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Algebra and Computer Science
About this Title
Delaram Kahrobaei, CUNY Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, NY, Bren Cavallo, CUNY Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, NY and David Garber, Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2016; Volume 677
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-2303-2 (print); 978-1-4704-3587-5 (online)
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Frédérique Bassino, Cyril Nicaud and Pascal Weil – Generic properties of subgroups of free groups and finite presentations
- Chi Sing Chum and Xiaowen Zhang – A new multi-server scheme for private information retrieval
- Chi Sing Chum, Benjamin Fine, Anja I. S. Moldenhauer, Gerhard Rosenberger and Xiaowen Zhang – On secret sharing protocols
- Maggie E. Habeeb – A verifiable secret sharing scheme using non-abelian groups
- Arkadius Kalka – Non-associative public-key cryptography
- Arkadius Kalka and Mina Teicher – Non-associative key establishment protocols and their implementation
- Daniel König, Markus Lohrey and Georg Zetzsche – Knapsack and subset sum problems in nilpotent, polycyclic, and co-context-free groups
- Anja I. S. Moldenhauer, Gerhard Rosenberger and Kristina Rosenthal – On the Tits alternative for a class of finitely presented groups with a special focus on symbolic computations
- Andrew Sale – Geometry of the conjugacy problem in lamplighter groups
- Armin Weiß – A logspace solution to the word and conjugacy problem of generalized Baumslag-Solitar groups
- Serena Yuan – Cryptographic hash functions from sequences of lifted Paley graphs