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A Tribute to Emil Grosswald: Number Theory and Related Analysis
About this Title
Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
1993; Volume 143
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-5155-5 (print); 978-0-8218-7734-0 (online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/143
MathSciNet review: 1210504
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- David Bressoud, Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn – In appreciation of Emil Grosswald [MR 1210505]
- Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn – Ph.D. students of Emil Grosswald [MR 1210506]
- Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn – Publications of Emil Grosswald [MR 1210507]
- Gert Almkvist – A rather exact formula for the number of plane partitions [MR 1210508]
- George E. Andrews – On Ramanujan’s empirical calculation for the Rogers-Ramanujan identities [MR 1210509]
- Paul T. Bateman – Integers expressible in a given number of ways as a sum of two squares [MR 1210510]
- Bruce C. Berndt and James Lee Hafner – A theorem of Ramanujan on certain alternating series [MR 1210511]
- David M. Bressoud and Shi-Yuan Wei – Combinatorial equivalence of definitions of the Schur function [MR 1210512]
- Nancy Celniker, Steven Poulos, Audrey Terras, Cindy Trimble and Elinor Velasquez – Is there life on finite upper half planes? [MR 1210513]
- Yj. Choie and D. Zagier – Rational period functions for $\mathrm {PSL}(2, \mathbf {Z})$ [MR 1210514]
- L. Alayne Parson – Rational period functions and indefinite binary quadratic forms. III [MR 1210515]
- D. V. Chudnovsky and G. V. Chudnovsky – Hypergeometric and modular function identities, and new rational approximations to and continued fraction expansions of classical constants and functions [MR 1210516]
- Harvey Cohn – Orbital modular equations [MR 1210517]
- Boris A. Datskovsky – A mean-value theorem for class numbers of quadratic extensions [MR 1210518]
- Francine Delmer and Jean-Marc Deshouillers – On a generalization of Farey sequences. I [MR 1361694]
- Harold G. Diamond, H. Halberstam and H.-E. Richert – Sieve auxiliary functions. II [MR 1210519]
- W. Duke and H. Iwaniec – A relation between cubic exponential and Kloosterman sums [MR 1210520]
- Leon Ehrenpreis – Function theory for Rogers-Ramanujan-like partition identities [MR 1210521]
- P. Erdős, D. J. Newman and J. Knappenberger – Forcing two sums simultaneously [MR 1210522]
- Ronald J. Evans, Kenneth B. Stolarsky and John J. Wavrik – Difference polynomials [MR 1210523]
- Jane E. Friedman – An application of Ehrenpreis’s basis method to the Rogers-Ramanujan identities [MR 1210524]
- Janos Galambos – Extensions of some extremal properties of prime divisors to Poisson limit theorems [MR 1210525]
- Ellen Gethner – Rational period functions with irrational poles are not Hecke eigenfunctions [MR 1210526]
- Dorian Goldfeld and Jeffrey Hoffstein – On the number of Fourier coefficients that determine a modular form [MR 1210527]
- S. M. Gonek – An explicit formula of Landau and its applications to the theory of the zeta-function [MR 1210528]
- Basil Gordon and Kim Hughes – Multiplicative properties of $\eta$-products. II [MR 1210529]
- Michael Grady and Morris Newman – Counting subgroups of given index in Hecke groups [MR 1210530]
- James Lee Hafner, Peter Sarnak and Kevin McCurley – Relatively prime values of polynomials [MR 1210531]
- Peter Hagis, Jr. – A new proof that every odd triperfect number has at least twelve prime factors [MR 1210532]
- John H. Hawkins and Marvin I. Knopp – A Hecke-Weil correspondence theorem for automorphic integrals on $\Gamma _0(N)$, with arbitrary rational period functions [MR 1210533]
- J. Lehner – Lagrange’s theorem for Hecke triangle groups [MR 1210534]
- M. Ram Murty and V. Kumar Murty – Base change and the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture [MR 1210535]
- D. J. Newman – A “natural” proof of the nonvanishing of $L$-series [MR 1210536]
- Andrew M. Odlyzko and Chris M. Skinner – Nonexistence of Siegel zeros in towers of radical extensions [MR 1210537]
- L. Alayne Parson – Modular integrals and indefinite binary quadratic forms [MR 1210538]
- Robert A. Rankin – Diagonalizing Eisenstein series. II [MR 1210539]
- David Rosen – Multiplier systems for the Hecke groups $G(\sqrt 2)$ and $G(\sqrt 3)$ [MR 1210540]
- Mark Sheingorn – Low height Hecke triangle group geodesics [MR 1210541]
- Thomas R. Shemanske and Lynne H. Walling – On the Shimura lift for Hilbert modular forms [MR 1210542]
- H. M. Stark – Dirichlet’s class-number formula revisited [MR 1210543]
- Doron Zeilberger – Closed form (pun intended!) [MR 1210544]
- Doron Zeilberger – Gert Almkvist’s generalization of a mistake of Bourbaki [MR 1210545]