2015 Summer Research Institute on Algebraic Geometry
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
July 13–31, 2015
The forty-fifth Summer Research Institute is sponsored by the American Mathematical Society in collaboration with the Clay Mathematics Institute. It will be devoted to algebraic geometry and will be held at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 13–31, 2014.
Organizing Committee
The members of the Organizing Committee are Tommaso de Fernex, University of Utah; Brendan Hassett, Rice University; Mircea Mustata, University of Michigan; Martin Olsson, University of California, Berkeley, Mihnea Popa, Northwestern University; and Richard Thomas, Imperial College. The ex-officio organizers are Ellen Maycock, AMS, and Nick Woodhouse, Clay Mathematics Institute.
The goal of the three-week institute is to review major achievements in and around algebraic geometry in the past decade, and bring the attendants to the forefront of the relevant subjects. The three weeks will be roughly focused respectively on
—analytic methods, birational geometry and classification, commutative algebra and computational geometry, Hodge theory, singularities, and characteristic p methods;
—derived algebraic geometry, derived categories, geometric representation theory, Gromov-Witten and Donaldson-Thomas theories, mirror symmetry, tropical geometry;
—algebraic cycles, cohomology theories, p-adic Hodge theory, rational points and Diophantine problems, topology of algebraic varieties.
The institute will be generally modeled on the 2005 Summer Research Institute held at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, with plenary lecture series in the mornings, and seminar series in the afternoons. The plenary speakers will be Tom Bridgeland, University of Sheffield; Serge Cantat, Université de Rennes I; Simon Donaldson, Imperial College London/Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook; Hélène Esnault, Freie Universität Berlin; Mark Gross, Cambridge University; Christopher Hacon, University of Utah; Mark Kisin, Harvard University; Maxim Kontsevich, IHES; Jacob Lurie, Harvard University; James McKernan, University of California at San Diego; Bao Châu Ngô, University of Chicago; Andrei Okounkov, Columbia University; Rahul Pandharipande, ETH Zurich; Peter Scholze, Universität Bonn; Claire Voisin, l'École Polytechnique; and Shou-Wu Zhang, Princeton University.
The institute will be partially funded by a combination of grants from the National Security Agency, the National Science Foundation, and the Simons Foundation. Support will primarily be given for travel and subsistence to young researchers, women, minorities, and other underrepresented groups. Other participants who wish to apply for support funds should so indicate. However, available funds are limited, and individuals who can obtain support from other sources are encouraged to do so. Funding is contingent upon the grants mentioned above.
More Information
The site maintained by the organizers is located at https://sites.google.com/site/2015summerinstitute/.
General Housing and Registration Information
This conference is by invitation only. General housing and registration information is located at meetings/amsconf/summerinst15-info.
Questions concerning the scientific program should be addressed to the organizers at algebraic.geometry.2015@gmail.com. Questions of a nonscientific nature should be directed to the Summer Research Institute coordinator, Robin Hagan Aguiar, rha@ams.org.
Ancillary Events
There will be a graduate student boot camp during the preceding week, July 6–10. For details, please visit http://www.math.utah.edu/~defernex/Bootcamp2015/home.html.