Proposals for Contemporary Mathematics (CONM)
Publication of Conference Proceedings
This series of high-quality, refereed proceedings written by recognized experts in their fields maintains high scientific standards. Volumes draw from worldwide conferences and symposia.
Proposals for the publication of conference proceedings are reviewed by the Contemporary Mathematics (CONM) Editorial Committee. The Managing Editor of CONM requests conference organizers to submit as much information as possible about the conference, including:
- title of conference;
- list of speakers and titles of talks including a list of who has agreed to submit a manuscript (this information is required);
- abstracts (if available);
- who will serve as editor(s);
- a clear description of the thematic focus of the volume and how it fits in with current research trends;
- a statement regarding the volume's place in the literature and interest to graduate students and young researchers.
Organizers/editors are encouraged to include some expository articles that give an overview of and new developments in the particular field of focus.
Proposals should be directed to the AMS Acquisitions team, via email at acquisitions at . Questions regarding the status of projects under consideration should also be directed there.
Initial approval, in most cases, is considered to be provisional; final approval is granted after receipt and review (by the CONM Editorial Committee) of referee reports for all papers.
The minimum number of pages for a volume is 150 and, the Society limits proceedings volumes to 350 pages.
Preliminary papers (to be published elsewhere in final form) or summaries of results previously published or soon to appear are not acceptable for inclusion in a proceedings volume unless specific approval from the AMS has been sought and obtained. This was approved by the Society's Executive Committee and Board of Trustees (ECBT) in May 1993.
Manuscript preparation requirements
CONM is published as a dual product in both print and electronic formats. The AMS will provide contributors with detailed manuscript preparation instructions.
The Society promotes consistency among papers within a volume and has consequently developed an author package for the series (Contemporary Mathematics proceedings) in AMS-LaTeX (compatible with LaTeX2e) which properly formats manuscripts. It is available, free of charge, from the AMS web site: The AMS has both pre-production and technical support staff available to answer questions about the formatting of papers.
Submission deadline requirements
The ECBT has established guidelines to affect the policy of rapid publication of conference proceedings; timeliness of the publication of research material is essential. Editors are required by the ECBT to set the manuscript submission deadline from three to at most five months after the volume receives provisional approval. The completed volume (refereed and accepted papers) should be submitted to the AMS within twelve months from the date of preliminary acceptance.
The AMS will write to contributors on behalf of the volume editor(s) giving submission deadlines, information on which editor(s) to submit their manuscripts, and instructions on the preparation of manuscripts.
When the refereeing process is complete, the referee reports should be sent to the Acquisitions team and they will forward them to the Chairman of the CONM Editorial Committee for final review and approval of the volume. Production cannot begin until the volume has received final approval.
Responsibilities of the volume editors
- Set deadlines for manuscript submission (usually 3 but no more than 5 months after after the volume receives provisional approval);
- Referee papers; editors can designate a referee(s) or do it themselves. Copies of all reports are required for approval;
- Notify authors of acceptance or rejection of a paper;
- Prepare the preface/introduction and table of contents using a special tex package (AMS will strip in page numbers);
- Provide both primary and secondary 2020 Mathematics Subject Classifications that apply to the entire volume (no more than 10);
- Provide final volume title and a short title for use on the spine of the cover, if necessary.
- Inform the AMS of any travel schedule prior to and during production of the volume; we may require your assistance.
Responsibilities of the AMS
- Write to contributors on behalf of the volume editor(s) regarding submission deadlines and instructions for preparation of manuscripts (the editors(s) are asked to provide a list of invited authors and their email addresses);
- Make available (free of charge) the AMS-LaTeX version of the CONM author package;
- Handle, upon request by the editor(s), any follow-up correspondence with contributors that might be necessary with regard to extending manuscript submission deadlines;
- Provide to authors a complimentary copy of the printed book and electronic access to a free downloadable and printable PDF version of their article;
- Provide to the editor(s) 6 complimentary copies of the volume, to be divided among multiple editors as necessary, with a minimum of 2 per editor.