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Monte Carlo Methods
About this Title
Neal Madras, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada, Editor
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
2000; Volume 26
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-1992-0 (print); 978-1-4704-3050-4 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1772302
MSC: Primary 65-06; Secondary 65C05
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Bernd Berg – Introduction to multicanonical Monte Carlo simulations
- Florentina Bunea and Julian Besag – MCMC in $I \times J \times K$ contingency tables
- James Fill, Motoya Machida, Duncan Murdoch and Jeffrey Rosenthal – Extension of Fill’s perfect rejection sampling algorithm to general chains (Extended abstract)
- Karl Jansen – Taming zero modes in lattice QCD with the polynomial hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm
- A. Kennedy – Monte Carlo algorithms and non-local actions
- Xiao-Li Meng – Towards a more general Propp-Wilson algorithm: Multistage backward coupling
- Antonietta Mira and Charles Geyer – On non-reversible Markov chains
- D. Murdoch – Exact sampling for Bayesian inference: Unbounded state spaces
- Gareth Roberts and Jeffrey Rosenthal – Recent progress on computable bounds and the simple slice sampler
- Stuart Whittington – MCMC methods in statistical mechanics: Avoiding quasi-ergodic problems
- David Wilson – Layered multishift coupling for use in perfect sampling algorithms (with a primer on CFTP)
- Håkan Ljung – Introduction to semi Markov chain Monte Carlo
- A. Dabrowski, G. Lamothe and D. McDonald – Accelerated simulation of ATM switching fabrics
- Andrew Runnalls – Some stratagems for the estimation of time series using the Metropolis method
- Tereza Vrbová – Monte Carlo study of adsorption of interacting self-avoiding walks