AMS Congressional Fellowship

The American Mathematical Society (AMS), in conjunction with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), sponsors this fellowship. It includes an orientation on congressional and executive branch operations, and a year-long seminar series on issues involving science, technology and public policy. The AMS Congressional Fellow spends a year working on the staff of either a member of Congress or a congressional committee, working in legislative and policy areas requiring scientific and technical input.

Another important Fellowship that mathematical scientists are encouraged to apply for, at the same time as the AMS Congressional Fellowship, is the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship program. AAAS Fellows serve in Congress or in an Executive branch agency. (Note that the AAAS fellowship deadline is earlier than the AMS deadline; the AAAS application portal on their website is open June 1–Nov 1).

The AMS Congressional Fellow will bring his/her/their technical background and external perspective to the decision-making process in Congress. Prospective Fellows must be cognizant of and demonstrate sensitivity toward political and social issues and have a strong interest in applying personal knowledge toward solutions to societal problems.

Applications are invited from individuals in the mathematical sciences. Applicants must have a PhD or an equivalent doctoral-level degree by the application deadline of February 1. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Federal employees are not eligible.

For the September 2025-August 2026 Fellowship year, the stipend will be US$105,812, with allowances for relocation and professional travel, plus a contribution toward health insurance.

Applications are accepted through February 1, 2025. To apply, submit a 2-3 page statement expressing interest and qualifications for the AMS Congressional Fellowship, as well as a current curriculum vitae. Candidates should also have three letters of recommendation sent to the AMS by the February 1, 2025 deadline.

Apply Here

Next application deadline: February 1, 2025

The fellowship definitely will strengthen my communication skills, and will allow me to apply general logic and analysis skills in a different setting than what I've been used to.” – Ellen Urheim, AMS Congressional Fellow 2023-2024Dr. Ellen Urheim

AMS Congressional Fellows:

  • 2014-15: Boris Granovskiy, Office of Senator Al Franken (MN)
  • 2013-14: Karen Saxe, Office of Senator Al Franken (MN) see "My Year in the United States Senate"
  • 2012-13: Carla D. Cotwright-Williams, Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee
  • 2011-12: Richard Yamada, Office of Senator John Boozman (AR), read "My Year on Capitol Hill: 5 Lessons I Have Learned"
  • 2010-11: Hugh MacMillan, Office of Senator Robert Menendez (NJ)
  • 2009-10: Katherine Crowley, Office of Senator Al Franken (MN)
  • 2008-09: James Rath, Office of Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (TX)
  • 2007-08: Jeffry Phan, Office of Senator Jeff Bingaman (NM)
  • 2006-07: Daniel Ullman, House Science Committee, read "What Does an AMS Congressional Fellow Do?"
  • 2005-06: David Weinreich, Office of Rep. Robert Andrews (NJ)