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Glimpses of Soliton Theory: The Algebra and Geometry of Nonlinear PDEs
About this Title
Alex Kasman, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC
Publication: The Student Mathematical Library
Publication Year
2010: Volume 54
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-5245-3 (print); 978-1-4704-1637-9 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR2731261
MSC: Primary 37K10; Secondary 14H70, 35Q51, 37K20, 37K25, 37K40
Table of Contents
Front/Back Matter
- Chapter 1. Differential equations
- Chapter 2. Developing PDE intuition
- Chapter 3. The story of solitons
- Chapter 4. Elliptic curves and KdV traveling waves
- Chapter 5. KdV $n$-solitons
- Chapter 6. Multiplying and factoring differential operators
- Chapter 7. Eigenfunctions and isospectrality
- Chapter 8. Lax form for KdV and other soliton equations
- Chapter 9. The KP equation and bilinear KP equation
- Chapter 10. The Grassmann cone $\Gamma _{2,4}$ and the bilinear KP equation
- Chapter 11. Pseudo-differential operators and the KP hierarchy
- Chapter 12. The Grassman cone $\Gamma _{k,n}$ and the bilinear KP hierarchy
- Chapter 13. Concluding remarks
- Appendix A. Mathematica guide
- Appendix B. Complex numbers
- Appendix C. Ideas for independent projects