Meetings and Conferences Held in Cooperation with AMS
This program has been discontinued. The 03 January 2017 Council voted to end the "Meetings in Cooperation with the AMS" Program. The AMS occasionally cooperates with meetings and or conferences of other societies and other groups for specific scientific/engineering purposes. In cooperation, the AMS provides publicity for the events in its publications and on its website. The Society trusts that its cooperation helps promote scientific interaction and dialogue across disciplines. The AMS will agree to cooperate with events only if they have components of a mathematical nature. Any request for cooperation should be made early enough that arrangements can be made for an AMS representative to serve on the scientific program or planning committee; ordinarily the request should reach the Secretary at least 9 months before the conference begins." The AMS also expects to have right of first refusal on publication of any conference proceedings. Please note that with its cooperation the Society does not provide any direct financial support. "Guidelines for Arranging Meetings in Cooperation with the AMS Groups" is posted at Groups and organizations interested in obtaining cooperation from the AMS for their event should contact the AMS secretary ( Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 20169th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries, November 4-6, 2016, Mandalay University, Mandalay, Myanmar Indian Mathematics Consortium, December 14-17, 2016, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India Past Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMSMeetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2015
Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2014
Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2013
Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2012
Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2011Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science, July 25-29, 2011, Waterloo, Canada Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2010
Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2009Workshop extending the Conference on Geometric Topology in 3 and 4 Dimensions (in honor of Martin Scharlemann). The Workshop was on June 26-29, 2009, and like the Conference honoring Scharlemann, it was hosted by UC Davis. Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2008Tenth Conference on p-adic and Non-Archimedean Analysis, June 30-July 3, 2008, Michigan State University Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2007Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics Short Course Sparse Representations and High Dimensional Geometry Conference, held in conjunction with the AMS 2007 Von Neumann Symposium, May 30-June 1, 2007, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2006
Meetings and Conferences in Cooperation with AMS for 2004Methods of Logic in Mathematics: Algebra and Geometry Meeting, June 1-7, 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia |