlocality: has a fat tail at , and this influences its fractional derivative at more than the skinny tail of does.

For sufficiently good functions and , one can check that

In view of this relation, we can define the fractional derivative of a distribution as , for suitable test functions . The distributional space must reflect the one-sided nature of fractional derivatives. It was shown in SV20 that the appropriate test functions must be supported on intervals of the form , so as to look at from the left. Since will also have support in , in the action the only values of involved are those to the left.

Notice that, if is smooth, then . In other words, due to the regularity of the test functions , the left derivative coincides with the classical derivative in the distributional and weak senses. Thus, to define left-sided Sobolev spaces, one needs to introduce weighted spaces that are capable of encoding the underlying left-sided structure. This is accomplished by using one-sided Sawyer weights , which are the good weights for the left-sided Hardy–Littlewood maximal function

(It is important to remark that this is the original definition of maximal function given by Hardy and Littlewood in HL30.) Indeed, is bounded on the weighted space , , if and only if , see Saw86. The class is larger than the usual Muckenhoupt class as the example shows. The left-sided weighted Sobolev space for the left derivative is then defined as the set of functions such that , where and . The space is consistent with the left-sided fractional calculus in the sense that if then is well-defined in the sense of distributions. Moreover, if exists in then and the limit is exactly . Conversely, if then in and almost everywhere. It can also be proved that if and exists in , then the limit is indeed almost everywhere. See SV20.

The one-sided fractional Sobolev spaces can also be defined. If , , then is the set of functions for which there is such that . In fact, is in this potential space if and only if exists in ; see BMRST16.

The Fundamental Theorem of Fractional Calculus is established in one-sided weighted spaces. In BMRST16 it is shown that in the sense of one-sided weighted spaces and almost everywhere. Observe that this result, which is obvious for smooth with compact support through the Fourier transform, is not trivial at all in or in the almost everywhere sense. Indeed, the proof involves intricate integrations and delicate maximal function estimates.

From the PDE perspective, the nonlocality of creates an obstacle in that classical localization techniques of multiplying by a compactly supported test function and integrating by parts are not directly applicable. This happens because the fractional derivative of a compactly supported function is not necessarily of compact support. The so-called extension problem gives a local characterization of fractional derivatives in terms of a PDE that involves only classical derivatives. This extension technique in the PDE context was first introduced for the fractional Laplacian by Caffarelli and Silvestre (see Sti19 for an overview). The method of semigroups was developed and used to generalize the extension problem to fractional power operators in ST10GMS13. For the case of fractional derivatives, it was shown in BMRST16 that, if is the solution to

then, for some explicit constant ,

The limit can be taken in the classical sense, in the sense of distributions, in one-sided weighted sense or almost everywhere, depending on the regularity of . With the extension, problems involving fractional derivatives of can be converted into equivalent local PDE problems for . The prices to pay, though, are the increase of dimension (passing from a one-dimensional problem for to a two-dimensional problem for ) and the degeneracy of the PDE for . The advantage is that many analytical and numerical PDE tools can be implemented in the extension problem in order to obtain estimates and properties of . For instance, with the extension problem one can prove Harnack inequalities for nonnegative solutions to in an interval ; see BF16 and ST17.

After this account on the theory of left-sided fractional derivatives, and before presenting the three applications, we need to address the elephants in the room.

The Elephants in the Room

Figure 1.

The elephants in the room: because of their memory, elephants’ travel patterns follow an anomalous diffusion process. The elephant random walk was introduced in ST04 to model memory effects.

Graphic without alt text

When talking about fractional calculus, it is important to recognize and reflect upon some of the questions we may encounter.

One could argue that Fourier’s fractional derivative is just a mathematical curiosity that can be studied from a merely academic point of view. A couple of valid questions are: what are the applications of fractional derivatives? and why do we need fractional derivatives? To address these questions, this article will show three applications: population growth (related to data interpolation), viscoelastic materials (based on Boltzman’s principle of superposition), and anomalous diffusion (based on observed experiments). These, of course, are not the only places where fractional calculus arises naturally. The reader is invited to make an effort spending some time learning about other interesting models in science and engineering by browsing the web, which is filled with survey articles written by engineers, physicists, biologists and mathematicians, or by going through the lists collected in SZB18Pod99.

The second elephant in the room, intimately connected to the first one, is the variety of options: which fractional derivatives should we use? Indeed, there is a zoo of definitions of fractional derivatives out there, such as the ones named after Riemann, Liouville, Chapman, Caputo, Grünwald, Letnikov, and Jumarie, among many others. In our opinion, the fractional derivative should be chosen directly from modeling considerations. We will not address these other definitions nor draw comparisons or connections among them (a good source is, for instance, SKM93, and many other articles, undergraduate and master’s dissertations, and books that compare them all). Here, we will only focus on Fourier’s concept.

Another objection may be that of computational cost: it is cheaper to numerically compute solutions to local PDEs than solutions to nonlocal, fractional order equations. We need to face the fact that, at the end of the day, we cannot escape reality: in many instances, PDEs have proved to be incapable of reproducing and predicting the observed experiments, but instead nonlocal fractional models have shown to be the most adequate tool. Numerical simulation of nonlocal models is a challenging topic in which much more must be understood. Such active research area is growing hand in hand with the technological advances that are rapidly decreasing computational costs.

At the same time, it is critical to ask why are these elephants in the room? Today, nobody needs to make a case to justify why the heat equation is important. One way of explaining this is by reflecting about our training. Calculus courses have ingrained into our way of thinking the concept of instantaneous rate of change, in which the change is independent of all the previous history (Markovian processes). We naturally think about evolution equation models in terms of classical time derivatives. In contrast, many systems exhibiting anomalous diffusions and memory effects, like the way elephants and other wild animals travel, see Figure 1, are not presented in typical undergraduate studies. Usual undergraduate probability and PDE textbooks do not develop the idea of modeling memory effects in random walks, where particles can get stuck in a location for a random period of time, or where plasmas and elephants can travel long distances without following Fourier’s law of diffusion. Instead, one of the central techniques that is emphasized, and rightly so, is Fourier’s method of solving the heat equation by separation of variables.

Fourier formulated his set of ideas in 1807 in his memoir On the Propagation of Heat in Solid Bodies. Highly influential scientists at the time such as Lagrange, Laplace, Monge, Lacroix and Poisson raised objections to Fourier’s trigonometric expansions, see Her75. Their opinions prevented the publication of Fourier’s memoir by the French Académie des Sciences. It took 15 years for the French scientific community to allow the publication in 1822 of Fou88. Nowadays, Fourier’s work and Fourier series are highly regarded in the scientific community, but at the time the skepticism of the experts caused controversy, shaking the status quo.

It looks like Fourier’s ideas on fractional calculus are raising new paradoxes again, fulfilling the prophetic words of Leibniz. Who knows, maybe it will take another 15 years for his concept of fractional derivative to enter into mainstream undergraduate calculus, probability and PDE textbooks and courses.

Let us continue with three applications of Fourier’s definition of fractional derivative.

Population Growth with Memory

The most simple ODE model taught in undergraduate calculus is that of unlimited population growth. Under various simplifying conditions, the 1798 Malthusian law of population growth establishes that the rate of change of a population density at time is proportional to the current number of individuals, that is, . Here is the birth (if positive) or death (if negative) rate. If the initial population is , then the unique solution is , for . This model predicts that if then there will be such an exponential increase in population that soon there will be not enough resources on Earth to feed everyone (although, on the other hand, the more people, the more minds to find solutions to humanity’s problems). Obviously, the model is a good first approximation to cases where the simplifying assumptions are reasonably met, like radioactive decay or cell reproduction. But it does not directly apply to human population growth.

Populations are influenced by a multitude of factors such as pandemics, migration, cultural changes, natural disasters, social media, etc. In other words, populations have memory. Since left-sided fractional derivatives take into account memory effects, one can propose a similar model of population growth with memory: , for . The correct initial condition is the form , for all . That is, we need to know the historic population until the initial measuring time . In ABM16, the authors use the World Population numbers from the United Nations to adjust the value of that best fits the data, obtaining a much better error of approximation for the fractional model than the classical ODE model. This is a very simple instance where the classical local equation cannot fit the data, but the nonlocal one does so effectively. In addition, ABM16 analyzes other blood alcohol level and videotape problems.

Notice that the classical exponential solution is in fact an eigenfunction for the derivative operator. The fractional counterpart of the exponential function is the Mittag-Leffler function, which is defined by the power series

For , it has an infinite radius of convergence. In particular, . If we define

then, by using 5, the reader can verify that

Thus, the Mittag-Leffler functions are the eigenfunctions of the fractional derivative. Because of this, we call them the fractional exponentials.

Viscoelasticity: Materials with Memory and Boltzmann

In classical continuum mechanics, elastic materials are those that return to their original shape after applied forces have been removed, like steel or concrete under small deformations. Hooke’s law for an ideal elastic solid establishes that the stress (the internal force in a material per unit area) is proportional to the strain (the deformation or elongation with respect to the original length), that is, . In this one-dimensional model, is a material constant, called the elastic or Young modulus, that can be experimentally measured. Hooke’s equation is pictorially represented by a spring. On the other hand, liquids, gasses, and plasmas deform when subjected to a force. Newton’s law for an ideal fluid says that stress is proportional to the velocity of the deformation, namely, . Here is the fluid dependent, experimentally observed viscosity coefficient. This equation is visually represented by a dashpot.

In real life, there are many materials that exhibit both elastic and fluid characteristics such as wood, asphalt, baker’s dough, lead wires, certain polymers, rubber, clay, gels, metals near melting temperature, and even biological tissues like skin. If we stretch a rubber band for some time, it will lose strength and not return to its original shape. Similarly, wooden shelves in a library slowly deform due to the weight of books and will not return to their original shape after the load has been removed but remain warped. As we age, our skin looses its strength and we develop wrinkles that we might begin to fight using various lotions or surgical procedures.

In some sense, viscoelastic materials are in between elastic materials (they do not return to their original shape) and fluids (they do not continue deforming indefinitely).

Even more in contrast, the examples above show that, unlike elastic solids or fluids, viscoelastic materials have memory: the deformation and the internal forces react by accumulating the history of all the applied loads and strains. More precisely, what is particularly interesting about viscoelastic materials is that they have fading memory, see CN61. Intuitively speaking, ideal liquids “instantly forget” where they were, and the Navier–Stokes equations describing them involve only local time derivatives of the velocity field. Ideal elastic materials have a “perfect memory” in that they always remember where they started by returning to their original configuration, and so have “no memory” of previous forces that have since been released. Viscoelastic materials are intermediate: they remember where they were recently but, as the internal molecular structure changes irreversibly, forget where they started. The so-called decay theory in psychology and neuroscience tries to explain the process and causes of fading memory that is observed in humans.

Early viscoelastic models were created by using combinations of springs (elastic) and dashpots (viscous) connected in series or in parallel. Nevertheless, these models have shown to be insufficient at describing the complex behavior of most viscoelastic materials. Furthermore, it was observed that one would need a very large amount of springs and dashpots to accurately approximate some materials responses, leading to large systems of higher order differential equations.

Since fractional derivatives interpolate between the identity operator and the usual derivative, an intermediate model between springs and dashpots can be given as , for some fractional derivative of order and some material constant . Mathematically speaking, this is a reasonable model between (elastic, ) and (viscous, ). But, after recalling the elephants in the room, we still need a justification of this model coming from physical principles.

To experimentally study the behavior of a viscoelastic material, one can conduct various tests. The stress relaxation test measures stress within the material following a fixed displacement that is kept constant with time. Thus, we apply a step in strain , where is the Heaviside function and is time, and calculate the time-dependent stress . In linear materials, the stress is proportional to the strain, so , where is the so-called stress relaxation modulus. The relaxation modulus , which is a measure of the material’s fading memory, can be found experimentally. For example, for flour dough, Mag06, p. 278 (we are neglecting units), see Figure 2. In fact, for many viscoelastic materials, is a constant multiple of , for some .

Figure 2.

Pizza dough is a viscoelastic material with stress relaxation modulus .

Graphic without alt text

In 1874, Ludwig Boltzmann proposed in Bol74 his principle of superposition to account for memory effects in strained materials. The principle states that, provided that there is a linear relation between stress and strain, the stress produced by any number of applied strains is the sum of the stress produced by each of the individual strains when acting alone. Recall that, in the relaxation test, , where is the stress at time owing to a unit strain increment of size at time . By the principle of superposition, with another strain increment at time , the stress becomes

Then, after increments,

In the limit as ,

As we said before, we know from experiments that , for some . A more flexible model that does not involve the derivative of strain in the equation and accounts for all the history of the material (not necessarily starting at time ) can be obtained as follows. We extend for all past times , extend the integral from the interval to (notice for ), write in the integrand and integrate by parts to obtain

where depends on and . The decay of the kernel in the fractional derivative model accounts for the material’s fading memory.

A feature of the fractional derivative model is that it provides an adjustable “material memory” parameter for describing the stress/strain behavior of viscoelastic materials that can be experimentally measured.

We mentioned before that features of viscoelastic materials appeared to be better captured by special combinations of large numbers of springs and dashpots. One can ask the question: what combinations of springs and dashpots can give rise to a fractional derivative model? It has been shown that hierarchical arrangements of springs and dashpots, such as infinite ladders, trees and fractal networks, do in fact obey the fractional viscoelastic constitutive equation in the limit.

Viscoelasticity is a fascinating area of continuum mechanics and bioengineering that the reader is invited to explore, for instance, in Mag06, see also Pod99, Chapter 10 and references therein.

Anomalous Diffusion is Normal

The function in the heat equation for an ideal one-dimensional metal rod denotes the absolute temperature at the point at time , and is the diffusivity constant. In deriving this equation, Fourier’s main observation was that the flow of heat between two adjacent molecules is proportional to the extremely small difference of their temperatures. In other words, the flow of caloric energy is from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration, an intuitive, experimentally observed fact. Paradoxically, this is a parallel process to that of the random movement of a pollen particle in suspension on the surface of water as observed under the microscope by Scottish botanist Robert Brown in 1927. Einstein, in his study of Brownian motion, derived the heat equation from first principles assuming that the direction of motion of the particle is “forgotten” after an infinitesimally small period of time.

Let us derive the heat equation from a one-dimensional random walk. We choose a small step size and a small time interval . Consider a random walker that moves randomly along the axis according to the following rules. During the interval of time , the walker takes one step of size , starting from, say, . The walker moves either to the left or to the right with probability , independently of the previous steps. We would like to compute the probability of finding the walker at position at time . The process has no memory since each step is independent from the past ones. The law of total probability gives that

Indeed, at time , the walker may arrive to from either previous positions or with probabilities . If we denote the second order incremental quotient of in the space variable by

then, after subtracting to both sides, the previous identity becomes

In the limit , assuming that , we arrive at the heat equation

To find the fundamental solution, suppose that we are given the initial condition , a Dirac delta or unit impulse concentrated at the origin. Then, applying the Fourier transform in space , we find a family of ODEs parametrized by the Fourier variable :

The solution is . After inverting the Fourier transform, we get

This is the classical Gaussian or normal distribution for normal diffusion, giving the probability of finding the (memoryless) random walker at position at time . The mean or average is and the standard deviation is . In particular, as time goes by, the walker deviates from the origin an average distance . The mean square displacement or second moment is . In fact, in the limit we took above, the scaling says that the mean square displacement is proportional to the waiting time between steps.

There are many instances where the distribution of a quantity is not normal. For instance, wealth is not distributed according to a Gaussian. Indeed, the spread between extreme poverty and wealth is so large that talking about the average wealth makes no sense. Such abnormal phenomenon follows a Pareto distribution, in which the probability of finding extremely wealthy people is positive and the mean is infinite.

In the mid 1970s, researchers began to pay much more attention to these non-Gaussian processes and other instances where Einstein’s assumptions do not hold. In SM75, Scher and Montroll observed in photocopiers and laser printer machines that the transport of electrons did not follow the diffusion equation. The hypothesis is that electrons get stuck in “holes” within the surface of amorphous semiconductors for a time and then are released due to a temperature potential. Physicists refer to this as diffusion on disordered media, or simply as anomalous diffusion. It was also observed that the probability distribution of waiting time in between steps is proportional to a Pareto power law , for , for large waiting times . Intuitively, if the waiting times between steps is large compared to the step size, then the random walker will not deviate from its initial position as much as a Gaussian random walker would do, a process that is known as subdiffusion. In these processes, the relation is lost, but the new subdiffusion power law , for some and some , is observed.

Many natural phenomena exhibit anomalous diffusion, including the diffusion of lipids and receptors in cell membranes, the transport of molecules within the cytosol and the nucleus, the travel strategies of wild animals, the sleep-wake transitions during sleep, the propagation of electric currents on cardiac tissue, the avalanche-like behavior of plasma particles, and the fluctuations of the stock market. In fact, the claim in KS05 is that “the clear picture that has emerged over the last few decades is that although these phenomena are called anomalous, they are abundant in everyday life: anomalous is the new normal!”

New mathematical models to describe anomalous diffusion have been developed in recent years, including continuous time random walks, elephant random walks that take into account memory ST04, and nonlocal master equations, among others.

We do not have the space to enter into more details about the fascinating world of anomalous diffusions. We invite the reader to explore the literature, suggesting in particular the popular article KS05 that contains many experimental examples, the detailed surveys MK00 and Zas02, as well as the original article by Scher and Montroll SM75. We will restrict to describing a random walk with memory effects that can easily be introduced in any undergraduate calculus, probability or differential equations class.

Let us consider a random walker that follows the same space dynamics as before, moving a step of size either to the left or to the right with probability , but also stops at each location for a random period of time. Hence, there is a waiting time in between steps that is random as well. In other words, the walker undergoes memory: the next step to the left or to the right happens after a random time drawn from a distribution of waiting times . We are interested in the probability of the walker having just arrived at position at time . The law of total probability gives

The term in brackets above is related to the probability of arriving at from either or , and those events occur with probability . The infinite sum factors in the fact that the walker could have been at those positions not only at the previous time , but may had been sitting there for a period of time , with the probability of a waiting time of length being . In accordance with many of the experimental observations mentioned before, we now assume that , for some , where is chosen so that . Using this, we can write the equation above in terms of second order incremental quotients in space as

In the limit , assuming that , we arrive to the time-fractional equation

To find the fundamental solution, suppose that we are given the past condition , a unit impulse concentrated at the origin, for all times . Then, by applying the Fourier transform in space,

We have already encountered this problem in the population growth model example. The solution is given in terms of the Mittag–Leffler function as

Using the scaling properties of the Fourier transform, we find that, for ,

The profile function , , is a Fox–Wright function, see, for example, MK00 or Zas02 for this particular special function.


This article is dedicated to the loving memory of my friend Roberto A. Macías, an extraordinary mathematician and exemplary person.


The author is grateful to José L. Torrea and Mary Vaughan for useful discussions and suggestions that helped improve the presentation of this article. Mary Vaughan provided Lei62 and Mag06.


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Opening figure is courtesy of BLANVILLAIN from Pixabay.

Figure 1 is courtesy of cocoparisienne from Pixabay.

Figure 2 is courtesy of webandi from Pixabay.

Photo of Pablo Raúl Stinga is courtesy of Pablo Raúl Stinga.