Why Publish with the AMS?

  • We are mathematicians.The AMS is one of the world’s leading publishers of mathematical literature. As a professional society of mathematicians, we publish books and journals for the advancement of science and mathematics. Consequently, our publications meet the highest professional standards for their content and production.

  • Expertise. Our editorial boards consist of experienced mathematicians. The AMS production staff is talented and experienced at producing high-quality books and journals. The author support group consists of experts in TeX, graphics, and other aspects of the production of mathematical manuscripts.

  • Supporting mathematics. The AMS publication program is a part of our broader activities. The revenue it generates helps support our other professional activities. Thus, publishing with the AMS benefits the mathematical community.
Books   Journals
  • Reputation. The AMS has published books since 1905. By publishing with the AMS, your book becomes a part of one of the most respected collections of mathematical literature in the world.

  • Promotion. When we promote our books, we already know our readers through our extensive programs with mathematicians. We also enjoy long-standing relationships and good reputations with libraries and institutes. We promote and sell our books throughout the world through our own marketing and advertising, and through partnerships with regional organizations throughout the world.

  • Pricing. The prices of AMS books are competitive, with discounts available to individual and institutional members. With our reasonable pricing policy, mathematicians and libraries can afford our books. At the same time, we are able to offer attractive royalties to our authors.

  • Permanence. The AMS keeps its monographs and textbooks in print indefinitely. This means that you do not have to worry about your book going out of print within a few years of publication.
  • Reputation. The AMS has published journals since 1891. Currently, AMS journals are among the most prestigious mathematical journals in the world.

  • Expertise. High-quality editorial boards and consistent high scientific standards in refereeing and accepting articles allows us to maintain and further improve the reputation of AMS journals.

  • Distribution. World-wide distribution puts AMS journals into mathematical libraries of colleges and universities around the world.

  • Pricing. Subscription prices for AMS journals are among the lowest in the sector and serve as models to other publishers to moderate their prices.

  • Online. We offer searchable electronic versions of all our journals. Bibliographic information, abstracts, and full reference lists with links to Mathematical Reviews® are freely available. Articles are published electronically before appearing in print, thus lowering the publication time.



If you have a book project that you would like to submit to the AMS, we would be glad to hear from you. Please fill out this form, email us, or send mail to:

Acquisitions Department
American Mathematical Society
201 Charles Street
Providence, RI  02904-2213 USA