AMS-ASA-MAA-SIAM Data Committee
General Description
- Committee is standing and joint with ASA, MAA, and SIAM
- Number of voting slots is thirteen: 4 appointed by AMS, 3 by MAA, 2 by ASA, and 1 by SIAM, AWM, CWS, and NAM.
- One non-voting AMS staff member serves ex officio to support the Committee
- Voting member term is three years
- Voting members are appointed by the presidents of the respective societies; the Committee selects a chair
Principal Activities
The Joint Data Committee studies the continuing and long-range needs of the mathematical sciences community, and it makes recommendations concerning ongoing and new data collection and analysis efforts that will insure reliable and timely information about the profession that is usable by the memberships of the societies represented on the Committee, the mathematical community, and the wider national and international communities. The Committee advises the AMS staff regarding its activities to gather and analyze data, interpret results, and disseminate information pertaining to the mathematical sciences community. These staff activities include the collection and interpretation of data on the employment of mathematical scientists, annual production of PhDs in the mathematical sciences, starting salaries, faculty salaries, graduate programs, and undergraduate programs. Together these activities constitute the Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences, the results of which are published in several reports throughout the year in the Notices of the AMS and other venues.
Other Activities
The Committee maintains liaisons with other professional societies, business, industry, government, educational institutions, and various extra-academic organizations to sustain a broad perspective on activities connected with mathematics.
The Committee reports to the AMS Council annually on its activities.
Member Society Responsibilities
Member societies make financial contributions to defray the costs of administering the Annual Survey. Members of the Committee keep their respective societies apprised of committee activities, and specifically should foster awareness of the publication of new reports on the Annual Survey.
Miscellaneous Information
The Chair of the Committee typically co-authors each of the regularly published reports related to the Annual Survey and therefore works closely with AMS staff members who provide professional and clerical support for the Committee. It is desirable for at least some members to have statistical expertise.
The Committee meets virtually and may also conduct business through email correspondence.
Note to the Chair
Work done by committees with recurring agenda items may have value as precedent or work done may have historical interest. Because of this, the Council has requested that a central file system be maintained for the Society by the Secretary. Committees are reminded that records of work should be kept and submitted annually to the Secretary for archival purposes. Confidential material should be noted, so that it can be handled in a confidential manner.
Past Members
Current and past Committee members
- ECBT minutes, 11/88
- Council minutes, 01/91, 01/07, 4/10, 01/21
- created 12/13/89; updated 10/31/90; updated 920818 by RMF with method of appointing members; Council approved IMS participation 910107; updated 8/24/94; 5/04/95; 3/01/99;1/07; 8/09;3/10; 4/10;10/13 Misc Info, Note to Chair, membership, 1/21/21 Council approved AWM, CWS, & NAM participation and Misc Info.
Council Actions
- Council Minutes, January 2022, Item 5.1
- The Council approved making AWM, CWS, and NAM voting members of the committee.
- Council Minutes, January 2021, Item 4.6.6
- The Council approved CoProf’s recommendation to add to the Joint Data Committee three non-voting members with staggered three-year terms, respectively to be designated by the Association for Women in Mathematics, the Caucus for Women in Statistics, and the National Association of Mathematicians
- The Council approved changing the section of JTDATA’s Charge on Miscellaneous Information that required that the Committee meet face-to-face annually and approved the recommendation that all future JTDATA meetings be held virtually, rather than in person.
- Council Minutes, April 2010, Item 7.2
- The name of the AMS‑ASA‑IMS‑MAA‑SIAM Data Committee has been changed to delete “IMS” from the title. The Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) will continue to support the Annual Survey but no longer will send a representative to the Joint Data Committee. Due to its financial support of the project, the IMS initials will appear on the Annual Survey reports.
- Council Minutes, January 2007, Item 3.1
- Council approved changing the committee name to the AMS-ASA-IMS-MAA-SIAM Data Committee. The Committee makes policy about the collection of data, but does not actually carry out data collection, and this change removes explicit reference to the annual survey it the title.
- Council Minutes, January 1992, Item 2.1
- The Council approved participation of IMS in the Annual Survey and concomitant membership on the AMS-MAA Data Committee.
- Council Minutes, August, 1989, Item 4.5.2
- The Council adopted the following recommendations of the AMS-MAA Committee on Employment and Education Policy (CEEP):
- Effective January 1, 1990, the Data Subcommittee become a standing AMS-MAA committee, with representation from each society. Societies are expected to continue appropriate support of the Committee and the annual AMS-MAA Survey.
- SIAM participation. SIAM be invited to participate actively in the standing Data Committee.
- Employment Concerns Subcommittee. The Employment Concerns Subcommittee be disbanded.