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Layer Potential Techniques in Spectral Analysis
Habib Ammari, Hyeonbae Kang, and Hyundae Lee
Publication Year: 2009
ISBN-10: 0-8218-4784-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-4784-8
Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 153

This page is maintained by the authors.

Contact information:

Habib Ammari
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau, France
Email: Habib Ammari

Hyeonbae Kang
Inha University
Department of Mathematics
Incheon, 402-751
South Korea
Email: Hyeonbae Kang

Hyundae Lee
Inha University
Department of Mathematics
Incheon, 402-751
South Korea
Email: Hyundae Lee

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