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Prize: Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2025 Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program (JBMSHP) at Arizona State University (ASU)

The Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program (JBMSHP) at Arizona State University (ASU) will receive the 2025 Award for Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference from the American Mathematical Society (AMS). "The JBMSHP provides college-bound high-school students from groups that are historically underrepresented in STEM with a successful university experience and enhances their prospects for future academic success in the mathematical sciences," according to the prize citation. "The JBMSHP has done an outstanding job of motivating a new generation of future mathematicians, scientists, and engineers to create a statewide community of future scholars in Arizona."

Award announcement as seen in the news release.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2024 Mathematics Project at Minnesota, University of Minnesota

The AMS is pleased to recognize the Mathematics Project at Minnesota, University of Minnesota with the 2024 Mathematics Programs That Make a Difference Award. The Mathematics Project at Minnesota is an invaluable and highly effective graduate-student-led initiative developed with the goal of exposing and removing known barriers in retaining and advancing the careers of women, gender minorities, and underrepresented groups in the mathematical sciences at the University of Minnesota.

Award announcement as seen in the news release.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2023 Math Bridge to Doctorate Program at the University of Texas at Arlington

The AMS is pleased to recognize the Math Bridge to Doctorate Program at the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA) Mathematics Department with the 2023 Mathematics Programs That Make a Difference Award. The University of Texas-Arlington Math Bridge-to-Doctorate program is a year-long program that focuses on critical transitions from undergraduate to doctoral studies, that serves URM and underserved students from HBCUs and HSIs and supports the Gulf States Math Alliance. This program makes a difference in increasing URM doctorate students in mathematical sciences.

Award announcement as seen in the news release.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2022 Department of Mathematics at California State University at Fullerton

The Department of Mathematics at California State University at Fullerton (CSUF) will receive the 2022 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award. The department is recognized for its excellent record of mentoring and graduating students from underrepresented groups.

Award announcement as seen in the news release.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2021 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Undergraduate Programs

The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP) has received the 2021 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award.MSRI-UP is a pioneering program that introduces undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups to mathematical research with the longer-term goal of increasing their participation and success in graduate programs.

Award announcement as seen in the news release.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2020 Graduate Research Opportunities for Women (GROW) Program

The Graduate Research Opportunities for Women (GROW) Program received the 2020 Mathematics Program that Make a Difference award for its annual series of conferences that nurture, mentor, and expose undergraduate women to the opportunities that await a career in mathematics.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2019 Women and Mathematics Program at the Institute for Advanced Study

Fourteenth award: to the Women and Mathematics Program at the Institute for Advanced Study (WAM) for its outstanding program of encouraging women to pursue advanced study and careers in mathematics. Read the profile about the WAM program.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2018 The Cougars and Houston Area Math Program (CHAMP)

Thirteenth award: to the Cougars and Houston Area Math Program (CHAMP) in recognition of the program's efforts in guiding Houston-area students toward further education and careers in mathematics.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2017 National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Studies

Twelfth award: The National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences, known as the Math Alliance, was chosen to receive the 2017 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award for its programs over the last 10 years promoting participation by groups underrepresented in doctoral programs in the mathematical sciences.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2016 Morehouse College

Eleventh award: The Mathematics Department at Morehouse College has been chosen to receive the 2016 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award for its significant efforts to encourage students from underrepresented groups to continue in the study of mathematics and statistics.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2015 Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) at Brigham Young University; Pacific Coast Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (PCUMC)

Tenth award: The Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) at Brigham Young University and the Pacific Coast Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (PCUMC) have been chosen to receive the 2015 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award for their "significant efforts to encourage students from underrepresented groups to continue in the study of mathematics."

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2014 Carleton College Summer Math Program; Rice University Summer Institute of Statistics

Ninth award: The AMS recognizes the Carleton College Summer Mathematics Program for Women and the Rice University Summer Institute of Statistics. Both programs have made significant, successful efforts to encourage either underrepresented minorities and/or women to continue in the study of mathematics.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2013 Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics

Eighth award: The AMS recognizes the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM) is honored for its remarkable contribution to the national effort to produce more women PhDs in the mathematical sciences.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2012 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

Seventh award: The AMS recognizes the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) for its efforts to encourage students from underreppresented groups to continue in the study of mathematics.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2011 Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University; Center for Women in Mathematics and the Center's Post-baccalaureate Program at Smith College

Sixth award: to Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University and the Center for Women in Mathematics and the Center's Post-baccalaureate Program at Smith College. See citations and descriptions of programs.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2010 Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM) at Rice University; Harvard School of Public Health Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences

Fifth award: to Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM) at Rice University and the Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences at the Harvard School of Public Health. See citations and descriptions of programs.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2009 Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi; Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University

Fourth award: to Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi and the Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University. See citations and descriptions of programs.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2008 Miami University (Ohio) Summer Undergraduate Mathematical Science Research Institute (SUMSRI); University of Maryland Mathematics Summer Program in Research and Learning (Math SPIRAL)

Third award: to Summer Undergraduate Mathematical Science Research Institute (SUMSRI), Miami University (Ohio) and Mathematics Summer Program in Research and Learning (Math SPIRAL), University of Maryland, College Park. See citations and descriptions of programs.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2007 Bryn Mawr College and Spelman College Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE); Arizona State University Mathematical Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI)

Second award: to Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE), Bryn Mawr College and Spelman College; and Mathematical Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI), Arizona State University. See citations and descriptions of programs.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2006 Universidad de Puerto Rico, Humacao, Summer Institute in Mathematics for Undergraduates (SIMU); University of Iowa Department of Mathematics Graduate Program

First award: to Summer Institute in Mathematics for Undergraduates (SIMU), Universidad de Puerto Rico, Humacao; and Graduate Program, Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa. See citations and descriptions of programs.

Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.