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Perspectives in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: In Honor of Haïm Brezis
About this Title
Henri Berestycki, Michiel Bertsch, Felix E. Browder, Louis Nirenberg, Lambertus A. Peletier and Laurent Véron, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2007; Volume 446
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-4190-7 (print); 978-0-8218-8125-5 (online)
MathSciNet review: 2376733
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Amandine Aftalion – Vortex patterns in Bose Einstein condensates [MR 2373722]
- Antonio Ambrosetti and Andrea Malchiodi – Concentration phenomena for nonlinear Schrödinger equations: recent results and new perspectives [MR 2373723]
- Luigi Ambrosio, Camillo De Lellis and Jan Malý – On the chain rule for the divergence of BV-like vector fields: applications, partial results, open problems [MR 2373724]
- A. Bahri – Compactness [MR 2373725]
- Henri Berestycki and François Hamel – Generalized travelling waves for reaction-diffusion equations [MR 2373726]
- Fabrice Bethuel and David Chiron – Some questions related to the lifting problem in Sobolev spaces [MR 2373727]
- J. Bourgain – Normal forms and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation [MR 2373728]
- Xavier Cabré – Extremal solutions and instantaneous complete blow-up for elliptic and parabolic problems [MR 2373729]
- L. A. Caffarelli and A. Mellet – Capillary drops on an inhomogeneous surface [MR 2373730]
- Peter Constantin – Diffusive Lagrangian transformations, Navier-Stokes equations and applications [MR 2373731]
- Jean-Michel Coron – Some open problems on the control of nonlinear partial differential equations [MR 2376661]
- Lawrence C. Evans – The 1-Laplacian, the $\infty$-Laplacian and differential games [MR 2376662]
- Jean-François Le Gall – Probabilistic approach to a class of semilinear partial differential equations [MR 2376663]
- Ali Haddad and Yves Meyer – Variational methods in image processing [MR 2376664]
- Sergiu Klainerman – Null hypersurfaces with finite curvature flux and a breakdown criterion in general relativity [MR 2376665]
- YanYan Li – Some Liouville theorems and applications [MR 2376666]
- Fanghua Lin and Yisong Yang – Analysis on Faddeev knots and Skyrme solitons: recent progress and open problems [MR 2376667]
- Moshe Marcus and Laurent Veron – The precise boundary trace of positive solutions of the equation $\Delta u=u^q$ in the supercritical case [MR 2376668]
- Hiroshi Matano – Blow-up in nonlinear heat equations with supercritical power nonlinearity [MR 2376669]
- Petru Mironescu – Sobolev maps on manifolds: degree, approximation, lifting [MR 2376670]
- Patrizia Pucci, Berardino Sciunzi and James Serrin – Partial and full symmetry of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations, via the comparison principle [MR 2376671]
- Paul H. Rabinowitz – Single and multi-transition solutions of a family of PDEs [MR 2376672]
- Sylvia Serfaty – Some methods and issues in the dynamics of vortices in the parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equations [MR 2376673]
- Henri Berestycki, Michiel Bertsch, Felix E. Browder, Louis Nirenberg, Lambertus A. Peletier and Laurent Véron – Publications of Haïm Brezis [MR 2376734]