The 2015 AMS Committee on Education (COE) meeting was held  on Friday-Saturday, October 30-31, 2015 in Washington, DC. 
The focus of the meeting was on preparing undergraduate students for the next steps.  Presentations included a wide variety of perspectives, including an update on the Mathematical Assocaition of America's (MAA) study about students' progress through calculus, a discussion of proof comprehension in advanced mathematics, and an overview of the American Staistical Association's (ASA) work on the Statistical Education of Teachers.  Also covered were access to graduate programs, the role of internships in mathematical training, the transition from academia to industry, and increasing the participation of students from underrepresented groups.

Presentations given are linked below:

"Building bridges to broaden and deepen representation"
Presented by Federico Ardila, San Francisco State University

"Update on MAA's studies of calculus"
Presented by David Bressoud, Macalester College

"Challenges and opportunities for graduate school bound liberal arts students"
Presented by Cristina Ballantine, College of the Holy Cross and Steven J. Miller, Williams College

"Preparing math students for careers in industry: perspective from a career changer"
Presented by Paul Koester, Allstate Insurance

"ASA education and outreach programs"
Presented by Donna LaLonde, American Statistical Association

"Industrial mathematics opportunities and career pathways for undergraduate and graduate students"
Presented by Rachel Levy, Harvey Mudd College

"NSF and undergraduate mathematics education"
Presented by Jim Lewis, National Science Foundation

"Barriers to students' comprehension of proofs in mathematics lectures"
Presented by Keith Weber, Rutgers University

"Lessons learned in building diversity"
Presented by Ulrica Wilson, Morehouse College