Additional Material for the Book

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Lessons in Geometry: I. Plane Geometry
Jacques Hadamard
Publication Year: 2009
ISBN-10: 0-8218-4367-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-4367-3

List of Errors (posted 8/11)


This website contains 25 Texas Instruments TI-Nspire™ interactive documents to accompany the book. 

Developed for (and using) the latest TI technology, these TI-Nspire documents offer a unique way to interact with your new textbook.  

Many documents link multiple problems together, and the file names reflect those connections.

The TI-Nspire (.tns) files are optimized to run on any TI-Nspire or TI-Nspire CAS handheld, as well as on TI-Nspire or TI-Nspire CAS Computer Software. 
When using the Computer Software, open the documents in either the Normal view (found in the View Menu) or one of the TI-SmartView™ Emulator Software views.

These documents are designed to be used by novice and veteran TI-Nspire users alike.

And if this is the first time you've heard about TI-Nspire technology, here is a very brief introduction:  TI-Nspire technology is the first learning technology to offer both handhelds and computer software in both numeric and symbolic (CAS) configurations.  It provides a new way for students and teachers to explore and interact with mathematics in an integrated environment – one that that features graphing and geometry, lists and spreadsheets, calculator, data collection, intuitive interface, helpful templates and more.

Download the free 90-day trial version here. If you do not already have a copy of the software installed, it will automatically load on your computer as a 90-day trial.

Should you have any questions about the files, please contact Texas Instruments Customer Care at 1-800-TI-CARES or  For more information on TI-Nspire technology, please visit, or contact us at the phone number or email address above.  Thank you!


Here is a .zip file containing all problem files

Below all of the problems files are listed separately, including the Read Me file and Introduction.

Read me file - Text format
Problems 8, 9, 10.tns
Problems 13, 14, 15.tns
Problems 19, 20.tns
Problem 21.tns
Problems 26, 41, 109.tns
Problem 38.tns
Problem 40.tns
Problems 44, 309.tns
Problems 50, 60.tns
Problems 58, 65.tns
Problem 62.tns
Problem 72.tns
Problems 87, 88.tns
Problems 90b, 91.tns
Problems 96, 122.tns
Problems 99, 269.tns
Problems 105, 363.tns
Problems 126, 116, 167.tns
Problems 137, 128.tns
Problem 147.tns
Problems 148, 319.tns
Problems 163, 164, 303.tns
Problems 174, 291.tns
Problems 183, 305.tns
Problems 298, 301.tns