Working in tandem with related organizations to advance research, promote education, and strengthen the mathematical community.
Every year we provide monetary, administrative, and other in-kind support to a range of organizations that share our interest in the mathematical sciences.
With them, we extend our work in fulfilling our mission and serving as a resource for mathematicians in all stages of their careers.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition |
Count on Stats | An initiative from the American Statistical Association that provides a strong, independent, and non-partisan voice in support of the federal statistical system. Together, we advocate for the 13 federal statistical agencies — including Bureau of Economic Analysis — and the nation's data infrastructure. |
Golden Goose Award | Recognizing STEM research that leads to major breakthroughs |
Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS) | Promoting understanding and cooperation among professional societies, to work together and support each other in promoting research, improving education, and expanding the uses of mathematics |
Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) | Recognizing communicators who bring mathematical ideas to non-mathematical audiences with the JPBM Award |
Task Force on American Innovation (TFAI) | Advocacy for sustained and robust federal investment in scientific research |
Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) | Advocacy efforts to increase national investment in NSF research and education programs |
STEM Education Coalition | Advocacy efforts to raise policymakers' awareness about the critical role that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education plays in enabling the U.S. to remain an economic and technological leader. |
Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment | Academic and professional societies working to fulfill their roles as standard setters for excellence in their discipline, addressing sexual harassment in all its forms and intersectionalities |
Engaging Scientists & Engineers in Policy (ESEP) Coalition | Empowering scientists and engineers to effectively engage in the policymaking process at all levels of government |
MathSafe | A program by and for the mathematical community to support a safe and welcoming environment at meetings |
Mathematics Genealogy Project (MGP) | Compilation of information about mathematicians worldwide and through history |
The International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) | ICIAM membership helps advance the applications of mathematics in all parts of the world |
Mathematical Council of the Americas | Promoting the development of mathematics, in all its aspects, throughout the continent |
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) | Corporate membership and silver sponsorship of AWM Research Symposium; partial travel funding to the Research Symposium for women graduate student presenters, preferably to those from the Americas, and/or who are undocumented, and are not eligible for federal funding. |
National Association of Mathematicians (NAM) | Institutional membership and support for undergraduates to attend the NAM MathFest conference |
Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives (CESSE) | Membership in this professional organization for leaders of science and engineering societies in the USA. |
Prison Mathematics Project | Occasional AMS book donations to individuals selected by Prison Mathematics Project, to help achieve their goal of supporting incarcerated individuals in mathematics studies and connecting them to the wider math community. |
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) | Sponsor of the USA Math Olympiad and six participants in Project NExT |
Pi Mu Epsilon (PME) | Prizes for outstanding student mathematics talks at PME’s annual conference held in conjunction with MAA MathFest |
Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Program (EDGE) | Unique lead sponsor for 25th Anniversary of EDGE October 2023 conference : "Mobilizing the Power of Diversity." Scholarships for the summer bridge program for female graduate students in the mathematical sciences |
OURFA2M2 | Sponsorship of OURFA2M2 (Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement in Academia of Marginalized Mathematicians) 2-day meeting. |
BIG Math Network | Collaborating to promote careers in business, industry, and government to mathematical scientists and students |
Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI) | Supporting paraDIGMS - Diversity in Graduate Mathematical Sciences program. |
National Math Alliance | Supporter of Field of Dreams conference, to encourage underrepresented students to pursue graduate studies in mathematics |
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) | Sponsorship supports mathematics speakers at the SACNAS annual meeting |
International Mathematical Union | The Volunteer Lecturer Program coordinates mathematicians to run short courses in under-developed countries. |
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)/Simons-Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute | Co-sponsor of 2021 MSRI Workshop on Mathematics and Racial Justice |
Spectra | Corporate member in organization for LGBTQ+ mathematicians and allies. |
Mathematically Gifted and Black | Supporting the work of Mathematically Gifted and Black in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the mathematics community. |
National Math Alliance | Support for the Field of Dreams conference, to encourage and support under-represented students to pursue graduate studies in mathematics. This is for participant support. |
The Sylvia T. Bozeman Predoctoral Fellowship | Supporting the Sylvia T. Bozeman Predoctoral Fellowship. This fellowship is named in honor of Dr. Sylvia T. Bozeman, a champion and advocate for women and minorities in the mathematical sciences |
Lathisms | Supporting the work of Lathisms in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the mathematics community. |
Mathematics Research and Mentoring Program (Math RaMP) | Supporting the work of the Mathematics Research and Mentoring Program (Math RaMP) at Spelman College in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the mathematics community. |
The Directed Reading Program | Supporting the work of the joint Directed Reading Program (DRP) at Morehouse College and Spelman College in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the mathematics community. |
Association of College & Research Libraries Conference (ACRL) | Maintaining a strong relationships with librarians, who help support MathSciNet and journal subscriptions |
STM for RA21 | Helping optimize user experience by developing network security and user-privacy protocols |
STIX fonts | A comprehensive font set of mathematical symbols and alphabets to serve the scientific publication community |
PAM Division SLA | Government advocacy for libraries and math publishers |
Society Publishers' Coalition | Membership working to realize a sustainable, efficient transition to open scholarship. |
TeX Users Group (TUG) | The TeX typesetting system, and TUG LaTex Projects to support the amsmath package |
Apache Software Foundation | Development of Apache software |
Greenshot | Development of Greenshot software |
ubuntu | Ubuntu community projects |
ORCID | ORCID author IDs, a digital identifier to uniquely identify scientific authors |
CLOCKSS | A joint venture helping ensure protection of the world’s e-content |
ITHAKA PORTICO | Helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record |
MathJax | Displaying mathematical notation in web browsers |
arXiv | Open access to a resource of more than 1.5 million e-prints |
Crossref | Making research outputs easy to find, cite, link and assess |
Scientific, Technical, Medical Publishers (STM) | The global voice of scholarly publishing |
ALPSP | Publishing scholarly and professional content with the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) |
SSP | Promoting and advancing communication and networking among all sectors of the scholarly communications community with the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) |
CHORUS | Development and implementation of pragmatic methods to provide access to scholarly articles that report on publically funded research |
National Information Standards Organization (NISO) | Those who identifies, develops, maintains, and publishes technical standards to manage information. |