Additional Material for the Book
Book Web Pages | AMS Bookstore The Number $\pi$
Pierre Eymard and Jean-Pierre Lafon
Publication Year: 2004
ISBN: 0-8218-3246-8
This page is maintained by the authors.
Contact information:
- Jean-Pierre Lafon
- 5, rue Andre Theuriet
- 92340 Bourg la Reine, France
The cover is based on the pictureCaptured © J.V.Schmidt. Thepicture is produced using the Magic PiWorld software. The software which uses thedigits of p, plus some parameters that are set by the user. The final pictures are the result of running the software several times to produce different layers and, if necessary, some final photo-editing. More details about making pictures with the software are availablehere. You can find many more pictures, more information, software and more at the remarkableMagic PiWorld website.
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