Institutional Membership
Accredited universities and colleges in North America (United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean) are eligible for Institutional Membership. Membership is available to institutions with or without graduate programs in mathematics and to two-year colleges with varying membership benefits and dues. See a complete roster of participating institutions. Institutions are not eligible to serve on AMS governance.
Contact AMS Customer Service to get signed up or renewed as an Institutional Member.
Institutional Member Benefits
Special Rates:
AMS Domestic Institutional Members and Two-Year Institutional Members: Receive a free print copy of the new edition of What’s Happening in Mathematics when it is published during the time that your institutional membership is valid.* This book is a collection of articles highlighting some of the most recent developments in mathematics and is ideal for your department library. The book will be mailed to your noted ship-to address when the newest edition is ready for shipping. *Not applicable for International Institutional Members
- 20% off most AMS books and journals in our highly respected collection of mathematical literature (one discount per title; the publication purchased is not for resale).
- 20% off AMS/MAA Press titles for domestic institutional members
- 20% off AMS eBook Collections
- 16% off MathSciNet®, the premier AMS service for searching almost 3 million items and over 1.7 million direct links to original articles of mathematical sciences literature.*
- 20% off advertising rates in AMS publications such as the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, the Society's journal of record with circulation of more than 30,000.
- 20% off Mailing lists rental. Our list of mathematicians and other scientists is quite likely the richest source of researchers and educators you'll find anywhere.
- Access to the AMS Graduate Student Chapter Program
- Discounted registration fees for the Workshop for Department Chairs and Leaders, JMM Employment Center, JMM Graduate School Fair, JMM Career Fair, and Online Fall Virtual Graduate School Fair.
- AMS Undergraduate Opportunity Awards are available to students at randomly selected institutional members.
*The discount is available to all departments and libraries on the same campus, provided orders are placed either directly with the AMS or through a participating agent.
Complimentary Subscriptions:
- Two complimentary subscriptions to Notices of the American Mathematical Society
- Two complimentary subscriptions to Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society
- One complimentary subscription to Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
Complimentary Nominee Memberships (Graduate Students and Faculty)
- Nominee Members are individuals (graduate students and faculty) appointed by the department of mathematics of member institutions and are considered regular individual members of the Society who do not pay dues during the period they are nominated.
Institutional Membership Dues
Annual dues of Institutional Members are set by action of the Council of the Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society and are based on the level of mathematical activity at the institution. The AMS membership year extends from January through December. Contact us to inquire about joining as an institution.