AMS Presidents Browse through the timeline of AMS presidents since 1888
Early AMS presidents had been awarded honorary PhDs, and several were born or trained outside the U.S. Some came from humble backgrounds, others from families of privilege. Some stayed at the same institution for decades; others traveled the world to do research, give talks, and represent the AMS. Most worked in academia, and a few worked in applied mathematics; some trained in well-known mathematics departments, others at small colleges. We are thankful for their service to the mathematical community.
KRA, Bryna , 2023-2024
CHARNEY, Ruth , 2021-2022
PIPHER, Jill , 2019-2020
RIBET, Kenneth A. , 2017-2018
BRYANT, Robert L. , 2015-2016
VOGAN, David A. Jr. , 2013-2014
FRIEDLANDER, Eric M. , 2011-2012
ANDREWS, George E. , 2009-2010
GLIMM, James G. , 2007-2008
ARTHUR, James G. , 2005-2006
EISENBUD, David , 2003-2004
BASS, Hyman , 2001-2002
BROWDER, Felix E. , 1999-2000
JAFFE, Arthur M. , 1997-1998
MORAWETZ, Cathleen Synge , 1995-1996
GRAHAM, Ronald L. , 1993-1994
ARTIN, Michael , 1991-1992
BROWDER, William , 1989-1990
MOSTOW, George Daniel , 1987-1988
KAPLANSKY, Irving , 1985-1986
ROBINSON, Julia Bowman , 1983-1984
GLEASON, Andrew Mattei , 1981-1982
LAX, Peter David , 1979-1980
BING, R H , 1977-1978
BERS, Lipman , 1975-1976
MAC LANE, Saunders , 1973-1974
JACOBSON, Nathan , 1971-1972
ZARISKI, Oscar , 1969-1970
MORREY, Charles Bradfield Jr. , 1967-1968
ALBERT, Abraham Adrian , 1965-1966
DOOB, Joseph Leo , 1963-1964
MONTGOMERY, Deane , 1961-1962
MCSHANE, Edward James , 1959-1960
BRAUER, Richard Dagobert , 1957-1958
WILDER, Raymond Louis , 1955-1956
WHYBURN, Gordon Thomas , 1953-1954
VON NEUMANN, John , 1951-1952
WALSH, Joseph Leonard , 1949-1950
HILLE, Einar , 1947-1948
HILDEBRANDT, Theophil Henry , 1945-1946
STONE, Marshall Harvey , 1943-1944
MORSE, Harold Calvin Marston , 1941-1942
EVANS, Griffith Conrad , 1939-1940
MOORE, Robert Lee , 1937-1938
LEFSCHETZ, Solomon , 1935-1936
COBLE, Arthur Byron , 1933-1934
EISENHART, Luther Pfahler , 1931-1932
HEDRICK, Earle Raymond , 1929-1930
SNYDER, Virgil , 1927-1928
BIRKHOFF, George David , 1925-1926
VEBLEN, Oswald , 1923-1924
BLISS, Gilbert Ames , 1921-1922
MORLEY, Frank , 1919-1920
DICKSON, Leonard Eugene , 1917-1918
BROWN, Ernest William , 1915-1916
VAN VLECK, Edward Burr , 1913-1914
FINE, Henry Burchard , 1911-1912
BÔCHER, Maxime , 1909-1910
WHITE, Henry Seely , 1907-1908
OSGOOD, William Fogg , 1905-1906
FISKE, Thomas Scott , 1903-1904
MOORE, Eliakim Hastings , 1901-1902
WOODWARD, Robert Simpson , 1899-1900
NEWCOMB, Simon , 1897-1898
HILL, George William , 1895-1896
MCCLINTOCK, John Emory , 1891-1894
VAN AMRINGE, John Howard , 1888-1890