AMS Sectional Meeting Program by Day
Current as of Tuesday, April 12, 2005 15:09:13
1994 Western Section Meeting
Eugene, OR, June 16-18, 1994
Meeting #893
Associate secretaries: Lance W Small, AMS
Saturday June 18, 1994
Saturday June 18, 1994, 8:00 a.m.-9:20 a.m.
Session on Contributed Papers
Room 244, Gilbert
8:00 a.m.
Irreducible representations of Lie algebras of reductive groups and the Kac-Weisfeiler conjecture.
Alexander Premet*, University of Hamburg, Germany
(893-17-02) -
8:15 a.m.
A characterization of ultrafilters in a complementary topology.
Rahim G. Karimpour*, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
(893-54-25) -
8:30 a.m.
Backward shifts on C(X).
M. Rajagopalan, Tennessee State University
K. Sundaresan*, Cleveland State University
(893-46-26) -
8:45 a.m.
The Fibonacci series: Functional basis and generalization of nth term.
C. Mus\`es*, Mathematics & Morphology Research Center, Canada
(893-11-46) -
9:00 a.m.
Positivity conditions for quadratic forms and applications.
Jimin Tian, Richland College
David C. Barnes*, Washington State University
(893-35-57) -
9:10 a.m.
Counting spanning converging forests.
Elena Shamis*, Institute of Control Sciences, Russia
8:00 a.m.
Saturday June 18, 1994, 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Commutative Algebra and Probability Groups, III
Room 231, Gilbert
8:30 a.m.
Klein-Hilbert parts of convex modules.
D. Pumpluen, Fern University, Germany
H. Rohrl*, La Jolla, California
(893-52-56) -
9:00 a.m.
Dave Harrison and the beginnings of category theory.
Peter Freyd*, University of Pennsylvania
(893-18-27) -
9:30 a.m.
Acyclic models.
Michael Barr*, McGill University
(893-13-08) -
10:00 a.m.
Reconstruction of hidden symmetries.
Bodo Pareigis*, University of Munich, Germany
(893-16-74) -
10:30 a.m.
Weakly Henselian rings.
Thomas McKenzie*, Bradley University
8:30 a.m.
Saturday June 18, 1994, 8:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m.
Special Session on Undergraduate Research, III
Room 133, Gilbert
8:30 a.m.
Circular planar graphs and resistor networks.
David Ingerman*, University of Washington
(893-05-70) -
9:10 a.m.
Approaches to an inverse problem concerning electrical networks.
Kevin Rosema*, University of Washington
(893-94-50) -
9:50 a.m.
CD-4/CD-8 ratios in chronic fatigue and AIDS patients.
Vincent C. Lombardi*, Sierra Nevada College
Suzanne C. Welsch, Sierra Nevada College
8:30 a.m.
Saturday June 18, 1994, 11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
Invited Address
K-theory for rings of algebraic integers.
Room 110, Fenton
Stephen Ames Mitchell*, University of Washington
(893-11-05) -
Saturday June 18, 1994, 2:30 p.m.-4:50 p.m.
Special Session on Rings and Their Representations, II
Room 232, Gilbert
2:30 p.m.
Stable Artin algebras: Structure and representations.
S. Jagadeeshan, Syracuse University
Mark Kleiner*, Syracuse University
(893-16-36) -
3:00 p.m.
Faithful representations of finite-dimensional algebras.
Ming-Sun Li*, University of Minnesota, Morris
(893-16-49) -
3:30 p.m.
On principally injective rings.
W. K. Nicholson*, University of Calgary
M. F. Yousif, Ohio State University, Lima
(893-16-03) -
4:00 p.m.
Direct sums of reflexive modules.
K. R. Fuller, University of Iowa
W. K. Nicholson, University of Calgary
J. F. Watters*, University of Leicester, England
(893-16-32) -
4:30 p.m.
A class of left monomial rings.
Darren D. Wick*, University of Oregon
2:30 p.m.